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Most Expensive Vandalism?

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  • #46
    This one will be hard to top....

    At a smaller airport I worked at back in the 80's, the original Frontier airlines had mechanics who used to do everything required on the aircraft overnight so it would be ready for the first flight in the morning. By everything, I mean the maintenance on the A/C as well as the interior cabin cleaning (part of their contract). Well, it would seem that one of the liquor kits was left unlocked and didn't have a tracking plastic tab attached to it (no way to track it without one). Two mechanics decided it would be a good thing to finish cleaning the aircraft, perform the required checks and then party on the airplane until the liquor was gone. At 3A.M. there aren't any flights scheduled in or out so it was a bit unusual when the tower noticed a Frontier airplane powering back the gate (using thrust reversers to back away from the jetway). They couldn't raise anyone on radio using the ground control frequency or the direct tower Freq. on the now taxiing plane so they sent airport security to intercept them. Not certain if the mechanics intended to try to fly the 737-200 or if they were merely out for a joyride, but when whomever was occupying the left seat (Captain's position is the only one with a steering tiller) noticed the airport police, they turned off of the taxiway and into a deep depression that is intended to collect rainwater. The nose gear collapsed and the intakes from both running engines were shoved into the dirt and rocks in that depression. If you've never heard the term FOD before, it stands for 'foreign object damage'...that is a VERY bad thing for a jet engine and they will come completely unglued in microseconds once a foreign object large or solid enough to shatter a compressor blade is ingested. Both engines experienced catastrophic uncontained turbine blade failure (turbine blades shooting through the sides of the engine nacelles and all over hell and back) shortly there after. The fools were lucky in one respect, the wing fuel tanks didn't rupture and the flaming engines went out fairly quickly from all of the dirt they were ingesting.

    The aircraft was a write-off, more damage done to the airframe than was worth fixing,43 million dollars down the drain. The engines were leased and prior to becoming scrap metal had been worth about 3 million USD each, the airline was responsible and liable since it was their mechanics who were at the controls when this nonsense took place.
    Ever wonder why the ORIGINAL Frontier airlines went bankrupt? That incident had a LOT to do with it because they were also fined huge sums of money by the FAA and the airport authority for the closure of the airport for 36 hours while the remains of what had been a 737 were hauled away for scrap.
    Last edited by Freaking_Flyer; 08-19-2006, 03:02 AM. Reason: misspelling
    up, up and away!


    • #47
      zeoquean, I'm guessing you go to UMD? I went there from 2001-2003... I remember one of my friends telling me about that, its pretty crazy they ended up getting scholarships.


      • #48
        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
        Magic, don't you know?
        As the resident magician, I have to say....It wasn't me!!!

        As for the Frontier Airlines incident....I am tempted to say we have a winner for the most expensive vandalism, but I can't quite bring myself to declare these nitwit mechanics the winners for two reasons:

        First, the thread was about vandalism, which generally implies malicious INTENT. In other words, I don't think they win because they probably didn't MEAN to do it...It was more drunken negligence/idiocy than anything. Of course, some will argue that point, and they may have something to their argument, but there is still the other reason I am not ready to declare them the winners.... just know that someone, somewhere, managed to do something even stupider and more expensive. Evolution of the Idiot, don't you know.
        Last edited by Jester; 08-19-2006, 06:41 AM.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #49
          Quoth Jester View Post
 just know that someone, somewhere, managed to do something even stupider and more expensive. Evolution of the Idiot, don't you know.
          i can think of a bigger idot causing more damage right off the top of my head

          i would probably get scolded if i named him though


          • #50
            I don't know if this counts but when I worked security some thieves drove through- literally- the lobby and stole the ATM.

            In one set of double glass and metal doors and out the other.

            Not counting the cost of the ATM- damage done came to $75,000.

            The bank estimated there was less than $200.00 in the machine.
            "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

            ~TechSmith 314
            HellGate: London


            • #51
              Quoth One-Fang View Post
              I didn't keep the other update, but the woman did eventually write a check, and the teenage boy still got his guitar.
              As I recall the last update, they had a guitar come in with bad pickups and they took the ones from one of the damaged ones that the kid thrashed. The boy's father came and bought the one that was repaired with the parts from the destroyed one.

              If memory serves.

              I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


              • #52
                In June of this year 3 teens, 2 14 year olds and a 13 year old, decided to vandalize Rapid Valley Elementary.

                Under SD law the parents can be held liable in civil court for as much as $1500 in damages in each count.

                What the above articles don't mention is that the fire alarm went off between 0200 and 0300 in the morning. FD dispatch screwed up and didn't dispatch trucks when they received the alarm code from the dialer. First they said that the dialer was in service mode and then they said that the dialer didn't send the correct code. The company I work for put the fire alarm in so needless to say we covered our butts by printing out the codes the dialer had sent and it was definately the correct code for 'roll trucks there is a fire in the building'.

                The fire alarm was going off for 3 - 4 hours in a residential area. Why didn't anybody notice?
                Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                I'm a case study.


                • #53
                  Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                  My college nailed every resident in a hall if there was damage to the common area in said hall.
                  Hell, mine doesn't even need real damage. Last year, they tried to charge me and my five suitemates for a missing chair from the common room, saying there were only 3 of a certain kind of chair, rather than 4. This would be fine, except that all six of us filled out room inventories at the beginning of the year, all of which (at the RA's advice) specifically noted that there were only 3 chairs.
                  All glory to the hypno-toad.


                  • #54
                    holy resurrected threads, Batman!
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #55
                      I'd have to say the busted sink at Kinko's, in conjunction with the clogged toilet that required a plumber.

                      Someone worked hard at that one.


                      • #56
                        back about 15 years ago, a guy I was somewhat friends with at times decided to flood the gym of the middle school about a block away from his house (I didn't find out it was him for about 6 years). I only knew the guy from school at the time and I lived about 20 miles away from him.

                        Well about 9 years ago I was introduced to a woman and her husband thru a mutual friend. This turned out to be the place where we all gathered and hung out, drank, bbq'd, the usual. Come to find out her brother was the one who flooded the gym. It caused about 20,000 in damage, warped the floor etc etc. They got a judgement against the mother since he was still a minor (juvenal deliquent if you ask me) and it was eventually paid off (when his sister bought their mothers house that had the lein against it). He has since cleaned up his act and is finally a contributing member of society (but stories I could tell you....oh my god).
                        My Karma ran over your dogma.


                        • #57
                          My favorite was an attempted robbery at the store I work at.

                          The time was during the NHL playoffs last year, during the quarter-finals. Edmonton was playing Anaheim and partying was in full swing. As such, police officers were assigned in large amounts to Whyte Ave to control things.

                          Now this story does not take place at Whyte Ave, but about 2kms to the west, closer to West Edmonton Mall. I would be guessing that these would be Ocean's 3 thought that all the police were at the Ave instead of regular patrols.

                          Now, there are a few locations to break in that aren't completely obvious to the outside world (No, I'm not mentioning any) that a good thief would notice right away.

                          These guys? Not so good.

                          They actually went to the roof and started drilling a hole through it! Now this roof is about 30-35 feet off the ground, and where they drilled, it was a 15 foot drop minimum. That's assuming they spiked the landing, which is unlikely. They had no rope or climbing apparatus, just their cutting tools. As such, no one knew how they were going to get down.

                          Well, we're never going to find out. The store has an audio analyzer alarm, that goes off if strange sounds are detected. Apparently, their drill qualified.

                          Police got there in 3 minutes and found our Arsène Lupin wannabes holed up in a vent shaft of our neighbor's store.

                          Took 3 days to fix, but I never did find out the dollar amount on it.
                          I AM the evil bastard!
                          A+ Certified IT Technician


                          • #58
                            In a welding shop I worked at not long ago and a boss told me about a guy they fired. They told the guy 1 weeks upfront that they were short on job and he had to go at the end of the week. The guy didnt say much but made a mess on friday before leaving. He broke lots of stuff but the most surprising thing he did was to hang a ford f250 (6 weels) truck in the air with the overhead crane (dont know if thats how it's called in english). I dont think i need to say that the bosses were really surprised when they came in on monday . After that, when they need to ''let go'' some personnel, the always tell em 15 minutes before the end of the week....


                            • #59
                              Wal-Mart Arsen

                              About 7 years ago I worked in a Wal-mart Supercenter. Apparently one night a smoking customer was told that they could not smoke inside the store. Well this bothered the customer and he decided to toss his lit ciggy in a pallet sized bin of towels. Cue the fire.

                              As fires go it wasn't bad. The store is big enough that only a few shelves and about 1/8 of the cieling tiles burned. No structural damage at all. But the smoke and water damage was enough that the entire store inventory as well as all inside fixtures were a total write off. So figure about 6 million in inventory+ another 1 million in total repair/replace costs+ about 9 million lost sales from the store being closed for 3 weeks + god knows how much overtime money paid out (200+ associates all working 80+ hour weeks for 3 weeks.)

                              And despite video and SLED (Special Law Enforcement Division) being all over the place, they never caught the guy that did it.

                              Last edited by Gouge; 02-25-2007, 03:23 AM.


                              • #60
                                Quoth Gouge View Post
                                So figure about 6 million in inventory+ another 1 million in total repare/replace costs+ about 9 million lost sales from the store being closed for 3 weeks + god knows how much overtimes money paid out (200+ associates all working 80+ hour weeks for 3 weeks.)
                                Ding Ding Ding....I think we have a winner. Holy shit thats just insane.
                                My Karma ran over your dogma.

