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Most Expensive Vandalism?

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  • #61
    Quoth Mixed Bag View Post
    About the guitars--I assume you're quoting retail prices?

    Shouldn't wholesale replacement cost, plus some extra for the trouble, be sufficient? Why should the store make money on an item that otherwise wouldn't have sold for full price anyway (since if a later customer buys the replacement item they wouldn't have done so if the original was available)?

    Not to defend negligent customers, but if "you break it, you bought it" means the store is making a profit off an accident, that strikes me as greedy--especially since the worst kinds of other SCs rarely pay extra (directly, at least) for deliberately abusing employees and companies.
    Sweetie, these aren't mass-produced Tupperware bins, fresh off the assembly line.
    These were high-end, professional-level musical instruments, whose manufacture requires hand-finishing.
    And, no two instruments sound exactly alike. Once the Strat's neck was broken, that unique sound was gone forever, even if the neck would have been super-glued together again.
    The store in question will never have that exact instrument to sell, ever again. Charging the SC full retail price is absolutely justified.
    Still don't quite buy that <pun intended>? Then let's try an experiment. Take a bottle of acid and toss it onto the nearest painting by, oh let's say, Picasso. Think you can get away with destroying that painting by offering to pay what Picasso paid for the frame, canvas, paints, and brushes? (That was a rehtorical question, the answer being "NO!")
    And I'm sorry to sound so snarky, but the "Oh, well, it's just a musical instrument" 'tude honks me off just as much as entitlement whoredom and rationalizing/excusing SCs' wantonly destructive behavior in places of business.

    PS -- it costs to re-build the displays and fix the wall damage, too.


    • #62
      Quoth One-Fang View Post
      I think having to split the cost of vandalism with the dorm-mates would be very unfair on a non-participating person.

      However, them's the rules. You don't like it, don't live there.

      The universities I attended each had a "must live in the dorms" policy for undergrads, minimum of two years. Didn't matter if you were a transfer student or 32 years old -- you were required to live in the dorms for two years.
      There was no opting out, except for "you don't like it, then don't go to school here."
      There was no way around being pro-rated for damages to common areas of the dorms, because students were forced to live there.


      • #63
        This is not as expensive as some of the others mentioned but the damage done was something else. At my arena we have 6 pick-up trucks, during the winter two of the trucks are equipped with plows so we can plow snow obviously. One cold January of last year, my supervisor was assigned with plowing snow. He had to get to the other end of the lot and he couldn't cut through our back entrance so he had to take the main road to get there. It's a short distance and would've taken 1 minute but he got stuck at a light. Meanwhile about 1500 feet away, comes a car that is flying down the freeway with no intention of stopping and not noticing that there are cars in front of him. All of a sudden, my supervisor gets rear-ended HARD. The back end of the truck was somewhat pushed off to the side, and was pushed in that the truck looked somewhat like a big Smart car. Total damage cost: $800-2000 for the repairs. It didn't get totaled but it was close.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #64
          Quoth Bonnie Bitch View Post

          The universities I attended each had a "must live in the dorms" policy for undergrads, minimum of two years. Didn't matter if you were a transfer student or 32 years old -- you were required to live in the dorms for two years.
          There was no opting out, except for "you don't like it, then don't go to school here."
          There was no way around being pro-rated for damages to common areas of the dorms, because students were forced to live there.
          See, now to me, that would be a good reason not to go to school there, just because I like my freedom of where to live and all (ok, don't skewer me with a tent pole! I'm just trying to make a point)
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #65
            Quoth Mixed Bag View Post
            About the guitars--I assume you're quoting retail prices?

            Shouldn't wholesale replacement cost, plus some extra for the trouble, be sufficient? Why should the store make money on an item that otherwise wouldn't have sold for full price anyway (since if a later customer buys the replacement item they wouldn't have done so if the original was available)?

            Not to defend negligent customers, but if "you break it, you bought it" means the store is making a profit off an accident, that strikes me as greedy--especially since the worst kinds of other SCs rarely pay extra (directly, at least) for deliberately abusing employees and companies.
            No offense, but you sound like someone who pushed around alot by bullies on the playground. Sometimes you gotta one up the person to come out with the advantage or they just won't get it and will keep coming back.
            Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


            • #66
              Such a shame!

              I waited on a group of teens during one of our busy weekends and they made quite a mess not only at their table, but at some of the empty ones around them.

              Is it just me, or are most teens these days completely obnoxious?


              • #67
                It's not just you. I'm only 22, and I think teens are far more obnoxious than they were even when I was a teen. As I've said to Mr Ciarrai numerous times, I outgrew being amused by teenagers long before I stopped being a teenager chronologically.


                • #68
                  Quoth starla671 View Post
                  I waited on a group of teens during one of our busy weekends and they made quite a mess not only at their table, but at some of the empty ones around them.

                  Is it just me, or are most teens these days completely obnoxious?
                  it's not just you - perhaps it's cos i'm closer to 30 than i am 20 but the other week i got a bus to another suburb about an hour away - these teens got on, sat on the back seat and would not shut up.. i had no paitence at all
                  The mere fact that we have the flamethrower means that someone, somewhere once said "You know, I'd really like to set those customers over there on fire, but don't possess the means to do it"

