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I was an SC on purpose. (weeklong thing)

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  • #16
    First off, I'd like to remind everyone not to turn this thread into a slam against telemarketers in general. We've had members here who work or have worked in telemarketing, and we've had some threads of this type go down in flames. The company that the OP had to deal with sounds like they were truly sucky, and deserved to be yelled at, so no worries so far.

    That being said, I think I pissed off one of those magazine companies awhile back. I swear, I did not intend to, but I guess what I said, or maybe the way I said it, made me come off as a smartass.

    I had a subscription to a certain magazine, but I lost interest in it after awhile and just let the subscription run out. A few weeks later, I got a call from them letting me know that my subscription had run out, and they didn't ask me if I wanted to renew it, but told me they were going to renew it. That kind of thing annoys me, but that's another rant altogether.

    Me: "If I wanted it renewed, I would have done it myself."

    Them: "What???"

    Me: "I said, if I wanted it renewed, I would have done it myself."

    Wouldn't you know it? They hung up on me.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #17
      Ooooh... People who don't remove your number from their list really get me steamed.

      Most of the calls I've gotten have been good about it. Actually, I've never had a problem with any telemarketers. They've all been just peachy. And I tend to have my number listed, too.

      It's the other people that give me trouble. Collections agencies are a particular nuissance. One called me at work and was threatening all sorts of things. I told him that if he ever called me ever again for anything, I would sue for harrassment. He tried to claim I couldn't do that, but I told him that I could and that I would and hung up. Never heard from him again. The worst part is that he never actually identified what bill he was trying to collect for. We get a lot of those for other people here at the office. They never want to accept the call, and I keep bugging them to just tell the collection people to just never call here so that I don't have to keep wasting time taking messages that won't ever be read.

      But the absolute worst people I have ever dealt with as regards phone harrassment was AT&T. They would call me several times a month to try to get me to use their long distance. I almost never use the phone for anything, and only a miniscule fraction of what I do use would ever be long distance, but that didn't phase them one bit.

      Honestly, I should have gone after them for harrassment. I could have gotten a judgement for a few thousand dollars, based purely on how many times they called. They finally stopped after I told them that if they ever called my number ever again for any reason that I would take them to court for it. I got one call after that when they became my local service provider and I reminded them that I never wated to hear from them by telephone ever again on pain of lawsuit, and they went away. Between email and regular mail, they had no reason to need to call me.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

