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DON'T do my job for me

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  • DON'T do my job for me

    The company I am a phone csr for also has retail stores. Besides doing regular phone orders and service for web orders, we have store referral orders, this is where a store calls in and gives us information about the item(s) the customer needs and then we speak to the customer to get billing and shipping information and inform them of important policies that are different from the store.

    The store associates mostly tend to be VERY young (under 18) and extremely arrogant and very much into "our" brand (I often get the feeling they'd work the store for free cause its "cool"). Our CSRs tend to be much more balanced and matured (our youngest are around early 20's).

    I got the most awful shrill self important little girl today letting me know she was manager and placing a store order. I get the item number, the size, color, and confirm the store price. She keeps cutting me off when I ask for one thing telling me the next thing I need (her tone was making it obvious she wanted me to know she knew the order I'd be asking questions in, like I didn't know what I was doing). There is a REASON I pause between questions its so the computer can catch up with me. I made sure she was giving me what I needed WHEN I needed it (I MUST control the call, the store is just another customer, and it is CRUCIAL the csr is in control at ALL times). Then I ask per my script "may I speak with the customer for billing and shipping information" at this point all hell breaks lose. She snaps at me, "I've gotten all her info and I will be giving it to you". I FIRMLY explain "for accuracy purposes I MUCH prefer speaking to the customer because I need to know some billing information only the customer would know" (lots of people DO NOT grasp the concept of billing vs shipping address and only will give the right info if prompted in the right way, store swipe cards so its VERY unlikely a store ass would know the questions to ask). She snaps back "our store ALWAYS does it this way for the customers sake" I advise her this is VERY strange and I will do it THIS once only. She give me all the info and claims customer does not want to receive email tracking. I place the order store associate makes a big show of getting my name I gladly give it.

    After call, pull up order history (customer has 3 pages of orders ALL with emails on almost a weekly basis) and both street name and city are spelled wrong by store ass. I advised her it is more accurate ME speaking first party with the customer and I was very right. I hope she reports me. She'll point out her stupidness. I reported her every way I could I hope she isn't so smug anymore, she treated me like trash and fell on her face HAHAH.

  • #2
    Thats great, I just love it when arrogant pricks get tripped up by their own ego or stupidity. It makes us humble folk seem so much the better


    • #3
      Quoth ukestrummer View Post
      After call, pull up order history (customer has 3 pages of orders ALL with emails on almost a weekly basis) and both street name and city are spelled wrong by store ass.
      Took me a moment to realize that "store ass" is actually an abbreviation for "store associate." With this wonderful person, though, I think "store ass" fits better the way I first interpreted it.

      I'd love to be there when her idea of making her own policies and procedures comes back to bite her "store ass."
      I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
      - Bill Watterson

      My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
      - IPF


      • #4
        ugh, I hate it when people try to do your job - the wrong way! I know exactly how you feel.

        My job is to dispatch spas from our warehouse and the display centers we are Head Office to. Once a salesperson sells a spa, the customer's details are passed to me and I take things from there.

        When I started working in this position, some salespeople didn't think I could do it, so they were going behind my back and organising dispatches themselves. This caused so much chaos because I didn't know what was happening, the information wasn't being entered in the computer, spas were going out without the payment being chased up, and people were just turning up to our warehouse unexpected and the spa wasn't ready!

        I brought it up with the manager, and they now know that all dispatches are to go through me, and me only.
        I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
        another time, this world would fade away
        To find true love, is like no other joy,
        our choice is here
        be happy for today


        • #5
          AWESOME!! My use of word/abbreviations with two meanings have been caught :-). Yes, I do sometimes use Store Ass. I my "notes". I'm going to talk to the head of quality about it today. I want to see if we can say "we MUST speak to the customer unless there is some sort of difficulty/language barrier that prevent the customer from using the phone". 99% of the time when I get a eager store who wants to speak for the customer I can convince them, this stupid girl just wasn't having it though. I had a call a few hours latter where the store wanted to speak for the customer I explained, she understood, but she had a valid reason that made sense (language) and was sweet as sugar about the whole thing, really made me feel better (I was going to thank her but I didn't after she cut me off with part of my own script).
          I just don't get the really sucky store I first talked to, in the 3-5 MINUTES that it takes me to get the billing info (that the customer knows better than anyone), the store could take care of in-store customers. I do my job they do their job, and I do my job WELL.


          • #6
            This irks me to no end. One of my pet peeves is, 'Oh, sure you can do it right now, it'll only take 5 minutes'. Let's say what they want is to have a wireless card installed, drivers installed, and all network settings configured. They're looking at 30 minutes minimum, and then they bitch and moan because it didn't take the 5 minutes /they/ said it would be. Tell you what, let the IT guy make the call on timing, since they have a better idea how long it will take because, oh, I dunno, it's THEIR JOB?

            To offset this frustration, there are times I do have a little fun. One of my favorite tricks is to tell someone when they ask what the problem was is that it was a 'PICNIC'. I've had a few people just accept it, never realizing what it means:

            Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.
            A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


            • #7
              Quoth IT Grunt View Post
              To offset this frustration, there are times I do have a little fun. One of my favorite tricks is to tell someone when they ask what the problem was is that it was a 'PICNIC'. I've had a few people just accept it, never realizing what it means:

              Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.
              Oh, I like.

              That goes with the standard PEBKAC error.

              Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

              Then there's the error that you always give verbally, and let them write it down, the ID ten T error, aka: ID10T

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                or the "ESU" Error-Equipment Superior to User, or EISU-Equipment's Intelligence Surpasses User's

                back to your regularly scheduled thread
                Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                • #9
                  Part of my new job involves checking the trouble calls our CSRs create... instead of leaving a note describing our customer's problem, they'll tell the field tech what to do. I've lost count of the notes that say things like:

                  "Digital not working. Replace digital box."

                  This creates two problems. One, the field techs don't like being told how to do their job. Two, chances are, the CSR actually told the customer, "Your box needs to be replaced." Even if the field tech finds an entirely different problem, the customer is still going to call back. "The tech found out I'd accidentally unplugged my digital box from the electric. When he plugged it back in, it started to work. But he didn't replace it! The CSR said it absolutely needs to be replaced! Send someone back out... NOW!"
                  I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                  • #10
                    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                    Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.
                    An alternative to that one I use is Seat To Keyboard Interface Error.
                    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

