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Paying in ALL CHANGE!

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  • #16
    Want to get rid of some penn....nevermind.

    Whenever I ring up a customer, and the amount is some odd number (e.g., $19.62, $8.34, instead of, say, $10.25, $3.50, $4.00, etc.) and the customer just gives me a couple of quarters to cover the change (e.g., $19.75 for $19.62, $8.50 for $8.34, etc.), I like to ask the customer if he'd like to get rid of a few pennies. My customers seem to love getting rid of coins (and I can NEVER get rid of those stupid

    I once asked a customer if she wanted to get rid of some pennies on a $10.88 order.

    She smiles and opens up her purse.

    88 pennies later, I'm just glad that I didn't have a line.

    I had no idea she could fit that much metal in her coin purse.
    "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
    -- The Meteor Principle

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    • #17
      I admit, I've done this myself. There was one time were I was low on paper money (and plastic money) and needed to buy gas, so I seperated out $30 worth of quarters, and stuffed them into a plastic bag. I drove to 7-11, put in $30 worth, and handed the clerk the bag. I did feel badly abou it though...
      I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

      Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


      • #18
        Quoth XCashier
        The pen is not a reliable indicator of whether a note is counterfeit or not.
        I checked for several other of the security features...I'm fairly positive it was real currency.

        I've intercepted counterfeit bills several times. (that's another story or two)


        • #19
          Quoth XCashier
          The pen is not a reliable indicator of whether a note is counterfeit or not.
          +1 The pen is very easy to defeat and does not detect Raised Notes. Anyone with a computer, an injet printer, some household supplies, and time can make counterfits that will pass the pen test. It is actualy easier for people to pass counterfits at places that use the pen test. You just swipe the pen across and make sure it doesn't turn black, then flip it in the drawer. When I cashier, I don't have a pen and I manualy inspect the bills to see if they are counterfit. (The color shift ink, security fibers, security strip and "knowing what to look for.) It only takes a moment to verify.
          "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


          • #20
            My stores policy is if it is enough to make a roll, I don't have to accept it unless it's rolled. You can refuse all-coin payment too. Perfectly legal. I've had more than a few bring gallon sized zip-loks full of pennies and I refused them. I don't have the time to count them. As long as it's something that can be voided, not gas, you can refuse it. As far as rolled coin, you don't have to make them open it and count. Take a razor blade and cut it open to check if it's what it's supposed to be, you can tell if it's short by comparing it to what you have in bank/weight. Not hard.

            I don't rely on the pen either, easier to look for the color shift and security strips.
            USN Retired


            • #21
              I too have been tipped foreign money, which is fine when they leave me a REAL tip too...and when they do, it is cool. I have had Bahamian money, Mexican money, etc., in my wallet at various times, and it is always a conversation piece.

              I do have a thing about collecting $2 bills, though I never seek them out, I just let them come to me. I currently am at my all-time record...I have nine of those suckers in my wallet, and am at a point in my life (knock on wood) that I don't need to spend them for anything. I have read many many stories about various cashiers/clerks not thinking that $2 bills were real money, and if you take some time to google that, you can find some interesting and amusing stories about it. The Taco Bell one is my favorite, where the cashier accused the narrator of trying to pass funny money when he tried to pay with a deuce. Hilarious! Myself, I have never had personal experience with this, but then I DO collect the twos and I rarely make purchases that a two would cover. Sure, dollar drafts, but....nah!

              I HATE getting the Sacagewa gold dollars as tips, but luckily another bartender I know in town collects THOSE, so whenver I do get thim, I just make them part of his tip the next time I am in his establishment. Ain't it great how that stuff goes around?


              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #22
                that funny Jester. Btw alittle have you ever gotten any $2 red notes?
                I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                • #23
                  Okay, color me clueless. What is a $2 red note? (Apparently I have not gotten them.)

                  FOUR DAYS TILL VACATION!!!

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #24
                    Quoth stickycoins
                    My stores policy is if it is enough to make a roll, I don't have to accept it unless it's rolled.
                    Sometimes, that just isn't enough. I distinctly remember one occurence at Chesterfield, where the Nice AM was handing me rolls of coins for my till and one of them felt odd... I pointed it out to him, and he takes the roll back, and opens it in front of me... Turned out, it was short a good 10 coins, if I remember correctly.
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #25
                      Quoth LostMyMind
                      that funny Jester. Btw alittle have you ever gotten any $2 red notes?
                      Back around the 50s or so (I'ld have to look up mine), the federal reserve marks on the bills was in red, not black or green. As near as I can tell, it was all the notes that were that way, not just the twos. I think I have a five somewhere.


                      • #26
                        A few years ago, a local tourist attraction had all new parking ticket vending machines put in.

                        They didn't work so well. Or maybe someone just forgot to put the right change in them. Whatever the case, by the time we got there, all it would give out were quarters for change. When it presumably ran out of quarters, it gave dimes. The guy behind us started getting nickels.

                        We paid for our tickets with quarters and dimes. The cashiers didn't complain, I guess, because EVERYONE was paying for their tickets with quarters and dimes

