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SCs and their attempts to get you in trouble

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  • #31
    Quoth Lehk
    whoever designed THAT piece of software should be fired yesterday. a log out function should *immediately* discard authenitcation info and, if necessary, allow the user to log back in to address an error.
    Yeah well, we had no control over the firing of Microsoft engineers.

    My PC here did it to me yesterday. Went to log off, and got some program waiting for a response from me, so it halted the log off. Didn't have cancel/no on that, I think, but I suspect I could have left it on screen and done other things around it.


    • #32
      long, long, long....

      Oh, yes. A cutomer once said that I cussed her out when she was buying dresses, NONE of them had tags, so I had to punch in the UPCS manually, after the price came up, she said they were on clearance so i paged for a softlines associate. Well, it was around Christmas and were were slammed, it took 5 minutes for a softlines associate to come up, i showed her the dresses and she scooted off to check, while that was happening, turns out they weren't on clearance, and there was a stack of tags that were obviously ripped off. Softlines associate shows SC the prices and she calls me a F---n moron" for calling asoftines assocaite to check the price. (may, i point out she didn't know the price?)then a DVD rang up for $5.50, she sez "It was in the 2/$10 rack so I AGAIN check a price for her, a CSm scurries off to check the price , a minute later the SC says, what is taking that b-tch so long, I need to get home. Well, the CSM, returns about 30 second later and tells me to give it to her for $5, because she couldn't find any of that title. I do the override and finish ringing her up. She gets a DVD that is rated "R" so i card her. She b-tches about that, and then proceed to pay w/ a check, her bill came to $195.98(yes I remember that, pathetic aren't I?)so get a CSM to approve the check, so I AGAI need her ID.
      SC: YOU b-stard, you are trying to steal my identity, you f-cking k-ke, You killed Jesus, f-cker.
      ME: ma'am i need your ID for the check.
      (CSM approves check, this takes, oh, 2 minutes max)
      SC: You should have held on to my ID after you carded me for the f-ckng movie you k-ke, your kind always steals money, and IDs, we should have let Hitler gas
      you all. Y'know it's a real shame that this store doesn't sell guns if it did you could buy one, commit suicide and do the world a favor. I am calling your managers and corporate on you!!!!!!!!( I am a person w/depression and have felt suicidal, so this was really galling for me.)
      She did call, apparantly she said I cussed her out and said she was trying to rip us off, and that I hated Christains.
      So I get called back to tell my side. They back me up(thank god). Apparantly this woman got banned from 2 other stores for pulling similar sh-t, so the reassure me and tell me to go back up front. AS I leave, a manger asks: You think she was related to the shoe lady? , i laughed about that I needed a laugh about then, let me tell you.


      • #33
        Before i was a professional actor i was working in christian retail.. and i'm sorry to christians on here (I'm one myself) but i found the christian customers WAY worse than the customers i delt with at the supermarket job i had before i got the christian retailing job.

        Now as a bit of background: I'm a charismatic or pentacostal christian. The thing you need to understand about this is that certain things that are wrong for say, catholics are not for me (i don't know how that works, but bear with me it's important)

        The other thing you need to know is i'm a smoker. i have been for 13 years (and i am trying to quit). I have only been savd for 10 years.

        My managers at corporate are fully aware of this, and the policy is "as long as it's not in a customer area, and you spray yourself with deoderant afterwoods, it's fine".

        i'm out back (outside) having a smoke when a customer comes wondering out. now to get outside you need to go through 3 offices, and through a roller door. i than stub out my cigarette, and lead the customer back into the store, help tham and send them on there way. i than have a quick word to the two floor staff that they need to watch for this sort of thing, but i know that things get buisy, these things happen, and it's not a big deal.

        3 days later i get a call from corperate saying sh complaned. she said i was smoking in a public area, was rude to cutomer when she saw me and i yelled at my employees in front of customers, and that it's wrong to smoke and i'll go to hell for it. my manager talked to the other workers (i was a manager so security issues were in my scope) and decided based on what they said the complaint had no merit.


        • #34
          Dealing with religion and not at work - edited out. Rapscallion.
          Last edited by Rapscallion; 08-01-2006, 06:13 AM.
          I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


          • #35
            A while ago a co-worker of mine was supposedly rude to a cardmember that called in, and he had to disconnect the caller. Anyways, the cardmember called back demanding an apology, and my co-worker replied,

            "I'm sorry you're an asshole."

            He was fired shortly after that for something completely unrelated, but, it was great! hahaha
            "Some people are just brainless." -Words of my beloved late grandma.


            • #36
              I almost forgot about this....

              A few years back, while working at a chain restaurant, my manager called me into the office. Apparently the corporate office had received an email complaining about me. I read it through, and was stunned to read, and I quote

              "...all he did was make thinly veiled passes at my wife."

              Say what?

              So here I am, freaking out, having no idea who this bleepity bleep was....and then I look at my manager. She is not upset. She is not angry. She actually has a bit of a smile on her face. Okaaay....this must be a good sign, right? Right. She said she was basically ignoring the complaint, for three reasons, which she explained to me:

              1. "That weasel couldn't even put his name, contact number, or address on this. If he can't be bothered to identify himself, he is not worth my trouble at all."

              2. "Jester, we know you always conduct yourself in a PROFESSIONAL manner. You would never make passes at a customer's wife." Yay me!

              3. "And frankly, Thinly veiled? You are about as subtle as a jackhammer. If you WERE going to hit on some guy's wife, it would be blatantly obvious. I don't think I could even picture you doing ANYTHING in a thinly veiled manner."

              And that was the end of that. Oh, did I mention that that was one of the coolest managers I EVER worked for? Even before this whole incident? Well, she was. She rocked.

              TWO DAYS TILL VACATION! (And 1 week without SC's!)

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #37
                Quoth ditchdj
                If anyone lied about me to the boss and got me fired I'd sue them for slander. I wonder what the looks on their stupid faces would be if a bailiff came to their front door and served them court papers naming them as a "defendant". I guarantee that would shut em up for awhile! So run your mouth and your ass is gonna be paying MY bills for awhile.
                I've actually been giving this a little thought lately ...

                Someone who complains to a corporate office will, of course, provide their name & address (for the free gift cards, etc. to compensate them for their 'horrible ordeal').

                The former employer would not want to release those records.

                But you file a slander suit, seeking compensation for financial losses due to the termination of employment as a direct result of the lie(s).

                The company (deep pockets) can either [1] turn-over the customer data as required in your suit, so you can add the SC as a co-defendant, or [2] choose to settle out-of-court becuse a trial is expensive and having a reputation for releasing customer complaint info. wouldn't be good for business.

                So you either have a way to actually get some cash out of an employer (that you probably signed an arbitration agreement for on your first day of work), and/or you have the opportunity to really stick it to someone who carelessly b.s.'d about your job performance just to get some free stuff.

                Oh, joy.


                • #38
                  Quoth KayEm
                  ... our manager tells us that she wants us to know that what we do on our time off is OUR business and ours alone (and that's as it should be).
                  I recall hearing about the Budweiser employee who was accidentally given a Coors by a coctail waitress instead of the Bud Light he'd ordered. He didn't want to be a d*ck, so he went ahead and drank it.

                  Word got back to the office that he'd been drinking Coors out in public, and they fired him!


                  • #39
                    Quoth Palsgraf
                    Budweiser employee who was accidentally given a Coors...didn't want to be a d*ck, so he went ahead and drank it....they fired him!
                    Fired for lack of assertiveness, especially outside of work? Sounds like dsicrimination against a DISABILITY to me!

                    He drank a different kind of beer! Now the world knows there are other products that some mentally defective people might actually think taste better!

                    What do they do if employees ever drink milk or water, line them up and shoot them?
                    I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                    • #40
                      I posted this on the old boards, but here goes:

                      I was standing in softlines folding clothes with another girl while the registers were slow. A woman with her daughter asks me where the perfume is. I don't know for sure so I say

                      "I'm not quite sure, let me ask someone who can tell you the aisle number" and I use my walkie to ask. I get the location, tell the lady and all is swell, right?

                      Of course not

                      2 or 3 days later i get called into a meeting with district manager and the store manager. I'm freaking out because i don't know what the hell is going on. District manager tells me there has been a complaint about a girl with long hair, glasses and a lot of piercings. In general, me, no one else had all of that.

                      The complaint is that she asked me where the perfume was, and I supposedly said "I don't know, you fat bitch, find it your self dumbass" and shoved her 5 year old daughter to the floor, calling her a bitch as well.

                      Now anyone who knew me would know that I am incapable of that. I tell the DM what really happened. He believes me and that's the end.

                      Of course not.

                      a day or two later, I get called in AGAIN. This lady is demanding a 500 dollar gift card and that I be fired. If she doesn't get her demands She will "take care of that bitch myself"

                      She didn't get her gift card and I didn't get fired. I did have a security escourt to and from my car and on all my breaks for months after that though.


                      • #41
                        Quoth Mixed Bag
                        Fired for lack of assertiveness, especially outside of work? Sounds like dsicrimination against a DISABILITY to me!

                        He drank a different kind of beer! Now the world knows there are other products that some mentally defective people might actually think taste better!

                        What do they do if employees ever drink milk or water, line them up and shoot them?
                        My brother is a salesman for a beer distributer that primarily sells Miller, imports (like Corona, Guinness, etc), and boutique beers (Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, Fat Tire, etc).

                        He is strongly encouraged to drink said products when he is out. Drinking Bud is a big no, no as Bud is Miller's major competitor. While he can't be fired for drinking a brand of beer he doesn't sell, they can make his life miserable.

                        Basically, he has to represent the product that he sells at all times. If someone happens to see him drink a brand he doesn't sell and knows that he works for the company, it presents a bad image.

                        Pepsi, Coke, and most other brewers work the same way. My brother is well compensated for what he does. Drinking the beer he sells out in public is a small price to pay.


                        • #42
                          Not to mention - who'd drink Bud if they can have a Sam Adams?
                          You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                          • #43
                            Quoth ladodger34
                            Pepsi, Coke, and most other brewers work the same way. My brother is well compensated for what he does. Drinking the beer he sells out in public is a small price to pay.
                            Yes, I've heard that, and I can understand the general principle--but it shouldn't extend to not eating at the approximately half of restaurants that stock the competing soft drink brand if that's the kind of drink you want with dinner. Moments when it might be more feasible to drink something else shouldn't look to all the world like a declaration of failure. Hopefully society will show more sense in dealing with more serious matters.

                            I wonder if the celebrities who are vastly more compensated as spokespeople are ever caught with a competing product?
                            I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                            • #44
                              Quoth Canarr
                              Not to mention - who'd drink Bud if they can have a Sam Adams?
                              Actually, my bro is pretty lucky in that regard. All the import and boutique beers he sells are way better than the domestics (Miller, Ice House, Mickey's, etc).


                              • #45
                                Quoth Mixed Bag
                                Yes, I've heard that, and I can understand the general principle--but it shouldn't extend to not eating at the approximately half of restaurants that stock the competing soft drink brand if that's the kind of drink you want with dinner. Moments when it might be more feasible to drink something else shouldn't look to all the world like a declaration of failure. Hopefully society will show more sense in dealing with more serious matters.

                                I wonder if the celebrities who are vastly more compensated as spokespeople are ever caught with a competing product?
                                On a similar note, when I worked for the city, they worked out a deal for Pepsi to be the sole provider of drinks at city facilities. It got me addicted to Diet Pepsi, but that is aside from the point. I was taking the rep around on a tour of our park sites and he offered to buy me lunch. We went a to joint that only had Coke products. I believed that he ordered Iced Tea instead.

                                He told me something like "I love Mr. Pibb, but it's not worth my job". It's relatively minor, but the guys represent the brand that they are selling.

