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SCs and their attempts to get you in trouble

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  • #61
    Quoth repsac View Post

    It's worth noting, our front window reads in BIG white letters: Majestic Pictures Productions. Professional Commercial And Video Productions.

    OH MAN, that is probably the most hilarious story I've read on here in a long time.

    I have two good ones that happend this summer so far.
    I am working a womans basketball game, am a cashier for the day and things were going fine until this guy showed up.

    I tell him it is $10 to park (Affluent area where I live and work, VERY affluent.) he says that he left his receipt in his other car, I don't believe him because he's very bad at playing the lying game. I tell him that either he has a receipt or a pass and he can get in without trouble, he says that he should be allowed in. I tell him to pay or to turn around, he asks for my name and I decide to humor him for a bit. I tell him my first name only, he asks for my last I tell him that I don't give him my last name on account of company policy, he says he's going to complain. My supervisor got a notice about it, showed it to me and told me that this guy is an idiot trying to get me in trouble for doing my job.

    The 2nd one was funny. I worked at the party venue a few weeks ago and got into an argument with a guy about excutive spots. Two weeks later, my neighbor who works in the complaints department got a call about me trying to jump in front of his car just so I can get a lawsuit at a concert. She told me what happend and that she did not believe him at all because she saw me walking my dog that night.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #62
      Quoth LostMyMind View Post
      Oh, I think they're well compensated. Most people would kill to be paid what they're paid.

      I understand where you're coming from. You want to be completely off the clock when you clock out. The employer has no say when you're not clocked in. Which is nice, but don't happen.

      Employers are modern day slave masters, they have say for 24/7 of your life when you sign a contract. And companies care about protecting their image more. It really is a matter of is the pay enough to put up with it, it must be because you don't see a whole lot of folks leaving these companies.

      Tell me about it. I was ready to go off on this woman that cut me off and stepped on my foot in line at the food court, but stopped when I remembered I'm in full uniform with company kids toys logos all over me. *sigh*

      I've had people complain about me, and when investigated - it was on days that I wasn't even working.
      If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


      • #63
        You know what are the best kind of stories to hear???? How about the ones on Judge Judy in which the cop is suing someone for 5 grand for making a false report against them? Or the jerkoff that tries to make a false report, crying sexual assault and/or police brutality when the videotape of the whole thing shows nothing. THOSE are the kind of reports I live to see on TV.


        • #64
          I had a customer who tried to pay a large grocery order with a money order. After she filled it out I saw that it was a money order and we don't take those. I got a CSM and after they walked away from me, the SC told the CSM that I said we accepted money orders. I found out that she said that when the CSM made a call to management to tell them the situation and she started to say that the customer said I would take it. I jumped in very quickly after hearing that. She believed me over the SC.


          • #65
            Warning: Long.

            About a year ago, we had this customer our deli nicknamed "Hard Salami guy". No, not referring to anything disgusting. He was an older man that had a permanent scowl etched into his face.
            ((Background- Now, at the time we closed at 9pm. Our manager was smart...instead of giving us time to clean up afterwards, she would schedule us until 9. So, of course we had to do all the cleaning before we closed.))

            This man came at 8:59, and ordered a pound of a certain brand of hard salami. I politely explained that sorry, our slicers were taken down for the night and we were about to close up, would he like the salami that we had presliced? Of course not. His scowl got deeper and he /demanded/ I give him the certain brand. "You're still here, so you're still open. I don't give a f**k if you have to stay late to clean up. I want THAT salami."

            Just to get him to go away, I opened the salami, put my slicer back together and gave him his order, figuring 'well, I'll give him his food and never have to see him again." Wrong..

            The next day my manager came up to me and told me that a customer complained that I 'tried to close early and when he called me on it, I backtalked him'. She said she gave him a free pound of salami to comensate him, and told me that I better be nicer to customers

            He came back...every week. The other two night people had experiences with him as well, and no matter what we did, he found /something/ to complain about. He even outright lied, and almost got me written up for it. He told my manager that he came in at 8:45 and the lights were shut off and everyone was gone. Even though I worked until almost 9:30 that night. Did my manager believe me over him? Nope. The only thing that saved me from "Theft of company time" was the employee from the bakery next to us telling the manager that she came over and helped me clean up that night, and yes, I was there.

            After that, they made us stay open until 10:00. Did he come at 9 to get his stuff? No, he'd come at 9:59. Now, if we hadn't had one customer between 9 and 9:30, they'd send us home because it was too slow for us to be there. Of course he'd yell and complain because we weren't open for him. And...each time he complained, my manager gave him free food.

            Sense a pattern yet?

            Finally...after about 2-3 months of this, my manager and store director finally got the clue that maybe we weren't doing anything wrong and that he was just trying to get free food, when he used the following excuse: "The employee looked at me funny!"
            Pit bull-

            There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


            • #66
              that's way too long to notice a pattern; seems the management was a bit too eager to pander to this asshat, not realising they were leaving themselves open for more bs on his end. the tell tale action should have been his adjustment in time, when he consistently showed up at one minute to close, with some snarky complaint. um, hello, manager...sense a rip off yet?
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #67
                Yeah... my company seems to be the "Do anything and everything the customer asks" type, and who gives a crap about the employees?

                I forgot to add in my long story that my manager at one point also told me "Even if it's passed 9pm, if you're still there, you need to help customers."
                Pit bull-

                There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

