I have to wear a portable IV 20 hours a day. The IV is kept in a backpack for easy transportation. The line sticks out of the little hole and connects to the catheter that is permenantly attatched to my thigh. Some of you might be wondering why it's not in my chest or arm. That's because they're running out of veins in my chest and they only use my arm for temporary IVs.
Anyways, I always hold the line over my shoulder so people don't accidently step on it or trip on it. And it is plain as day that I'm on an IV because you can actually see the line tucked into my pants where the catheter is. So I'm asked to get some tuna from the back and restock the shelves. I'm sitting on my knees restocking the shelves with tuna when I feel an EXTREMELY sharp pain in my thigh. I mean on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst pain, this pain went up to 1000. It felt like something was tugging at the line. I immediately screamed, "YEEEOOOUCH! HOLY F*ING SH*T! OW!" (Yes, I do curse when I'm in terrible pain. I don't tolerate pain very well.) I turn to see what was tugging on my line, and there is this guy who looks like he's in his 20s with his face all pale and with that "Oh crap, I'm in trouble" look on him.
Of course, everybody heard me scream including the manager. He runs over thinking someone's been killed (poor guy) and sees me clutching my thigh and this guy looking all guilty. He put 2 and 2 together and really starts tearing him a new one going, "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" Oh, you'll love this guy's answer. He goes, "I just wanted to see if she was really attatched to that thing."
The manager looked like he was going to kick this guy's a** out on the curb, so this genius decides it would be better if he just left right now. How right he was. He sheepishly walks out of the store after leaving his shopping basket at the counter.
The manager let me take an early break, so I drove home and checked on the IV site to make sure this idiot didn't manage to pull the damn thing out! Luckily, he didn't, but I still spent the rest of my break with an ice pack tied onto my thigh while I drove back to work. But seriously! If you see a person with a backpack that's making whirring noises, has tubes sticking out of an opening, connected to even more tubes that's tucked into someon's pants, common sense tells you DON'T TOUCH! I don't care how curious you are, curiousity killed the cat! And it almost became true for this guy, because I was about ready to whack him on the head with my backpack! (I know that sounds harsh, but he could have put me in the hospital!)
Anyways, I always hold the line over my shoulder so people don't accidently step on it or trip on it. And it is plain as day that I'm on an IV because you can actually see the line tucked into my pants where the catheter is. So I'm asked to get some tuna from the back and restock the shelves. I'm sitting on my knees restocking the shelves with tuna when I feel an EXTREMELY sharp pain in my thigh. I mean on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst pain, this pain went up to 1000. It felt like something was tugging at the line. I immediately screamed, "YEEEOOOUCH! HOLY F*ING SH*T! OW!" (Yes, I do curse when I'm in terrible pain. I don't tolerate pain very well.) I turn to see what was tugging on my line, and there is this guy who looks like he's in his 20s with his face all pale and with that "Oh crap, I'm in trouble" look on him.
Of course, everybody heard me scream including the manager. He runs over thinking someone's been killed (poor guy) and sees me clutching my thigh and this guy looking all guilty. He put 2 and 2 together and really starts tearing him a new one going, "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" Oh, you'll love this guy's answer. He goes, "I just wanted to see if she was really attatched to that thing."

The manager let me take an early break, so I drove home and checked on the IV site to make sure this idiot didn't manage to pull the damn thing out! Luckily, he didn't, but I still spent the rest of my break with an ice pack tied onto my thigh while I drove back to work. But seriously! If you see a person with a backpack that's making whirring noises, has tubes sticking out of an opening, connected to even more tubes that's tucked into someon's pants, common sense tells you DON'T TOUCH! I don't care how curious you are, curiousity killed the cat! And it almost became true for this guy, because I was about ready to whack him on the head with my backpack! (I know that sounds harsh, but he could have put me in the hospital!)