What kind of books was she buying? Anything occultic? From your description, I would not be surprised if she was a practitioner of black magic. You might want to talk to a clergyperson about her.
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Soul sucking vampire
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Last edited by XCashier; 06-03-2007, 09:35 PM.I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
My LiveJournal
A page we can all agree with!
Not for nothing, but has that woman ever heard of a library?Unseen but seeing
oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
3rd shift needs love, too
RIP, mo bhrionglóid
She probably appeared out of nowhere last week because that's when she was banned from the last store. It would be interesting to see how many stores have banned her in the past.
I don't really know anything about auras, but I do believe in Good and Evil. She sounds like she has a lot of Evil in her. I'm glad she is returning all those books, because now management has a valid reason to ban her from your store. Please let us know what happens when she finally gets banned for good.
It sure would suck to have her for a neighbor or co-worker.
I almost want to use the term sanguine to describe her, but the OP said the first guy thought she was leaving part of herself behind in the other person.....Speaking from a totally occultic point of view, I wonder if she's marking them with a bit of herself; or seeding them with negativity to either make more energy for herself, or to just spread bad vibes and evil feelings in her plot to take over the world (ok the last part was tongue in cheek). Its always hard to learn how to maneuver around or get rid of people like that.
You got lucky, start appreciating those racked up karma points.
The incense works especially well. If you're around her and you feel especially drained or negative, try eating something salty.
Other than that, I'm pretty certain you could be brought up on some kind of assault charges if you broke out the holy water and crucifix, what with the throwing of the water, and the waving of the cross.
The power of Christ compels you!
I think I'd pay to see that....how do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker
Chickens are Asexual!
Maybe surreptitiously scatter some sea salt (if there's a botanica/religious supply place around, get some actual blessed salt) around the store and see if she reacts to it at all (that might also serve an a reinforcement to the ban as she--for a reason unknown to her--might refuse to enter anyway)? The salt should be disposed of fairly soon after she leaves though, preferably off the property.
Just reading about that woman gives me the creepsLast edited by Dreamstalker; 06-03-2007, 05:08 PM."I am quite confident that I do exist."
"Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor
That woman is what gets referred to as a psychic vampire. Most of those types just suck energy out, but some of them will specifically feed negative energy into others to increase negativity in an area. They actually get off on making the people around them feel bad. I wouldn't be surprised at all if those books became unsellable, except to people who really can't feel that stuff.
They're always mean spirited, vicious people inside, although some of them can manage to act quite charming.
I second the suggestion to burn sage. It may be hard to get ahold of (some asshats want to ban non-natives from having it, and limit the amount natives can have), but it's highly regarded for cleansing properties.
I've only personally known one psychic vampire type person. He was one of the 'charming' ones. It took us a while to figure out why he would always get irritated around me and one other member of our group. The other member we took to calling a nega-mage after a term from Shadowrun. Basically, he was untouchable to anything and everything non-physical. I'm something of a psychic battery. I store up a lot of juice, and I don't run down, so the pv guy would get frustrated because he couldn't make me feel bad like he did to everyone else.
Needless to say, he wasn't welcome in our group any longer than it took for us to figure out what he was up to.
If I am in a good mood, I can sometimes "see" auras. My mom also likes to talk about how I would have conversations when I was very little, and when she asked who I was talking to, I'd always answer that it was God.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
I had a very similar lady when I worked at Wendy's. Long post up ahead....
Every Sunday, this lady would come in (and still does according to my former co-workers) with another woman (I don't exactly know they relate). They wore very high heeled shoes, and always dressed in complete black. They both always wore an old-fashioned dress of some sort.
Anyway, the lady would park in the same spot every week. If a car occupied that particular space when she arrived, she would wait for that person to leave so she could have that spot, for as long as it took. We timed her one morning, and she sat there for a good 37 minutes waiting for the couple already parked there to leave.
So after she eventually parked, she would get out of her car and rummage through her trunk for a good 15 minutes or so. The other woman (the crazy lady's human robot) would get out of the car, close the door behind her, fold her hands neatly behind her back, and STARE at the pavement. She would not move a muscle, blink an eye, or anything. You know how actors sometimes suddenly freeze when the narrator of a play has something to say? Well, this woman must have practiced for YEARS.
So after the other lady finishes rummaging and produces only her purse (same routine each week), they slowly begin marching to the restaurant. This particular parking space with which they were so enamored was a pretty good walking distance from the restaurant. They would walk at about 10 steps per minute. Their walking commute to the restaurant door took a good 5 minutes itself. The psycho lady walked somewhat like a normal being, though very slowly. Her human robot (I really do hate to call her that but that's in essence what she was) switched her gaze from the pavement beneath her feet to a straight ahead object. Her head would not twitch, her eyes would not blink....it was so freaky watching her from the restaurant drive-thru. While watching her slowly approach the restaurant, with her dress blowing in the wind, the music from the old TV show Unsolved Mysteries by Robert Stack played in my head over and over again.
So they finally enter the restaurant. The crazy lady takes a second or two to take off her glasses and put them in her purse. The robot has now switched her gaze to either a certain item on the menu overhead or the front counter cashier...usually ME!
When it was their turn to order, the robot was not allowed to speak. I recall one instance when the crazy lady was ordering, and the robot interrupted her because she had stated her order wrong. Well, crazy lady pushes her, nearly knocking her to the floor, and tells me not to listen to her, as she's apparently a "retard"..
The crazy lady always placed the order very slowly. She would typically have between a good 5 to 10 minutes of deciding what to have while waiting in line each week, but yet always waited until she hit the register to rub her chin and say "Let's see....", though she typically ordered the same thing every week...two chilis, two potatoes, two jr. chicken caesar salads, two cups of water. She would make me repeat her order back to her to make sure it was completely accurate...though there was no chance of error due to the good 2 minute pause between each thing she ordered.
When the food came out, she'd inspect it like a scientist under a microscope. Her eyes would dart back and forth between the food on her tray and the pretty pictures up on the menu board. If things didn't look EXACTLY like it appears on the menu (as in, the pieces of chicken on a salad not being completely spread out but rather grouped in the center of the bowl), she would not take it.
So eventually she would leave the counter and take a seat with the other woman (by the way, the other woman's gaze would remain affixed during the whole ordering process). Like the parking space, she would only settle for one certain table, in the far corner of the dining room, to eat at. They would actually eat like normal people, but things turned weird again after they finished. They would put their trays on a neighboring table, and the crazy lady would put her head down and actually pass out. That's right! ZZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzz in a fast-food dining room. The robotic lady now had her gaze focused on something through the window. And they would stay that way...for hours...and hours. One Sunday, they came in exactly when our dining room opened, at 10:00AM, and when I got off of work at 4:00PM, they were still there in that SAME position!
After crazy lady's nap time was over, she would get up from the table and slowly approach the counter. She would get face-to-face with me and ask "May I have the time?"
Me: "It's just about 4:00PM ma'am."
A simple nod of the head is all she offered in response before she slowly returned to her seat to nap for another 30 minutes or so. After long, they get up, throw out their trash, and exit the restaurant, slowly approaching their vehicle.
While watching them, the Unsolved Mysteries tune cannot escape my headLast edited by White_Knight1989; 06-03-2007, 06:37 PM.
Well the first guy, D, says he can feel her black aura even before she's in the store. Which is goodish, since he usually hides in the back until she's gone, but bad since he is so sensitive to that kind of thing. He says she tried to get her psychic 'hooks' in him, and he had do some kinda meditation/ritual thing to get rid of her.
D 'wipes' off the bad energy off her returned books, and he is probably doing some kind of thing for the store too.
The books are mainly about auras and energy, no magic books. Lots of aura manipulation books, and I thnk there were some psychology books, mainly Freudian.
She has not shown up yet, as far as I know. She could have come in last night, but the night manager is all fired up to ban her, as were 2 other people and the restaurant staff in last night. D says this night maanger is very strong psychically or something, and the customer should not be able to damage her.
I'll ask on Tuesday when I'm in, but the manager may have called her to tell her she's no longer welcome in our store.
I was wondering, could she do some kinda black mood explosion thing when we ban her and really screw us up?
Oh, and I was thinking of stocking a small supply of bibles, Dalai Lama books, some Hindu books, various how to have happy energy books and some Oprah at the cash desk to ward her off.Last edited by Blueberry; 06-03-2007, 07:00 PM.
Quoth Blueberry View PostI was wondering, could she do some kinda black mood explosion thing when we ban her and really screw us up?~Clerks
"You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."
Quoth Seshat View PostPlants are great. Keep a few potplants in the store for a while.
Potplants will enhance everyone's aura, I'm sure. Everyone will be feeling really gooood........man.......I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.
OK, I don't think she has weird powers, etc. I just think she has OCD--a major case of it--and she is dishonest ("renting" books). I'd feel annoyed for no other reason than having to spend 45 minutes rearranging books in bags, and that would be true of that kind of interaction with any person."Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably
Quoth ahanix1989 View PostPotplants will enhance everyone's aura, I'm sure. Everyone will be feeling really gooood........man.......
And Tommy Chong himself was in our store buying books.
I personally didn't believe too much in auras until a new girl at work, T, came along last summer saying she could read them. None of us really believed her, but she started describing the colors surrounding various ones of us and making remarkably accurate statements about our personalities that she COULD NOT have known, seeing as how she'd only been around us for an hour.
Even more convincing, when she came to me, she sort of stammered a bit and finally said "Your's is too hard. It's like you've got a solid wall around you...like you won't let anything in." ...which, is so freakishly true. After I got to know her, she said that sometimes she could get glimpses of mine, that it was such faint shades of pink and green as to be almost white, but that most of the time, I still had my walls up, literally.
I suppose it means I have some degree of "psychic shielding", but really, I dunno. Any other experts who wanna weigh in and tell me about my bricks?"Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."
Mysty, it's pretty much like you've said. You've got a wall. It's not that uncommon for people to build up massive defenses that can foul stuff like aura reading.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden