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DVD thief finally busted! (long)

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  • DVD thief finally busted! (long)

    This is not my story, but a friends. I used to work at Hollywood video and I am still great friends with my old manager. For the past few months they have had terrible theft in the store. So much that Hollywood actually allowed them to schedule an additional employee on every shift to deter shoplifters. Today they finally busted the thief. Here is the email my friend sent me:

    Ok so this dude comes in while I'm alone and on the phone with payroll and puts his bag down between the sensormatic and the counter and I thought that it was weird. He looked normal and had relatively nice clothes and a Red Sox hat w/ wire glasses. I definately thought the bag placement was weird. Like he would dash out with it when I was busy. I rushed off the phone and checked on him. He was definately acting weird. He worked his way to the front and was fake-looking at the crap tables. No thief ever looks at the good stuff. As he walked between tables I noticed he definately had movies in his cargo pockets. I calmly grabbed his bag and put it behind the counter, locked the door, and walked out to him. He asked some stock question about a video game as he tried to walk by me and so I stepped in front of him and asked him to remove the movies. He asked the question again and so I told him to open his pockets. He slowly pulled out of his pockets the four movies and handed them to me. I flipped open my cell and dialed 911 and he was like "what are you doin, man?" "please dont call the cops, man" "Hey, where's my fuckin bag" and I said we'll let the cops figure that out. The cops arrived in like 45 seconds. Took him outside while I gave my statement, cuffed him, and took him away.
    About an hour later the arresting officer calls and asks if I would come down to the police station. He said there was more than we knew. He picked me up (I had to ride in back cuz an older lady was on a ride-along. Way nerve-racking) And we went downtown. We get there and its like CSI. I am lead into an investigation room with a two sided window and all I can see is his head above the glass. They fill me in on how PC Market of Choice had called earler cuz he had stolen a bagel and organic juice and their LP guy was there. We both went in and he was stripped down to his boxers and cuffed to a bolted-down chair, crying. He had his glasses off and I immediately recoginzed him as a guy I had seen a bunch that never rents and usually looks way more scummy. I could see his track marks and scabs all over his skinny body. On the table the contents of his backpack are sprawled out. Crazyness dude. Eight wallets, two baggies with weed, a baggie of tobacco, rolling papers, his clothes, a clear pocket-protector-type thing with siringes in it, a few balls of foil (with heroin in them I'm sure), a cheese bagel, a odwalla orange juice, and eight more DVDs that were in his boxers.
    The investigator interupts him as he starts to apolgize to us and he fills us in that he had been in my store 7 days a week for the last couple months stealing at least $100 dollars worth of DVDs to support his heroin habit. The investigator also says that when asked where he's been selling them off that he said he'd been trading them with his dealer for "H" and it was getting increasingly more difficult to disguise himself in our store.
    I was given the product and an evidence release form as well as a copy of his arrest sheet. He was arrested on 3 counts of robbery three (he had stolen some hand tools from Tru Value on Willamette yesterday as well) as well as 4 counts posession of illegal narcotics, posession of un-permitted medical devices, and posession of illegal sustances with intent to distribute.
    The officer told me to save the security tape and I said I had already pulled it for them. He had me sign a bunch of paperwork and permission to testify in a month or two. He called me a hero twice and if the junkie was actually telling the truth we should see a significant difference in our external theft. We had performed an inventory earlier yesterday and posted 38 movies in seven days. The count was 67 last wednesday. We'll see how big of an impact he was. His araignment was today @ 1pm.

    Anyway, I know we all love it when a thief or an SC gets put in their place so I thought I would share this.

  • #2
    A friend of mine works at a library, and somebody stole $500 worth of DVDs. Of course, the stupid criminals are always the most fun to catch, right?

    At this library, you can browse DVD cases, but to get the actual DVDs, you have to take your library card to the A/V counter. Checkout is at the circulation desk (perhaps this policy s/b changed?). So this guy brings up the cases and a card and gets the DVDs.

    A patron later finds the empty DVD cases elsewhere in the library.

    Of course... seeing as how the thief used his BROTHER'S library card and the librarian wrote down all pertinent info (as per library policy) when getting out the DVDs, it was a rather underwhelming capture.

    Incidentally, it cost the library $500 to buy the DVDs. The thief sold them for a grand total of $50. He could have made more money working a minimum wage job through the entire time it took him to plan (poorly), steal and sell the disks.
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    • #3
      So, any change?


      • #4
        I work in a dvd store as well, but we only put empty cases on the shelves, we store the actual discs behind the counter due to thefts in the past. With box sets, we'll open them up, remove the dvds and then reshrink wrap them so they can sit on the shelf without getting damaged. Once day I was sitting at work and I hear a noise and look over and there's a woman opening every dvd case on the shelf and slamming them back. I notice she has about 7 shrink wrapped items and I watch her as she disappears behind a shelf and when she came back out the other side, she doesn't have them anymore. I approached her and asked where the dvds she just had where. She claimed she decided she didn't want them and had left them on a shelf and pointed in one direction and then took off in the other. I knew something was fishy and motioned to my coworker to stop her. He found the box sets in her bag. The thing I didn't get, she opened 20 cases and saw there were no discs inside but for some reason she thought the $100 box set sitting next to it would still have the discs inside. Go figure.

        We also sell videos at our store, as they're a dying breed we only sell them for $2 and literally have thousands of them. One day I was coming out of the offices in the back of our store and as I closed the door I noticed a customer jump and look over at me. That in itself made me suspicious and when I got back to the counter my coworker told me that he had been watching the guy as well and something was fishy with him. After he noticed the guy bending down to his bag a few times he approached him and found that the guy had a bag, with a empty shoe box inside that he was filling with video tapes. We took them all back and then the guy starts walking away and you could see obvious bulges in his jacket and pants and my co worker stopped him again and found 8 videos stuff in his clothing. The guy starting arguing that we had thousands of videos and wouldn't miss a few..

