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The Map Guy

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  • The Map Guy

    I was downstairs in the Books Dept. the other day and the phone rings. Seeing how we are sooo short staffed, I let it ring about 10 times and then give in and answer. MISTAKE!

    This guy says he wants a map. He says it is an Ordinance Survey map number 315 and it is orange (there are blue/brown/pink and orange ones). I go and have a look. The orange ones that we stock only go up to 200. We do not stock 300's at all. I tell him this and he says "but you do". I say "well, we don't, we only have ones up to 200. Are you sure it wasn't another color, as out pink ones go up to 300". He insists that he saw the map in our store "a few days ago" (which, in customer speak is a year or so ago). I tell him that I will go have a look in the stockroom. 300's. I tell him again that we do NOT have it instore, and that maybe I can order it in for him. He still insists that we DO have it (eeerrrggghhh).-----meantime, I am the only person in the books dept (shortstaffed) and I have a line forming of angry customers who I have to tell to pay upstairs as I am helping someone on the phone------- Map Guy then says that maybe we have a different map with the same places on them. I ask him to give me the names of the places. He does and I have no idea where these places are seeing as how I am from America and I have no idea where places in Scotland are (he wanted a Scottish map). I still try to look, but can't find any maps for these places. I tell him so, and he says "have you had a look in your Scotland Section"? WE DO NOT HAVE A SCOTLAND SECTION! I tell him this, and he says that he saw it in out Scotland Section when he was instore. Okaaayyy???? After arguing about that for about 3 mins, I got another member of staff to help him. He too could not find anything this guy wanted.

    Next day: It is Saturday and we are BUSY! Map Guy calls again and I hand him over to someone else as I can not dea with him at all! He has the ISBN (code that each book has for itself which makes it easy to find). The girl that I handed him to finds it on the computer after looking instore for it again! He argues with her saying that he should not have to order it because we do have it. Whatever! So she orders it. She tells me that she has no idea how I dealt with him and that he kept explaining WHY he needed the map. He did that with me too.

    About 20 mins later, he calls back. I give the phone to the girl that has dealt with him earlier and he wants more maps of obscure places. She orders them for him.

    About 2 hours later, he calls again! He wants to cancel the maps for he has found them at another store for cheaper. Urrrrrggghhhhh!

    Thing is, if he would have just accepted that we did not have it and taken my advice to call other stores that may have it instock, all of this would have not happened. I also hate when people tell you what yo have instock or how to do your job. Maybe he should have worked here or perhaps, if we had it instore and he knew where it was (in our Scotland Section) he should have come in to buy it! He also had to explain to her again why he wanted thenm and then why he had to cancel them. WHO CARES? I hate when they do that! No one is interested in why you need someting, just buy it and leave!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    Oh I feel your pain...Ordnance survey maps are EVIL to track down and without FAIL the one the customer will want is the one you don't have and then wants to give you the life story whilst ordering it too. I wonder if it's a map-people thing ?!

    If it makes you feel any better, the scottish maps aren't actually listed the same as the rest of the country anyway because they cover a larger area per sheet...yes...I've been dealing with this rubbish for so long, I now know this *sigh*

    Coulda been worse...coulda been Michelin maps...*shudders* The joys of working in a bookshop eh


    • #3
      As a fellow map geek myself, Ordnance survey maps are a bitch......I have another map related story.... But will post it later.


      • #4
        welcome back whs!!!


        • #5
          I hate it when they want to tell you WHY they want whatever it is they want. I could not possibly care less. Either we have it or we don't, either you will buy it or you won't, and telling me that you want it to give to your ailing mother isn't going to make it magically appear or lower the price. Grrr...
          Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

