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Just stood up to an SC.....

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  • Just stood up to an SC.....

    Just happened. I guess this belongs here or in Sightings. I was not working, but I was involved

    So anyway, I am in the Golden Arches getting the fast food goodness that gives Morgan Spurlock nightmares. Note: It is raining HEAVY today and the door to the entrance at McDs sometimes does not close all the way (important)

    Also I'd like to add that it felt like hell itself in the building so they must have a busted AC unit or something. I felt bad for all those employees hauling ass back behind the counter in what felt like not so good working conditions.

    So after I have my heart broken with the news that their ice cream machine is out so no McFlurry for me I ordered my Big Macs and my fries and my soda (yes I want to die early--not like the world rules or anything )

    They get me my food nice and fast and I walk over to the drink machine to fill up my Coke. In walks this woman who on first glance you would think defined white trash. Ratty clothes, way too much makeup and eyeshadow smelled like a smoke factory, etc. She turns around and notices the door doesn't close all the way, does not pull it closed, and walks up to the counter and gets her food. While I am filling up my drink I notice a few flies buzzing around the station where the lids and straws are. They most likely came inside because of the weather and because they smelled yummy Mc Donalds.

    I get my drink filled up but Ms Thang is blocking my access to my straw (the only thing keeping me there). She takes her sweet time and notices the flies.

    SC: Britney Spears without the money........and much older

    SC: Oh my god, this is ridicuolous, they really need to do something about these flies!

    *I am ignoring her at first and then notice she is making direct eye contact with me*

    Me: What was that?

    SC: I said they really need to do something about all of these flies.

    Me: Well there wouldn't be so many in here if certain people closed doors behind them

    She looked kind of dumbfounded and walked off......I was then able to obtain my straw

  • #2
    Happy happy, you make me happy.
    "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
    "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)


    • #3
      yaaay! that makes me smile
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        I have to admit, my McD's tasted like victory. Although I may have to go to a different one later. You see, my brain already told my stomach and taste buds to expect a McFlurry and now my taste buds and stomach are pissed at my brain because they still lack a McFlurry. Furthermore they know I have been to McDonalds because they recognice a chewed up Big Mac anywhere


        • #5
          Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
          ( I ordered my Big Macs and my fries and my soda (yes I want to die early--not like the world rules or anything )
          As my brother likes to say "We're here for a good time, not a long one."
          "Jester, I have an opportunity for you." Uh oh. What does he want me to clean? "It 's a chance for you to make some extra money." Crap, it must be really gross!



          • #6
            In the mood I'm in, a Big Mac and fries (drool) ALMOST trump an oreo McFlurry. I'd be happy with any two of the three, though, if it comes to it.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Thanks, now all I can think about is yummy McD dollar doublecheeseburgers. I am so in love with those greasy goodies.

              Many years ago, when I worked at McD's we would make ourselves Big Macs using the quarter pounder patties. I made mine with lots of cheese, ketchup and pickles.
              One guy used to take a McChicken patty and put it on a Quarter Pounder and call it a Quarter Chicken. I'm surprised our store ever made a profit, we ate constantly while we were there.
              Last edited by justZu; 06-11-2007, 01:36 AM.


              • #8
                Sure the flies didn't follow her in? Hmm... screw it, I want White Castle. ^_^
                "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                • #9
                  Dangit, now I have to stop at McD's when I get out of work at midnight. That's always when the junk food I avoid all day sounds too good to resist!
                  "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                  “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                  • #10
                    I haven't had McD's in a while, but suddenly I want to go there. Nice job with standing up to that woman, though.
                    For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
                    -Namie Amuro (Japanese singer)


                    • #11
                      Heh. That'll teach her to try to get confirmation from a CS regular.

                      As for McDoggies... I won't go near the place after 10:30am. The McGriddle is the only thing they make (other than the McFlurry, and ice cream doesn't like me) that doesn't give me indigestion. Although I can handle a filet o' fish ok, fish is cheaper at Jack in the Box.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

