Ok, three stories, all a little old here.
Story 1:
I'm stacking shelves, it's quiet, and this chavvy-type-boy comes up to me and sort of shuffles up to me.
'Urrm- can I buy weed here?'
Me- gobsmacked for a few minutes-
'Urrm, no. Marijuana is illegal, we can't sell it here.'
SDB (stupid drugs boy)- 'but your like, a herbs shop. Weed's a herb'.
Me: Yes, but we only sell LEGAL herbal products. Ones for health.
SDB: Do you know where I can buy some weed?
Me: No. Tell you what- why don't you ask one of the nice police? A couple of them have a beat that takes them round the city centre. I'm sure they'll know.
Story 2:
SW= Stupid woman
Me= overworked, undervalued, underpaid.
Me: Ok, I can get a manager.
SW: NO! don't you move! I'm going to call the police in a minute. YOU ARE SELLING ILLEGAL GOODS!
Me: We are?
SW: YES! You are selling MARIJUANA!
Me: I, urrm, don't think we are. COuld you show me this?
So she shows me to a section and points at the hempseeds. At this point I have to really bite my tongue not to start laughing.
Me: That's not marijuana. That's hemp.
SW: Don't try and trick me! THEY'RE THE SAME THING!
Me: No, they aren't. Hempseeds are from the same species, but they aren't the same plant. Hemp is pefectly legal, all sorts of things are made from it. It doesn't have any intoxicating properties at all.
SW:.... I don't believe you.
Me: I'm telling the truth. If it was illegal we wouldn't be allowed to sell it.
She storms out.
We get similar things from ignorant people a lot.
'Hemp? That's- that's DRUGS!'
sTORY 3:
I only overhear this one, I'm not involved. As I'm on till I overhear a group of chavvy young girls wandering around looking at our protein powdrs and stuff. I can't remember most of the conversation, but do remembr this bit.
'Those are steroids!'
'No they aren't!'
'Yes they are! And steroids are illegal! We should go to the police!'
There are no steroids. And I guess, if they went to the police, the police didn't believe them. That might be because a fair few of them come in off duty and buy the protein powders.
Story 1:
I'm stacking shelves, it's quiet, and this chavvy-type-boy comes up to me and sort of shuffles up to me.
'Urrm- can I buy weed here?'
Me- gobsmacked for a few minutes-
'Urrm, no. Marijuana is illegal, we can't sell it here.'
SDB (stupid drugs boy)- 'but your like, a herbs shop. Weed's a herb'.
Me: Yes, but we only sell LEGAL herbal products. Ones for health.
SDB: Do you know where I can buy some weed?
Me: No. Tell you what- why don't you ask one of the nice police? A couple of them have a beat that takes them round the city centre. I'm sure they'll know.
Story 2:
SW= Stupid woman
Me= overworked, undervalued, underpaid.
Me: Ok, I can get a manager.
SW: NO! don't you move! I'm going to call the police in a minute. YOU ARE SELLING ILLEGAL GOODS!
Me: We are?
SW: YES! You are selling MARIJUANA!
Me: I, urrm, don't think we are. COuld you show me this?
So she shows me to a section and points at the hempseeds. At this point I have to really bite my tongue not to start laughing.
Me: That's not marijuana. That's hemp.
SW: Don't try and trick me! THEY'RE THE SAME THING!
Me: No, they aren't. Hempseeds are from the same species, but they aren't the same plant. Hemp is pefectly legal, all sorts of things are made from it. It doesn't have any intoxicating properties at all.
SW:.... I don't believe you.
Me: I'm telling the truth. If it was illegal we wouldn't be allowed to sell it.
She storms out.
We get similar things from ignorant people a lot.
'Hemp? That's- that's DRUGS!'
sTORY 3:
I only overhear this one, I'm not involved. As I'm on till I overhear a group of chavvy young girls wandering around looking at our protein powdrs and stuff. I can't remember most of the conversation, but do remembr this bit.
'Those are steroids!'
'No they aren't!'
'Yes they are! And steroids are illegal! We should go to the police!'
There are no steroids. And I guess, if they went to the police, the police didn't believe them. That might be because a fair few of them come in off duty and buy the protein powders.