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Girls can be gamers too!

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  • #46
    Quoth draggar View Post
    Why not download Nesticle and get some classics? Really, games today just don't stack up to the games of yesteryear.

    Atari 2600 rules! I want my Adventure back!!

    As for the PSP, won't Bleem fix that?
    Um i should mention my geek extends to sci fi, books, comics and a few video games... i under stoof three words in there... download, PSP and Atari......


    • #47
      Nesticle is a NES emulator for your computer, it lets you play NES games (you download ROMS for it).

      Atari 2600 had a game called "Adventure" the graphics were so cheezy but the game was so fun. Grab the spear and kill the dragon!

      If my memory serves me right, Bleem is a program that lets you play PSP games on your computer.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #48
        ok... well...
        I have a desk top that needs some updating (mostly in the memory and operating system area) my pretty new laptop which i use to write and to do school work (and internet) which reminds me i need to bug the blonde one for word...

        I think some of those things would kill my desk top, besides theres something... special about a game you have to hold in your hands... *misses her old game boy now*


        • #49
          Nah, I used to run Nesticle on my old old old PC (Pentium 3 650Mhz 512MB Ram), it has very low system requirements. (It ran smoothly then). I'm sure I could run it on my (extrememely) old laptop (Pentium 200 with MMX).

          Bleem is pretty old, too.
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #50
            Pet Bunny... hehehe

            Quoth draggar View Post
            Virtual pets, might not be a bad compromise for parents and can also be a test for their children to see if they really will care for a real pet and not dump it on the parents.
            My grandfather had an interesting way of checking that with my mom and Aunt.

            He'd buy them both rabbits as pets, and they'd take care of them. But after a while, they'd start getting lazy and he'd have to take care of them.

            Whenever that happened, they had rabbit for supper.

            I'm not sure that's necessarily the Best way of doing it, but it worked :P


            • #51
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Atari and Intellivision is what I started on.
              My first experience was Galaga at the laundromat when I was 3 or 4. I knew some kids who had Atari 2600's but I didn't own a system until 1988 when my parents finally caved in and bought me the NES for Christmas. Then one magical day, I was at a friend of a friend's birthday party and he was playing Dragon Warrior. What was this magical game that seemed to have a higher purpose than stepping on mushrooms or shooting random robots/monsters? Did it seriously just ask him what he wanted to do to this little smiling ball of slime? You mean he has to seek out clues to his next destination? You mean you don't kill monsters because they're in the way, but that you have to actively seek them out to become stronger and get money to buy stronger things to kill with? I was too young and innocent to know what addiction was or that it already had me in its grasp, but that day changed games for me forever.

              I never owned the SNES (my parents figured out the systems were just going to keep coming out and replacing the old ones and didn't want to "waste" any more money on something that would become obsolete, even though I swore I'd still play the NES - and still do). Luckilly, I had a friend in High School who was willing to let me borrow his. That's the funny thing about men. They could know full well that they don't stand a chance with you, that you also prefer the fairer sex, yet you can still have them eating out of your hand by activating the ol' feminine charm. I was double lucky that all he played was RPG's, so I didn't miss FFIV and VI, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore (yeah it sucked, but it was still a Square game), Chrono Trigger, Zelda: Link to the Past, Soulblazer, Illusion of Gaia, etc.

              I got a job and bought a Playstation with my first paycheck. A few years later (thanks to the Internet, which also fed my lust for games), I did my research and decided which 5th Gen system I wanted and bought a Dreamcast. A month later, Sega announced they were killing it (I still played the hell out of it. There were some fine games on the DC). Almost bought a PS2, but the only game I wanted was FFX, and that didn't seem worth the price tag of the system, so I bought a Gamecube and never regretted it.

              Now I've got my Wii, and even though the selection of RPG's is non-existent it's still the most fun I've ever had with a console. I have games I never would have bought otherwise (Cooking Mama, Trauma Center) and have a blast playing them. After the first year, when everyone is done making the "experimental" games, we'll see some truly great stuff on the Wii, not just fun party games (although Harry Potter looks flipping amazing with how the Wii-mote is your wand). There's unlimited potential. I just wish I had known I would own a Wii back in December when I got Zelda: Twilight Princess for GC(I assumed I wouldn't get one for at least 2 years).

              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Now the counter staff is ALL female but they seem to have been hired just for OMIGAWD A GIRL value. There never have a bloody clue when I ask them something.
              The girls at the EB's around here are pretty well-versed in gaming. There's an old man at Gamestop who has no business being there and has to ask the other clerk (a girl) pretty much every single question that someone asks him.

              Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
              I even have a copy of FFMQ in similar condition!
              Please, tell me you didn't pay money for that.
              "You are loved" - Plaidman.


              • #52
                Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                A PSP or a Wii?
                I don't think you were asking me, but for me it would be a Wii, hands down.

                I've seen the PSP, I even borrowed a friends a while back. The thing was fancy, big, expensive, and boooooring. If I want to watch movies, there are better, cheaper, lighter portable DVD players that won't make me buy new media. Oh, and with a fairly simple mod, you can make a Nintendo DS do all the stuff a PSP can do.

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                PSP vs Wii?

                Wii, definately. The PSP, like the PS3, seems to be just a big fancy overly expensive bragging right that doesn't really do much except cost a stupid amount of money. My coworker has a PSP, I have a DS. I've yet to see one thing on his PSP that looked remotely decent. The PSP movies use a propriety format disc ( Bad bad idea ) and stores are already phasing out carrying it because there's not enough interest ( Why buy a movie you can only watch on a PSP? Better off with a portable DVD player so you don't have to buy it twice if you want to watch the movie again at home ). Plus they charge you out the ASS for the memory cards. They're twice as expensive then an equivalent SD flash card. Once again, a propriety hardware format.

                My DS cost me $100 flat. I have it modded to use SD flash cards. It plays movies and mp3s. Runs NES, SNES, Gameboy, GBA, Gamegear and Genesis roms. It reads txt and doc. It displays gif, jpg and bmp. It can use Wifi points, get on IRC, check email, browse the net, etc using homebrew free software off the net. It can use any SD flash card so I card around a couple gigs worth. I also cart around a small card reader/writer so I can plug my portable data into any computer I'm around or into my DS if no computer's around. ;p

                My PSP loving coworker often borrows my second DS ( I have the original and a Lite ) so that he may partake in Elite Beat Agent action. ( I love that game so much....and its Japanese predessor, Ouendan. Just beat Ouedan 2 on 4 star as well. ^^ ).

                I don't know what Sony's doing lately. Every time one of their CEO's opens his mouth he makes a complete ass of himself.
                Everything he said. Everything.

                Elite Beat Agents is great, and I've got both Ouendans on my list. I've been playing Etrian Odyssey recently, and it's eating up a lot of my spare time. I love the feature where you have to map the areas you visit by hand.

                Quoth draggar View Post
                Nesticle is a NES emulator for your computer, it lets you play NES games (you download ROMS for it).
                I use MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) for all of my old-school gaming desires. There are thousands of games that came out in Japan that never made it over here that are a blast to play.

                Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                Now I've got my Wii, and even though the selection of RPG's is non-existent it's still the most fun I've ever had with a console.
                Almost everybody who has a Wii says the same thing. I, too, can't wait until this fall when all of the ambitious first and third party games that really take advantage of the Wiimote start hitting the shelves.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #53
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  I know you exist, but I've yet to meet one who's Shotokan is truly strong. I always maintained I'd marry the woman that could beat me at King of Fighters. =p Only one has tried thus far. She did fail. ^^
                  Give me Mai, Athena, and Terry, and maybe Benimaru if it's one of the four-person teams, and I'll take that bet.
                  "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                  • #54
                    ok the thought of a wii game like fabel is amusing....
                    though i hears sims 2 for wii is fun...

                    ok i think ill get a wii


                    • #55
                      Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                      Give me Mai, Athena, and Terry, and maybe Benimaru if it's one of the four-person teams, and I'll take that bet.
                      Give me Vanessa, Kula, May Lee and maybe Angel ( For carpel tunnel value ) and you're on. ^^


                      • #56
                        I'm actually one of the rare girls that can drive like a demon at racing games. Ask me anything about the Need For Speed, Ridge Racer, Forza, or Midnight Club games, I can pretty much recite car names and the levels of modification. I even beat other boys at the arcade with Wangan Midnight (A Silver Toyota MR2) and Initial D (The Sileighty of Impact Blue and FD RX-7 of Kyoko).

                        Also it helps that in my spare time, I do alot of extensive modifications to my "pets;" A Nissan 200SX (not the 240SX) and a Datsun 280ZX.


                        • #57
                          Quoth Hon'ya-chan View Post
                          I even beat other boys at the arcade with Wangan Midnight
                          Wangan Midnight was just turned into a hilariously awful anime. Its on my "So bad its entertaining" list. -.-


                          • #58
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            Wangan Midnight was just turned into a hilariously awful anime. Its on my "So bad its entertaining" list. -.-
                            Do not diss the Devil Z!!


                            • #59
                              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                              The storage drive has developed some problem that keeps it from spinning up, and thus keeps the system from booting, for some reason. The idea of how much data I've lost depresses me.
                              Old computer tech trick for trying to revive "dead" drives, place drive in a ziploc bag, then put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then temporarily install it in a system and try to recover your data as fast as you can.

                              Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                              Oh man I would KILL to work in an EB... Surrounded by all these games, I'd probably be humping the bargain bin on my dinner hour...
                              Video please.


                              • #60
                                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                                The EB here use to be an awesome game store, lots of neat stuff, staffed by geeks that knew what you were talking about. Now the counter staff is ALL female but they seem to have been hired just for OMIGAWD A GIRL value.
                                That's why I'm wary of applying to the Gamestop down the street; I've never seen girls shopping there and the one time I ventured in to ask about either Perplex City or Wii availability, I was looked at like I had three heads.
                                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

