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Free dvd's with newspapers! Absolute Hell!

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  • Free dvd's with newspapers! Absolute Hell!

    Ok, people from America won't know what I am talking about, but anyone from the UK knows exactly what I mean. I will explain.

    You see, about a year ago, one newspaper had a brilliant idea to offer a free dvd with every paper. They also switched between our store, WHShit and other stores to exclusively get it from. It DID sell a hell of alot of papers. I even thought that it was a good idea. At first, it was ok. They sent us in enough dvd's for every paper WE had. Thing was, because you could only get the dvd at WHShit, they did not take into consideration that people bought the paper at other stores, ripped the coupon out and came into our store to get the dvd. Because of this, we ran out of dvd's but still had papers instore but no dvd. This was ok at first. People were understanding and calm.

    It has gotten WAY out of hand. Every week there is another offer in another paper. And you can only get these dvd's guessed it, WHShit. After numerous complaints to the paper (who send the dvd's into us) from our stores, asking to send more dvd's to deal with the high demand and the fact that people buy papers at other stores, they still only send in just enough for OUR papers.

    Since it has been going on for so long, people have become dependant on it. They have come to expect a free dvd with their papers It is to the point that, if for one week the paper does NOT have the free dvd, they ask if there are any from any paper.

    There are so many problems with this, I do not know where to begin! So, I will try:

    As I said, sometimes other stores have the dvd. This is wonderful and a relief for us! Problem is, people come in to buy the paper or come in with their coupon and ask us for the dvd. When we tell them that we are not doing it that week, they get very angry. Sometimes shouting at us and calling us names. When we point out what store it is, they insist on knowing directions to the store and sometimes even ask us to call the store to "put one aside" for them as they "came out special for the dvd and don't want to travel to another store for nothing"! I do not know how many times I have heard that one. "I came out especially for the dvd". This, to me, is very sad. Do these people have NOTHING better to do then get up at 7am to get a free dvd? They are always crappy old movies from the 50's too.

    Another thing is we open at 8:30. At 8 people are lined up at the door to get the dvd. The other day I actually witnessed 2 old men RACING eachother to get the paper first! They were the first 2 people in the store, there were plenty of papers to go around at that point! I mean, PLEASE!

    We were told that we are not allowed to hold dvd's for anyone as it is first come, first serve and we have a small amount of dvd's so it is only fair. It says in the paper that you must have a coupon and come on the day of each dvd (there is a different one every day for a week) to get it. If they want, they can send away to the paper to get the whole collection or just the ones they missed sent to them. Since it has been going on for so long, people know that we usually sell out by 3. We even tell them when they get the first dvd.

    So, of course we get them coming in at 5 and getting pissed off because we have run out. We try to explain to them that we are only sent enough for the stock WE have and that people buy them at other stores and we have to give them a dvd if they have the coupon. This doesn't matter of course. They say it is a ascam, false advertising all that soert of stuff. We try to explain that WHShit has nothing to do with the dvd deal and it is entirely the papers responsibility. We even give them the number and address to call or write to to complain. This is not good enough. They want head office's number and they WILL complain! EEERRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!

    We have people ask for more than one dvd when they have one coupon. We tell them that you must have 2 coupons for 2 dvd's. They beg and plead and give stupid excuses "I have two children/grandkids" "my dad is in the hospital" "my friend want's one but can't get one because she has kids"...real sob stories...for a FREE DVD!!!!!!!!!!

    The other day, I had an internal call from Phil, another supervisor. He said that he had a lady on the phone and she wanted him to hold a dvd aside for her. He said he had told her no, but she insisted on speaking to another member of managment. I took the call and this woman says that she would like me to hold a dvd for her. She says that it is her daughters birthday and she is moving house and has no place to stay at the moment and she wants to get it for her daughter but she can't be in until the next day. Now, I know there is no harm in doing this, but what does any of what she told me have to do with anything? Also, if I do it for her I am going against the rules AND will have to do it for everyone who asks. I tell her this over and over again, but still get more sob story, so I pass her to another supervisor. He (after 10 mins) tells her that we will see if we have any left at the end of the day and give her a call if we do, but we can't promise anything. IT IS A FREE DVD!!!!!!!!! My god!!!!

    My friend Qurar, a supervisor at my old WHShit store, told me of his adventures with the free dvd. He said a couple came in on a Friday with all the coupons and wanted the entire collection. He told them that they couldn't do it as they needed to come in to get it everyday, as it stated on the coupon and we had none from the rest of the week left. They said that they were going to call the British equilivent to the Better Business Bureau and have him fired. The wife said he was "not allowed to look at her". He suggested that they send the coupons into the paper and get the whole set sent to them. They said they were from New Zealand and it was not possible to do this. They degraded him in fromt of other employees and customers even resorting to racial slurs (he is Pakistani). Unbelievable!

    I have had people come in 2 weeks after the set of dvd's were on promotion with all the coupons and expect to get them. When you tell them they can't they get very mad! They are going to get us fired! We are lying to them" We are shit! Our company is shit! Blah blah blah.

    I am so sick of sick! I dread getting called to the front till because another customer has a dvd complaint.

    Fact is, it is FREE. And it is CRAP! It is NOT the end of the world if you do not get one. They aren't even in plastic cases, they are in squares of cardboard no bigger than the dvd itself. Buy the damn thing if you want it so bad. It will be on sale for £1.99 anyway cause it is so shit! Also, the people who want the dvd are the same people who get all huffy and yell because we do not sell VHS I have to wonder if they even watch them or just get them cause they are free and use them as coasters...most likelty the latter.

    Sorry this is sooo long, but it gives everyone something to read and I have had this on my shoulders for over a year! I am sick of it and hate to even hear or say the word dvd. I bet after reading this, everyone else is sick of the word dvd too!

    Anyone else experiance this?
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    Just bad 50s movies? Not big classics like Singing in the Rain or avant-garde ones like The Man With The Golden Arm? Okay, that's about all the knowledge I can show off off the top of my head, but I look forward to the you've opened...

    Is it worth it for you to even carry that paper? Can you refuse the discs, as other places apparently don't have to carry them? Does it lead to additional sales (doesn't sound like it)?

    Maybe if they offered free papers with DVDs instead?

    I put down a lot of promotions in general that involve logistical inconvenience, but a competing paper needs to do a feature story on this one leading perhaps to jammed traffic/parking/smog as people drive in on different days for each disc, injure each other, tie up complaint lines and invoke ethnic slurs--not to mention the revival in bad old movies going unnoticed by the media and distributors.
    I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


    • #3
      Most of the dvd's we get in are not classics. At least to my knowledge. They are lots of "classic" cartoons, but not to original ones. Like Cinderella poorly made. Also have a lot of suff that was never popular . I know I probably sound like a naive youngster, but I am really into film and appreciate all the golden oldie classics, believe me. All the good ones come with the paper on Sunday, and they are actually IN the paper (yay!). I have seen WickerMan (which I got), Singing in the Rain (yep) and the like...but only on Sunday's. So, yes, most of the weekday and Saturday stuff is crap. Seriously. And our store carries the remakes of the cartoons....and sells them for...£1.99. LOL

      We also have been doing this Learn Spanish and Learn French in a week stuff. It is extra fub because you have to get all the cd's in order to do the whole program, so we REALLY get bitched at for that! Thing is, we always ask the customers if they have learned Spanish yet (as that was the first set from the paper) and no one has.

      Look, I am not nagging on everyone who gets these dvd's but the fact that they have become almost violent at times when we run out of them. It is too much!
      "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


      • #4
        I see this everyday when I go to get my paper and feel for you lot like you wouldn't believe! How they ever thought it was a good idea to give the public at large a deal that requires some basic level of thought...ya know...the kind that involves breathing and talking all at once...I will never know.

        I have a theory that the only reason they want the stupid films is cos they've got a coupon for them and we all know that the little dears feel all self important and special when they've got a coupon for ANYTHING...I say whack the pile of DVD's on a counter, let em fight it out. Very LEAST you're gonna get is entertained


        • #5
          Man, can you get all the store employees and angry customers and people from other stores to sign some sort of "petition" to stop it?? Or is it over now? I would call the paper every day and tell them what crap this promotion is - what a stupid idea! I mean, if you really want to give free dvd's away with every paper.... PUT them in the paper!!! Wrap them in it or something...... of course, you'd have people going and grabbing more than one....... so I guess my idea isn't idiot-proof either..... but still........ what bunch of morons came up w/ this promotion? You know what might be better - having the customers SEND AWAY for the DVD's and then get them in the mail....... you'd have a lot less people do it b/c they're too lazy to get an envelope & stamp and get something to the post office or their own mailbox......... and then the ones that did do it - you send them a DVD - simple as that. Heck, charge them the shipping if you want - make them include that along w/ their "coupon" - hmmm maybe you could suggest that idea to the paper????


          • #6
            [QUOTE=air914]Man, can you get all the store employees and angry customers and people from other stores to sign some sort of "petition" to stop it?? Or is it over now? QUOTE]

            It will never be over! EVER! .....sadly
            "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


            • #7
              Quoth WHShit
              They said they were from New Zealand and it was not possible to do this. They degraded him in fromt of other employees and customers even resorting to racial slurs (he is Pakistani). Unbelievable!
              and on behalf of ALL New Zealanders, I apologuise for their behaviour. Kiwi's like myself pride ourselves on living in a peaceful multicutural society. We are all immigrants here, even our native people have legends of them arriving.

              sucky customers are rife all around the world.
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                Some companies here in the US do something similar, usually free product samples of new cleaning products, non-perishable snack foods & candy, i saw a toothbrush once, and ever so occasionally some sort of CD/DVD/free trial software, but instead of bothering the paper retailers, the papers get packaged into a plastic sleeve that has the product sealed into a pocket. That way you can see the product, and it goes out with EVERY paper, even the residential delivery papers. Seems like this could be a good idea to suggest to the paper over there.
                The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                • #9
                  When it comes to free shit, people just go nuts. I feel bad for you, it must really suck on the days you don't have the DVD's or even at the end of the day.

                  I always hate the assholes that called ahead to reserve things that they couldn't get there in time to buy. Goodness forbid you get there eairly or arrange your schedule to come in and get what you want. It's horribly unfair to somone that came in.


                  • #10

                    *runs away*
                    I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                    "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                    • #11
                      I can't help but to cringe at the thought of this. I can just imagine customers freaking out because they didn't get their free copy of Cool As Ice or some other crap.
                      "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

                      When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


                      • #12
                        The less it costs, the suckier they get. Seriously.

                        I had to work with a customer whose $110 order we lost (change of management + spring cleaning + somebody mistook a '5' for a '2' = oops), and she was VERY calm and understanding about the whole situation. By the time I got to what I should give her for free to compensate her, I think she had totally written it off in her head and wasn't really expecting to get anything. She is still our customer to this day.

                        On the other hand, customers complain ALL THE FREAKING TIME when our 'process 2 rolls, get 1 free' coupon is actually a 'process 2 rolls, get 24 exposures free' offer (if you have more than 24 exposures on your roll, you will get charged approximately 20 CENTS PER PRINT). Honestly. You're getting a $10 service for $3.50. That's a damn good coupon if you ask me.
                        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                        -- The Meteor Principle

                        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                        • #13
                          If this is the newspaper I think it is, it is mainly read by half-wits anyway, so no surprise that they become even more stupid and nasty when they think there is the chance of getting something FREE.

                          The Sunday heavies seal their DVDs /giveaways into a plastic packet, whicha much more sensible idea. Even better the Torygraph is doing a DVD offer where you have to collect ALL the coupons then send them away to get a proper DVD set, rather than a bunch of old Carry On clips in a cardboard sleeve.
                          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                          - Dave Barry


                          • #14
                            Hey I looked them up online and they're giving away Morrissey DVDs???? That's pretty cool. Not that I'd threaten to punch somebody's lights out for it but I wouldnt mind getting it for free.


                            • #15
                              It's bad enough, all of the abuse that Retail Employees have to deal with from SC's that don't think Store Policies apply to them.

                              It's totally uncalled for when SC's abuse the Employees due to something brought on by a third party. I'd like to see the CEO of the Newspaper, in this case, as well as the idiot(s) in advertising who dreamed up this idea work the frontlines in a Store and have to deal with these jerks.

                              Calling the Paper is just going to cause more pain for some poor Phone Rep who has been dealing with SC's calling them all day screaming at them.


