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"Born Again" when it suits THEM

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  • "Born Again" when it suits THEM

    Don't you hate these pious people who quote chapter & verse on how you need to be "saved" in order to go to heaven & yet they act anything BUT the way that God would have wanted them to? I'm talking about hypocrites.
    You see these so-called Christians flowing out of churches on Sunday after church & heading on over to places like Wal-Mart only to end up making complete jerks of themselves over trivial shit. It's like they think that just because they've been to church that their "slate" is wiped clean for the week & they can "sin" again without remorse. I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way.
    Early on Sundays at Wal-Mart was usually peacefull UNTIL church let out & that's when you got the most obnoxious Sucky Customers around.
    I stopped going to church a long time ago cause I got tired of all the phoney people who were in there. That's not to mean that I don't believe in God-I believe in God AND have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. To be in a church surrounded by blasphemous people wasn't my cup of tea.
    Now I'm not saying that EVERY person who goes to church is a hypocrite but more than enough are to have spoiled going to church for me.
    Last edited by Bright_Star; 06-17-2007, 05:16 PM.

  • #2
    The thing to remember is that no one is perfect. People get angry, in moods, have tempers, etc regardless of belief. I know I do.

    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


    • #3
      these threads never end up being pretty.....


      • #4
        It is like the people who leave those tracts or whatever they are called instead of a tip.

        AND, I think there is some truth to what the OP says. I haven't been to church regularly in YEARS. When I was a kid, my mother got sick of it because it seemed like they were more concerned with money.

        People think it is terrible that someone doesn't go to church. i feel like it is my life to live, and it is not hurting anyone else. many people do seem to think that they are "holier than thou" because they are church-going.

        Well, you know what? I refuse to believe that some abusive prick is better than I am simply because he goes to church.

        And I worked at Wal Mart and it sucked. I have never seen so many rude, obnoxious people in my life.


        • #5
          You should see the BS that the Pagan groups I belong to on MySpace get, plus when people see my pentagram, watch out!!

          It's quite funny, though, to see their hypocracy show though when someone shows them a quote in the bible promoting what they claim we do. *snicker*

          But, it's a tendency we all have. We go to a seminar on say, volcanoes. Then, we go to WalMart and it's freshin our minds, we see something that reminds us of it and we tell the cashier. Sure, it's not as controversial as preaching to the cashier, but it is the same concept.

          I'd say just shrug it off.
          Last edited by draggar; 06-17-2007, 05:19 PM.
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            Sundays have to be the worst day for bad tippers. Everyone in their Sunday best, who just admitted all their Sins to God for the week, now free to go committ some more for yet another week...

            So there's all these well dressed older people ordering around waitresses and hostesses as if we were slaves in the cotton fields. It was like a scene out of a Civil Wear era movie.

            And yes, I received tracts in lieu of tips before. I got one that looked like a high note, and opened it and it said something like "I bet you're disappointed that this wasn't money, but the best gift is God's love"

            It was a slap in the face to run my ass off for tables like that and get their stupid tracts and 50 cent tips.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              So far this has been a civil undertaking and I'd like to thank those who replied for that.

              If there is a specific story about an SC then please feel free to post it. However, I don't feel that a mere mention of Wal-Mart makes this a Sucky Customer thread.

              This more generalized rant about religion, though, is the kind of topic for Fratching.

              Yes, I'm closing it. No, no one is in trouble.

              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

              ~TechSmith 314
              HellGate: London

