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A new game: Let's see which cards DOESN'T decline...

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  • #31
    Quoth Starlord View Post
    My wife attempted to make a purchase at the local WM, and the card reader rejected her card. We had just gone through a case of identity theft, where the thief put us over $1,500 in the red through using her debit card. She paid with cash, and the next day went to the bank, and the card checked out okay. Turns out that the card reader was failing and had to be replaced. On the ID theft, turns out the thief was not very smart. When stealing identity, the trick is to buy a lot of high dollar items one can unload quickly for cash. This dimbulb paid his utility bills with it. Made it real easy for the police to track him down.
    I had this problem also but it wasn't idenitity theft by intention. The bank issued me a card and put in my info but at the sametime the clerk next to us was issueing a card to the guy she was working with and going off of the available list they put us both in for the same card number. I was asked about identity theft and so was he since we both were using the same card number. Bank ended up paying for it all in the end.-My side was at least 1000 in Insuffecunt funds charges and bills I had paid with the card.

    Quoth Zell View Post
    GOD I hate the "well, that's weird" phrase customers say to me every single time their card is declined.

    No, it's not weird, ma'am. It's called you suck at life and suck at managing your money. I'm not going to swipe it again because it won't work no matter what you think.
    Mine was delcined at a restraunt 3 times when I knew the money was in the accoutn. I kept saying that I knew the money was there and the guy behind the counter was throwing a fit about trying another card or cash. Well I was lucky and called my brother-in-law over and told him the problems so he went to put it on his card and IT was declined also. Turns out the storm that was raging outside had knocked out the line to the credit card machine and the charges had never gone to the bank to be declined.


    • #32
      At one point I had 8 cards, only two were of the Visa/MC type. Three were gas cards, the rest store brand cards.

      I used the gas cards as rotating money. Run one up (this is back when gas was still about $1/gallon) till it maxes out. Switch to the second card while working on paying off the first. When the 2nd maxes out, switch to the third. By time the 3rd would be almost maxed out, I'd have the 1st paid off, and be working on paying the 2nd one. Did it this way for a few years.


      • #33
        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
        The credit card is for Internet purchases where I can't use my debit card and for emergencies. I always pay it off completely every month.
        Same here. When I received my first card app in the mail, the first thing my mom did was sit down with me and explain the responsible use of credit cards. I always try to pay it in full every month; treating it the same as a debit card, basically (make sure I have money in my account to cover any and all purchases).
        Last edited by Dreamstalker; 06-26-2007, 07:11 PM.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

