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No alcohol before 12:00 on Sundays. Memorize it.

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  • #31
    While the exact point in time where the clock passes between AM and PM is 12:00 NOON, the subsequent minute between 12:00:00 NOON and 12:01:00 PM is definitely PM. For example 12:00:30 PM is AFTER the meridian. If you are not showing seconds, it is perfect valid to express the point in time 30 seconds after noon as 12:00 PM and calling it 12:00 AM wouln't be correct. The same goes for the other 59 seconds in that minute.

    To sum up, noon itself is neither AM or PM; it is just "M." The rest of the minute between noon and 12:01 PM is 12:00 PM.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #32
      Quoth Broomjockey View Post
      Shockingly, Wagegoth's right.
      *wince* I think I'd be offended by that phrase, were I wagegoth. If I wasn't, I'd pretend to be, then come back passing out hugs or something.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #33
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        *wince* I think I'd be offended by that phrase, were I wagegoth. If I wasn't, I'd pretend to be, then come back passing out hugs or something.
        I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that! I just meant that it seems natural to assume, what with military time and such, but it is a case of standard usage becoming accepted though the technical meaning is different. *Meekly submits for appropriate punishments*
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #34
          Palm Beach County recently lifted the ban on the sale of alcohol before noon. You can now buy it practically any time you jolly-well please. However........

          I remember the days of when I lived outside of Jacksonville, in Clay County. On Sundays, alcohol was not permitted to be sold until after 2pm, and shortly before the Publix I worked at would open, we would put out these huge, white signs with bright red lettering stating THE SALE OF ALCOHOL IS NOT PERMITTED UNTIL AFTER 2PM ON SUNDAYS! No matter what, with this sign literally starting SC's in the face, you still had tons of them that would attempt to buy beer or wine, and then say "Oh, I forgot about that." Yeah, right. Much of the time, I believe some were trying to see if the cashier would actually notice it and let it slide by. Thing was, the cash register would lock up and not allow more items through until the person's ID was verified. If it was before 2pm, the computer would not allow anything else through until the cashier voided the beer off the order.

          The next county over, Duval, banned the selling of alcohol on Sundays altogether for a while. Later on, it was voted that it could be sold and that the churchgoers did not have the right to impose laws like this. That was a touchy subject there, but my opinion is if you despise alcohol or anything else, nobody is making you possess it, right?
          Last edited by greensinestro; 06-30-2007, 02:22 PM.


          • #35
            That lady you mentioned......I wonder how she would feel about visiting Lynchburg, Tennessee and finding out that just because Jack Daniel's is made there, they don't sell it there? They're dry there, yet they've dealt with that complaint forever.

