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Makin' Out, Literally

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  • #31
    Oh had to add...... did anyone see Clerks II where the kid talks about "Mr Pillowpants?" Although that is really creepy & scary - maybe we should tell our little girls & boys that...... it would be interesting to see if teen pregnancies & stuff went down in numbers........... ??

    (I'm just joking - please don't take this seriously - I think that whole idea could really mess some kids up)


    • #32
      Quoth BigPete

      "I'm sorry, but I must report you to the captain."

      "No, please don't."

      "I must."

      "No, I won't be cool if you do."
      If I understand this exchange correctly... it was the girl who bemoaned 'being cool'?
      So, the boy was forcing her into it on the grounds that it'd make her cool?
      Yeah, that'd be rape. Age has no point in this story.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #33
        Quoth air914
        Man what is with these kids that they feel the need to have sex at 12??? I mean call me old fashioned (I'm sure you will) but if kids had more respect for the act of sex and more people were encouraging waiting until marriage . . .

        I agree, I don't think it's old fashioned, it's common sense. I had this friend who's mother got pregnant at 9. 9!! She apparently lost the child, but still! Most teenagers are not mentally (some not even physically) ready to have children at such a young age, and they don't even think of the consequences of having sex at a young age, let alone use protection (probably the 'it can't happen to me' syndrome).
        Media, tv, radio, music - is heavily laden with sexual innuendos, I'm almost getting tired of it all. It seems that anything clean is more entertaining, because its different. But there's no way it'll change, parents will have to be the first line of defense for their kids.
        This area is left blank for a reason.


        • #34
          Quoth Juwl
          Yeah, that'd be rape. Age has no point in this story.
          I totally disagree, if she did that on the basis of it making her cool and since they were both the same age, then she is just as much at fault as he is. Age has all the point in this story IMO.

          You can't blame someone else for your own actions.



          • #35
            Quoth kibbles
            I totally disagree, if she did that on the basis of it making her cool and since they were both the same age, then she is just as much at fault as he is. Age has all the point in this story IMO.

            You can't blame someone else for your own actions.

            Not quite what I meant. I mean, he had talked her into it on the terms of "fitting in", or being "cool"... I assume she agreed to it, but, not having been there, I can't say for sure. It sounds to me like it's a similar situation to "If your friends jumped off a cliff..."
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #36
              Ohhh, I get what you meant now , and ITA it's the same thing as "If your friends jumped off a cliff...", but you can't blame your friends when you go SPLAT at the bottom


              • #37
                This is a very interesting discussion, today at work I noticed a lot of girls most of them 9-12 dressed like 17-20 year old girls. It disgusts me that little girls dress like that, I say this because I have a 10 year old sister and she wants to dress like that but my mom has her say in everything. I'm scared to think what kids will be wearing 10 years from now.
                The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                • #38
                  its even disgusting, imo, when girls of any age dress like i've seen some people dress of all ages


                  • #39
                    I've had a lot of conversations with friends of mine that include the phrase, "They didn't dress like that when WE were their age..."

                    God, it makes me feel old to say that.
                    Everything I do goes through...

                    Think About It Central


                    • #40
                      I know just how you feel, I'm only 18 but the way I've seen some women dress for atending a measly basketball game makes me wonder if you have any self-respect at all.
                      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                      • #41
                        Quoth BlakeMP
                        I've had a lot of conversations with friends of mine that include the phrase, "They didn't dress like that when WE were their age..."

                        God, it makes me feel old to say that.

                        Same here. I also usually add something that if I ever have children, they will be allowed to only wear jeans and t-shirts until they are 25--if I don't have the girl children locked up in a convent first.

                        And WHAT are the PARENTS thinking, buying such clothes for their grade schoolers??????????????
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #42
                          Quoth BeckySunshine
                          And WHAT are the PARENTS thinking, buying such clothes for their grade schoolers??????????????
                          My best friend has a 9-year-old stepdaughter, and every single time they go clothes-shopping, they have to scour the aisles to come up with actual little girls' clothes. There are leopard print mini-skirts, midriff tops, T-shirts that proclaim, "Sexy" and "Hot Mama," but plain old cute kids' clothes aren't so easy to find. Every time it's a fight, because of course the kid wants the clothes "everyone" has, and of course my friend would rather her daughter not dress like a pole dancer. (No offense to pole dancers out there, you probably deal with more sucky customers in three and a half minutes than I do all day.)

                          I don't know what fashion designers are thinking, creating such clothes for grade schoolers, but I think maybe parents buy them out of desperation. I know my mom would rather have made my clothes than buy me such things as a child (or probably even now that I'm grown) but most parents don't have that kind of time. I know my friend barely has time to go through everything in the kids' department one by one to find something acceptable for her daughter to wear in the sea of prostitot clothes. (love that word btw) It is ungodly creepy, though!
                          Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


                          • #43
                            "prostitot " -- :LOL: My new word of the day.
                            Everything I do goes through...

                            Think About It Central


                            • #44
                              Quoth dragonflygrrl
                              I don't know what fashion designers are thinking, creating such clothes for grade schoolers, but I think maybe parents buy them out of desperation.
                              I expect that's part of it, yeah. Although given the midset of many SC's out there, it could be that they just buy whatever is easiest. I'm really wondering how I'm going to manage to dress my daughter in a few years if the trend continues- good thing I have a sewing machine and know how to use it!
                              Arsenic is 'natural'. Hemlock is 'organic'.


                              • #45
                                Quoth Jpurple
                                I expect that's part of it, yeah. Although given the midset of many SC's out there, it could be that they just buy whatever is easiest.
                                Exactly. They'll buy that crap simply to get their kids to shut up.

                                Also, I don't see the trend reversing itself anytime soon. Companies will continue to sell the Britney/Paris Hilton crap as long as it sells.
                                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

