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Signs are ftw mmkay?

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  • #16
    Freaking crazy. The guy actually said "I don't care about the sign" and he still got something for free? That does make the store look like it's admitting fault. I would have not given the man anything. I would have asked if he needed an ambulence and I would have called the police to file an accident report.


    • #17
      I was at the mall last week and I saw someone doing this. She was behind the stroller holding the handle, with the front wheels hanging there in midair. It was kinda funny cuz the kid, who looked to be about a year or so, was sitting forward with her hands on the front of the stroller looking out over the front like she was on a roller coaster or something. But I cringe at the thought of mom losing her grip or the back wheels starting to roll. I don't worry so much if there is an adult at each end holding onto the front and back of the stroller but it's still pretty dumb.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #18
        I agree with everybody else.

        Giving Dad of the Year a free stroller= the store saying "We're sorry, this was all our fault."

        And Dad of the Year can come back and sue saying he wasn't compensated enough and the store already admitted fault.

        Tangent--I know there are some stores that have special escalators that can take a shopping cart from one floor to another, but a stroller wouldn't be safe on those either probably.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #19
          if i was there im sure I would have let the manager have it like everyone else who was there. fortunatly this shuldnt have any impact on me and i havent had problems calling people like this idiots in the past...
          Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


          • #20
            Quoth Soulstealer View Post
            How do you almost know a lawyer?
            Maybe they only got to 3rd base?

            Oh....not "know in the biblical sense"....


            • #21
              I once worked in the auto section of a department store that had a large red letter of the alphabet as its logo. We had installed a muffler in one guy's car, and he came back about a month later, claiming that a faulty installation of the muffler had cost him a lot of merchandise. I told the manager I knew this guy, as I had worked with him at my previous job, and he was known to be a scammer. in the floor of the trunk was a light brown mark about the size of a silver dollar, and the customer claimed that some $400 worth of camping gear and other merchandise had burned up. There was no evidence of any burning, not even a scorched smell in the trunk, plus he had not one receipt for all the gear he claimed he had had to throw away. The store manager allowed this jerk-off to go through the store and load a cart with some $400 worth of merchandise to replace what he had 'lost.' I told the manager that he had just allowed this idiot to shoplift $400 worth of goods. The manager, needless to say was a total waste of skin.


              • #22
                Quoth Starlord View Post
                I once worked in the auto section of a department store that had a large red letter of the alphabet as its logo. We had installed a muffler in one guy's car, and he came back about a month later, claiming that a faulty installation of the muffler had cost him a lot of merchandise. I told the manager I knew this guy, as I had worked with him at my previous job, and he was known to be a scammer. in the floor of the trunk was a light brown mark about the size of a silver dollar, and the customer claimed that some $400 worth of camping gear and other merchandise had burned up. There was no evidence of any burning, not even a scorched smell in the trunk, plus he had not one receipt for all the gear he claimed he had had to throw away. The store manager allowed this jerk-off to go through the store and load a cart with some $400 worth of merchandise to replace what he had 'lost.' I told the manager that he had just allowed this idiot to shoplift $400 worth of goods. The manager, needless to say was a total waste of skin.
                I've said it before and I'll say it again...

                With managers like that, is it any wonder F-Mart (alias) went bankrupt?
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

