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Karma's Day Of Vengence (Bit Long)

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  • Karma's Day Of Vengence (Bit Long)

    I have been reading the posts on this site and having a few good laughs. It appears Karma doesn't like me laughing, I had more SC's today than in the last 6 months. Please bear with me while I rant.

    5 last choices
    3 Phone calls and two instore, all basically the same:
    SC: Do you have [obscure book, only ever heard of by the author and this particular SC apparently]
    ME: [After checking all databases] I'm sorry we don't have that in stock.
    SC: I've already been to [competeitor A and competitor B] and they don't have it either.
    ME: It does appear to be quite hard to find.
    SC: [Really pissy] Why don't any of you people have the book I want. [storms off / hangs up]

    I'm sorry but if you check two larger stores first and then me, why take it all out on me!

    Photo Copy Woman
    PCW: Photocopy this for me.
    SA(Sales Assistant): I'm sorry, we don't do photocopying. [We sell books]
    PCW: I didn't ask, I told you to copy this!
    SA: There is a copy centre just up the road.
    PCW: I know. It's too cold to go out there. You do it.
    SA: Uh, No!
    PCW: Stop wasting my time and just copy this!
    SA: [Walks away leaving PCW ranting to no one]

    As ASM I fully backed my SA in this, some people just don't get the message.

    Really Should Have A Licence to Have Kids
    Mother is looking at some New Age books, kid is playing with one of spinners. This spinner is over 6 feet high. The kid thinks it's a great idea to make it spin faster and faster untill the books fall off. Mum looks and laughs.

    15 Minutes later they approach the counter. Both Mum and kid put books down. As usual I scan them.
    M: Why are you scanning those?
    ME: I'm sorry? [You put them here!!]
    M: I don't want those. [Pointing to kids books]
    ME: OK [Puting the Kids books to one side]
    Kid: I want my books!
    M: This man won't let you have them.
    Kid cries.

    What a Bi**h! She won't buy books for her kid, and blames me.

    I Know What I Want (Yeah Right)
    CS brings 8 books by same author to counter. I'm thinking 'Cool sale'

    CS: What order do these go in?
    ME: Just one moment [Checking publishing dates, and sorting the books] here you go.
    CS: So this is the latest.
    ME: Yup
    CS: Well thats the one I want. You can take care of the rest, can't you.

    Come on. Just tell me the author I'll tell you the latest book. Or ask one of the staff around the shop, we can all help. Don't empty half a shelf and dump them on me.

    Slightly Lost

    SL: Can you help me?
    ME: Sure, what are looking for?
    SL: My husband, have you seen him?

    Of course. I know all my customers, where they are and who they are related too. Look for him yourself lady.

    3 of a kind

    Only 3 of these today.

    SC: Do you have [some book]
    ME: Just let me check on the computer.
    SC: Why don't you know. You should know all your stock. Just tell me where the book is.

    Sure I have 23500 different titles in stock right now, and another 40000 in the computer. Silly me, I should know all of them off the top of my head.

    Sorry for the rant, but today really sucked.
    This is not the complete list of todays SC's either, but its begining to get a bit long.
    "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
    "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)

  • #2
    Ow. Just... Ow. And what's with the cheap mom who's ALSO a cop-out. Take some effin' responsibility lady! Geez. If you don't want your kid to have the books, then say "Not today sweetie." Simple. Kid puts up a fuss, just add "And if you're not behaved, none next time either."
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      SC: Do you have [some book]
      ME: Just let me check on the computer.
      SC: Why don't you know. You should know all your stock. Just tell me where the book is.

      Sure I have 23500 different titles in stock right now, and another 40000 in the computer. Silly me, I should know all of them off the top of my head.
      Dude, that sucks. I remember what that was like. If I had a dollar for every time that happened to me, I could retire TODAY.

      Mother is looking at some New Age books, kid is playing with one of spinners. This spinner is over 6 feet high. The kid thinks it's a great idea to make it spin faster and faster untill the books fall off. Mum looks and laughs.
      This happened at my store so many times, and not once did the parents make the kid clean it up. Grrrrr.

      3 Phone calls and two instore, all basically the same:
      SC: Do you have [obscure book, only ever heard of by the author and this particular SC apparently]
      ME: [After checking all databases] I'm sorry we don't have that in stock.
      SC: I've already been to [competeitor A and competitor B] and they don't have it either.
      ME: It does appear to be quite hard to find.
      SC: [Really pissy] Why don't any of you people have the book I want. [storms off / hangs up]
      Stop asking for obscure shit, asswipe!!
      "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


      • #4
        Quoth uknz76 View Post
        SL: Can you help me?
        ME: Sure, what are looking for?
        SL: My husband, have you seen him?

        Uh.......yeah......he just walked out the door arm in arm with some hot lookin' chick that appeared to be around 20 years old....



        • #5
          Quoth uknz76 View Post
          CS brings 8 books by same author to counter. I'm thinking 'Cool sale'
          Oh, you would've loved me a couple years ago at Christmas. I'd lent a really close friend a couple of my Pratchett books and she fell in love with the guy's style (as do all with more than half a brain that read him) and I bought her his complete works for Christmas.

          It was a more than I really wanted to spend on one person, but her ass of an ex-boyfriend had just put himself permanently in my bad books by trying to steal some of my stuff and say I'd given it to him, so she got his present-money too.
          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


          • #6
            Quoth uknz76 View Post
            PCW: Photocopy this for me.
            SA(Sales Assistant): I'm sorry, we don't do photocopying. [We sell books]
            PCW: I didn't ask, I told you to copy this!.

            That woman is completely rude. She needs a ride through the

            Quoth uknz76 View Post
            M: I don't want those. [Pointing to kids books]
            ME: OK [Puting the Kids books to one side]
            Kid: I want my books!
            M: This man won't let you have them.
            Kid cries.
            Just because YOU don't want them doesn't mean that your child doesn't, either. And to blame the employee? Holy biscuit.

            IMO, that's just wrong. Child should be allowed to have their books. Reading is good.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth JustaCashier View Post
              Uh.......yeah......he just walked out the door arm in arm with some hot lookin' chick that appeared to be around 20 years old....


              HAHAHAHA Sorry just picturing the look on her face.


              • #8
                Quoth uknz76 View Post
                PCW: I didn't ask, I told you to copy this!
                Seriously, I would have copied it and just given her back her original and kept the copy.

                "Technically, I did what you told me"


                • #9
                  Quoth uknz76 View Post

                  3 of a kind

                  Only 3 of these today.

                  SC: Do you have [some book]
                  ME: Just let me check on the computer.
                  SC: Why don't you know. You should know all your stock. Just tell me where the book is.

                  Sure I have 23500 different titles in stock right now, and another 40000 in the computer. Silly me, I should know all of them off the top of my head.

                  I've memorised most of our stock and what it does, but haven't memorized the prices. But the amount of people who ask 'How much is 'this item'( not even bringing it to the till) and get moody when I say 'well, I'll just check on the computer/on the shelf.
                  We have around 300-500 lines in the vitamins aisle ALONE, and while I know most of what we do and what it does, there is no space in my little head for the prices of every single item. Sorry.
                  Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                    Seriously, I would have copied it and just given her back her original and kept the copy.

                    "Technically, I did what you told me"
                    And then charged her some outrageous price. Hey, you gotta charge her the idiot tax, don't you?
                    This area is left blank for a reason.


                    • #11
                      Quoth uknz76 View Post
                      SC: [Really pissy] Why don't any of you people have the book I want. [storms off / hangs up]

                      SC: Why don't you know. You should know all your stock. Just tell me where the book is.

                      Sure I have 23500 different titles in stock right now, and another 40000 in the computer. Silly me, I should know all of them off the top of my head.
                      It's the exact smae way with ink and toner catridges and typewriter ribbons. People expect us to memorize the model numbers of EVERY printer and typewriter ever made, know exactly which cartridge/ribbon/drum/printhead it takes, and then to have the exact one in stock. Memorizing that for HP alone is an impossibility, let alone for Epson, Canon, Brother, Lexmark, Dell, Okidata, Konica Minolta, Samsung, Xerox, Apple, Sharp, Kodak, Panasonic, etc.

                      If we don't have it, then frankly it's time to buy a new printer. And god help those sticking to typewriters (frankly, I wish we'd stop carrying typewriter ribbons. The ones we have are almost never the onesthe customers need. I'd much prefer to just fob them off to or hand them a catalog.)
                      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                      RIP Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Quoth uknz76 View Post
                        Photo Copy Woman
                        PCW: Photocopy this for me.
                        SA(Sales Assistant): I'm sorry, we don't do photocopying. [We sell books]
                        PCW: I didn't ask, I told you to copy this!
                        SA: There is a copy centre just up the road.
                        PCW: I know. It's too cold to go out there. You do it.
                        SA: Uh, No!
                        PCW: Stop wasting my time and just copy this!
                        SA: [Walks away leaving PCW ranting to no one]
                        It took me a minute and looking at where you are to figure out how it could be too cold to go outside! It's around 100F here right now! After looking up your current weather, I get the feeling that it wasn't so much too cold as she was too cheap to have to pay for a copy!

                        And as an aside to your signature: "Bloody peasant!"

                        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                        Seriously, I would have copied it and just given her back her original and kept the copy.

                        "Technically, I did what you told me"
               could have whipped out a piece of paper and started copying it by hand. Heck, make it an illuminated manuscript while you're at it!
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Pagan View Post
                          It's around 100F here right now! After looking up your current weather, I get the feeling that it wasn't so much too cold as she was too cheap to have to pay for a copy!
                          Not too cold about 50F (I think, this whole farenheit thing still throws me), but it was gusting 30-40mph with driving (horizontal) rain.

                          The weather's much nicer today thank you

                          Quoth Pagan View Post
                          And as an aside to your signature: "Bloody peasant!"
                          Well, I didn't vote for you.
                          "I'm trying to manufacture sincerity." - Simon (Teachers)
                          "Ok, you have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!" - Chandler (Friends)


                          • #14
                            Quoth uknz76 View Post
                            Photo Copy Woman
                            PCW: Photocopy this for me.
                            SA(Sales Assistant): I'm sorry, we don't do photocopying. [We sell books]
                            PCW: I didn't ask, I told you to copy this!
                            ASM: Ma'am, leave the store.
                            PCW: I don't have to leave, I'm a customer!
                            ASM: I didn't ask, I told you to leave.
                            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                            • #15
                              Ooooh... That woman who lied to her kid really gets me steamed.

                              I would have told her that she shouldn't lie to her kid.

                              I have no patience with parents who won't accept responsibility for the boundaries they set. I feel sorry for that kid and everybody who has to deal with him when he grows up to be an SC, just like his mom.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

