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Tales From the Tyranical Meat Market pt.1 (long)

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  • Tales From the Tyranical Meat Market pt.1 (long)

    It was my third day working in the Tyranical Meat Market (Or a Fast Food Chain that thinks it's royalty), and I still being a squire training to become a knight at the front lines, I needed to learn how to use the register. My companion, and trainer for this was C. The first few orders went by okay, people understanding that I was still training. Then I had to take him on.

    AH: The Shiny Knight (My thoughts)
    BB: BloodThirsty Beast bent on my destruction
    BO: BB's Offsrping

    So they entered the fray, the beast of a father walking up to the counter. Three days in and I could tell that this was not going to be easy.

    AH: Welcome to the Tyranical Meat Market, how may I help you?
    BB: What d'ya want kids?
    BO: *whispering to their father*
    AH: (Why can't kids just tell me what they want?)
    BB: I'll take a number one with cheese, medium with a coke.
    AH: *Typing in, having C correct me every once in awhile* Okay.
    BB: I'll have a number 4, no cheese, no onion, no tomato, medium with a coke as well. Another number 4 with cheese, no onion, no pickle, medium with a coke.
    AH: *Enters order, C looks at it, and nods at me* Okay *repeats order*
    BO: *whispers to dad*
    BB: NO!!! We wanted one number 4 without cheese, with onion, no tomato.
    AH: *Enters order, then repeats order*
    BB: NO NO!!! The second number 4 has cheese no onion, with pickle!!!
    AH: (You knuckle-dragger, you probably don't remember to pull your pants down when you use the toilet. May the Great Old Ones smite you!!!*points for anyone that gets that*) *enters, repeats order*
    AH:*enters order, repeats* Anything else?
    BO: *Both look completely embaressed in their father*
    BB: That's all.
    AH: That'll be $xx.xx, here or to go?
    BB: Here *Throws money at me*

    So the Bloodthirsty Beast is vanquished at the hands of the mere squire, with no help from C. I lood at the next customer, still shaken up by my first battle.

    AH: Welcome to the Tyranical Meat Market, how may I help you?
    Old Lady: You're new here aren't you? Well don't worry too much about it, take your time with the order, we don't have anywhere to go. Retirement is great for that!
    AH: *sigh of relief* Thank you.

    So after vanquishing my first beast, I thought I was done for, until I got this nice old lady, who soon became one of my regulars, and my favorite customer. After his defeat, I never saw the BloodThirsty Beast again. I'm thinking my call to the Great Old Ones was answered.
    It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
    ~~~H.L. Mencken

  • #2
    At least the Bloodthirsty Beast's Offspring seemed to have some sense and non-suck about them. ::applauds children, hopes they grow up to rebel by being Nice Customers::

    Man, did that guy just not remember what he ordered once it left his lips? Sounds like there was a short circuit between brain and mouth there.

    Tyrannical Meat Market, huh? Is yours the one with the commercials with the freaky mask-wearing guy who shows up outside bedroom windows holding a sandwich?

    Oh, and welcome to the boards!
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #3
      Quoth Kogarashi View Post
      Is yours the one with the commercials with the freaky mask-wearing guy who shows up outside bedroom windows holding a sandwich?

      Oh, and welcome to the boards!
      They gave him a cartoon villan moustache now. As if he didn't scream creepy stalker before.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        Quoth Aldous View Post
        May the Great Old Ones smite you!!!*points for anyone that gets that*).
        Yes yes may they vanquish him!!!
        Ive been where you are, don't worry eventually you will be numb.


        • #5
          I'm already numbed, by like day five. All my stories are going to be old since I had to move, and I'm currently looking for a new job before the beginning of school.
          It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
          ~~~H.L. Mencken


          • #6
            AH: (You knuckle-dragger, you probably don't remember to pull your pants down when you use the toilet. May the Great Old Ones smite you!!!*points for anyone that gets that*) *enters, repeats order*
            Just leave it to cthulu, it will make the bad one go away.

            so what can I redeem my points for
            I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


            • #7
              I thought I was the only one totally freaked out by that guy in the commercial! I've been looking for an excuse to use this smiley!
              It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
              -Helen Keller

              I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


              • #8
                Dangit, now I have to post this. See attachment for my favorite pic from last year's Halloween party.
                Attached Files
                "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                • #9
                  Quoth ta2ooed1 View Post
                  so what can I redeem my points for
                  Points can be redeemed at your nearest NecroMart for any of their wonderful products. I like 'God in a Can' Summon the power of one of the Elder Gods with the simple push of a button. All Elder Gods come with their very own scent, like mint, or cinnamon, or burning flesh, or apple pie.
                  It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
                  ~~~H.L. Mencken

