Me: Thank you for calling UTalk2Much long distance phone cards, can I have your pin number please?
SC: 12345678
Me: Thank you and what is your name Ma'am?
SC: Jane Doe. I'm trying to place an order and it won't go through.
Me: Ok, let me take a look. It looks like the chargeback dept has placed a hold on this account due to a disputed charge.
SC: Ok, let me explain to you what happened. Two years ago I placed an order for $20 on my phone card. I was charged twice, so of course I called my bank and had them reverse the charge. (So why didn't you call us and tell us we made a mistake?
) Now I cannot place an order with you people because you want to charge me for it. It's ridiculous! Why in the world would I place a $20 order TWICE IN A ROW?
Me: maybe you want to make a lot of calls? Seriously, people do that all the time! All right, well once the chargeback dept has placed a hold on the account, I do not have access to it. You will need to speak with them. They will be in at 8am on Monday morning, would you like their number?
SC: FINE. I can't believe this. It is not my fault, it's YOUR FAULT! I am not going to pay for anything that is NOT MY FAULT!
Me: The number is 1-800-kiss-my-fanny.
the number is 1-800-888-8888.
SC: *angry sigh* FINE. GOOD BYE. *click*
note: occasionally our system charges people twice. However, it also gives them the minutes for both charges. We are aware of this, and we will gladly refund the second charge immediately IF THOSE MINUTES ARE STILL ON THE CARD. However, if you don't call for weeks to have it fixed, and then we look and the minutes from the second charge have been used up in phone calls, we will not refund you because there is nothing to refund. The notes on this account were two years old, and they were very detailed. She wanted her money back after she used the minutes up and chargeback wasn't going to let her get away with it.
SC: 12345678
Me: Thank you and what is your name Ma'am?
SC: Jane Doe. I'm trying to place an order and it won't go through.
Me: Ok, let me take a look. It looks like the chargeback dept has placed a hold on this account due to a disputed charge.
SC: Ok, let me explain to you what happened. Two years ago I placed an order for $20 on my phone card. I was charged twice, so of course I called my bank and had them reverse the charge. (So why didn't you call us and tell us we made a mistake?

Me: maybe you want to make a lot of calls? Seriously, people do that all the time! All right, well once the chargeback dept has placed a hold on the account, I do not have access to it. You will need to speak with them. They will be in at 8am on Monday morning, would you like their number?
SC: FINE. I can't believe this. It is not my fault, it's YOUR FAULT! I am not going to pay for anything that is NOT MY FAULT!
Me: The number is 1-800-kiss-my-fanny.

SC: *angry sigh* FINE. GOOD BYE. *click*
note: occasionally our system charges people twice. However, it also gives them the minutes for both charges. We are aware of this, and we will gladly refund the second charge immediately IF THOSE MINUTES ARE STILL ON THE CARD. However, if you don't call for weeks to have it fixed, and then we look and the minutes from the second charge have been used up in phone calls, we will not refund you because there is nothing to refund. The notes on this account were two years old, and they were very detailed. She wanted her money back after she used the minutes up and chargeback wasn't going to let her get away with it.