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Returning merchandise

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  • Returning merchandise

    Why is it lately, we've had a run or people trying to return magazines? Then, they complain that we don't take them back or tell us we should post our return policy so they would know that. One, the return policy is on the back of your receipt - like just about any major chain does now a days.

    My favorite was the woman who came in and was told we don't take magazines back. "I want to return this so I think you should make an exception," she said about a dozen times while her children were playing with anything and everything around them.

    Riiiight, we're going to make an exception just for you because you bought your child a magazine he already subscribes to, went on vacation, came back, and decided to return it. Maybe you should keep better track of what he gets, do it BEFORE you go on vacation, and read the return policy which is right in front of you as you check out, but also printed on the back of the receipt.

    Yeah, no. We already had the new issue on the shelves. No exceptions for you...

  • #2
    Which is why I always read the magazine before buying it.


    • #3
      Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
      Which is why I always read the magazine before buying it.
      One of my favorite bookstores, B Dalton, used to have a policy on this. They once had a sign that said "Please pay for magazines before reading them" and "No refunds on magazines". Maybe this is why they're not around anymore?


      • #4
        Wow. I never would've thought to return a magazine. That's on the Do Not Return list along with underwear, lingerie, open electronics, etc.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
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        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          We used to have a guy who was always returning magazines, and knew very well that they were not returnable. He often said his kids bought them for him, and sometimes it was a whole bag of 'em and often more than one of the same mag. Oh, and usually no receipt. He always argued and it always ended up with the manager being called, because he knew and we knew that he has been told many times before. Usually they'll make an exception if it's within a day or two, as long as the issue is still on the shelf, but otherwise you're outta luck!

          And B. Dalton is not around because Barnes & Noble keeps opening the big B&N stores and getting rid of the B. Daltons (yes they are owned by BN). There was one in each of the nearest malls to me and they have both closed and both have a B&N nearby.
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          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

