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Gnawing someone's head off.

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  • #16
    Quoth Sparky View Post
    Sorry to barge in - I never really know if I'm welcome here - but to add to what everyone else said, on top of everything else, the remark the little bitc..., er, the lady made is not true. You can brush religiously and still get cavities. .

    One of my friend's kids has bad teeth. She is very carful to brush after every meal. They just have bad teeth, and the dentist keeps telling her to knock it off with the candy. They don't eat candy!

    Hey, Sparky, I can't imagine why you'd not be welcome here.


    • #17
      Quoth JetfireRules View Post
      I have a special soft spot for those in dental pain - I have had wisdom teeth virtually explode - my bottom ones were 90 degrees offset, pointing towards the FRONT of my mouth. One did enough damage that I lost the molar next to it before it was removed.
      My two lower ones were that way, and I needed to have the right rear molar yanked last year; apparently the pressure of the wisdom tooth caused a hole below the gumline in the molar (so the tooth was being eaten away from the inside). It was a choice between a root canal (tooth could be saved, but it would be painful, expensive and if the tooth did decide to crumble later things would be much worse) or just having it pulled.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #18
        Ah, Repsac... Don't worry, she was so far out of line its not even funny.

        Yes, your pain got the better of you. But you would not have snapped at her if she had not been such a rude busybody. Later you proved your true good self by going back to apologize and she still behaved like an ass.
        It is not her business to make comments about your purchases, and her manager needs to firmly tell her to mind her own business.

        If anything, she should be apologizing to you.


        • #19
          Seriously, saying something like that to someone is like telling a woman buying yeast infection cream that if she washed her crotch more often, it wouldn't itch.

          I would have hauled off and smacked someone if I was in that much pain. I remember it well, I had all four wisdom teeth impact at the same time and had to have them all surgically removed, plus two others. When I wasn't in a red haze of pain in bed, I was EXTREMELY cranky. So kudos for you for not starting a fight, a verbal assault was the least of her worries.


          • #20
            Oh i can't blame you for snapping - she had no right to make any assumption as to why you had major tooth pain. It could have been ANYTHING, but it's really none of her business at all. I hate people that think they know what's best for you. And to treat you like you were 5, and did something wrong? You showed restraint, i might have been tempted to smack her upside the head.

            Reminds me of the time I met my friend's dad, at her graduation party. I had just schlepped up the hill in the backyard, carrying various food items, and joked (as i am a tad chubby and not in the best of shape), gee i'm really out of breath, and should really start working out, and he, (who runs marathons), said, completely serious, "well why don't you?" - i almostt told him to stick it where the sun don't shine...but i was nice. But since he didn't even know me, he had NO right to make any comments....ass...


            • #21
              Quoth Sparky View Post
              You can brush religiously and still get cavities. I have a friend who had braces and brushed so hard and so often in an attempt to avoid cavities, that she damaged the enamel on her teeth, and now they're painfully sensitive. My tooth enamal was damaged by medication I took when I was a small child, and this has made me vulnerable to cavities.
              Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
              ^This. I brushes religiously as a child, flossed and used mouthwash... however, due to a little something known as "weak tooth enamel", I still got fillings.
              My teeth were a lost cause from the get-go. I've got the bad-tooth trifecta going on, myself.

              First off, I have weak enamel. It's genetic and both my mother and at least one of my aunts has the same problem. Brushing only slows the breakdown, it does nothing to stop it. And every tooth I ever got a filling in litterally fell apart a couple of years after. I plan to save up and have those permanent dentures attached to my jawbones. My bone structure is fantastic, so that ought to work nicely.

              Then, I have major crowding. My canines were completely outside my regular bite, too, which I understand is actually a "throwback" trait that both my brother and I got from our father's side of the family. My mom's side all had straight bites. So, food gets caught behind my canines, trapped up against the rest of my teeth, and any place where the teeth touch can't be flossed with regular floss because there isn't enough room. I can't tell you how glad I was when that flat plastic floss hit the market.

              Finally, all four of my wisdom teeth were impacted. Two are just turned slightly, but the other two are fully turned sideways, facing the molar in front of them.

              I hate my teeth. And the worst part is that my brother, who never took care of his teeth and did a lot of speed when he was in his 20's has no cavities at all! It's just not right.

              The one thing I'm thankful for is that I seem to have nerves of steel. The only times I've ever had any sort of pain were when a tooth would be failing and I'd get a sharp bit of food (like chips) that stabbed into the rotten spot or when I would have a sinus infection that would make all the soft tissue in my face swell, which would make any tooth with a filling ache to the point of me crying my way to the emergency room for antibiotics and pain meds.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #22
                I cracked a tooth, and my dentest would do nothing about , saying nothing was wrong with it (like fuck theres nothing wrong with it!!!!! theres a whole the size of the grand canyon in it and it occassionally bleeds!!!) because the x ray showed that the front of the tooth was ok (i cracked the back) and if i wanted anythign done fine ill send a refural to your insurence.... i refural i never got !!!!!

                But a tooth i had a root canal on but never got cap put on to protect it had to removed when my first wisedom tooth came in, because with out the cap it was valnurable and split in half from the pressure and got infected (hurt for about a month but thanks to the non-codien pain killers i didnt feel most of it... and i got to be alittle high at nights [i took extra at night so i could sleep for more than 5 hours at a time]) what was nice is i got in to the surgian with in 4 weeks.

                I need to make an appointment with my dentest, because that tooth i cracked in the past cracked again (that was fun.... not) and i have one if not two wisdom teeth coming in....


                • #23
                  Reps, she was a rude bitch, and your response was clever and not laced with profanity. And after you apologized, she was still a rude bitch. She got less than what she deserved.
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                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #24
                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                    I agree. It was nice that you apologized, but you didn't owe her. She asked to be snapped at.

                    That she doesn't want to accept your apology is just sort of beyond the pale. She's an ass.
                    I totally agree.

                    Nothing more to add.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #25
                      You knew that what you said was out of line, you took the time to apologize. She's a bizotch for not accepting that.

                      Especially since you were quite obviously in pain when you made the comment...any person with a brain cell knows to leave others alone when they are in pain! Or at least can be understanding if they are a bit snappish!
                      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

