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Treachery Most Foul...

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  • #16
    I posted a link in the "Check It Out" section a while back regarding a whole bunch of people clicking on a banner ad that said something like "Free Computer Virus, click here to download!" or "Get a free virus for your computer" or something to that effect, and something like 400+ people clicked on it.

    So, yeah...draw your own conclusions...
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


    • #17
      Quoth Polenicus View Post
      "And here we have a rare look at the mating habits of the wild North American Halfwit. Despite their population explosion in recent years, due to the near extinction of their predators Natural Selection and Common Sense, very little documented footage has been made of the mating process, due to the difficulty of finding cameramen able to keep down their lunch during filming."

      "Free! Free!"

      "Ah, and here we have the male signalling to the female. Observe his bright plumage of pink camo. The orange colouration to his fingers comes from his diet of cheetos, and the markings along his chest and belly are beer, ketchup, and dog food respectively."
      What an attractive mental picture that is, to be sure. I can only imagine what the female of the species would look like:

      "Oh, look at that female. Isnt' she pretty in her low-rise hip hugging jeans with the holes in the butt and crotch areas. Oh, and her neon red tube top that's two sizes too small just matches perfectly with the rollers in her hair and bad makeup that looks like it was spackled on.

      And to top it off, look at those love handles showing since the tube top doesn't meet the top of the pants. And it's trimmed out in lovely dark brown fur . . .seems as if the female of the species is where Chewbacca hangs out."

      I'll just wait and let ya'll see the rest of the program on National Geographic.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #18
        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
        Serving your communications needs since 1882

        SM: That's not what was telegraphed to me!
        ME: Um, what?
        SM: That's not what I read in the telegraph!
        I suppose by some stretch of the imagination an email could be called a telegram, similar premise, converting letters and numbers into code, but no.
        You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


        • #19
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          Oh, and god help me the 867 account has a new promotion for free shipping running as of tomorrow night and its being sent to Nunavut. <sobs quietly>.
          I'll be waiting anxiously for your forthcoming rants then. At least someone else out there will be suffering with me. The iPhone starts selling at midnight, so I'll be getting bombarded with those calls (we don't carry it, but there have already been cancellations from people who think they want it and can afford it). It's far from free ($500 more than free, in fact), but I'll be getting all kinds of calls about it. You don't want it, people. Turn the TV off, thus freeing yourself from it's hypnotic waves broadcasting into your brains, and go do something else. A 40 gig hard drive is not, and will never be, necessary for a phone.
          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


          • #20
            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            ME: But, ma'am, if you can't afford to purchase a new phone, can you afford the Termination fee for canceling under contract, plus the activation costs and possible deposits for (COMPETITOR)?
            SW: No I can't!
            ME: Then, in the interest of your budget, why don't we look at upgrading and avoid all of that?
            SW: No! I'll just have to cancel!
            That doesn't make sense... Termination fees and activation costs ain't gonna be no twenty dollars, for sure.


            • #21
              Quoth mae View Post
              Hahaha, you're false and tricksy! *gollum* *gollum*
              Nasty, tricksy little customer service repses we is, precious!
              "You are loved" - Plaidman.


              • #22
                Kara and I work almost identical jobs so I get the same dipwads she does.

                Had a guy today decide to cancel his account because he would have to wait until August 1st (little more than a month) to get a $150 upgrade rebate on both phones. Currently he's only good for $75. I informed him that I could not advance time for him and he decided to cancel, paying a $300 penalty when he could have waited one month and gotten same that amount DISCOUNTED off a new phone.

                And please don't get me started on "I want a free phone!" people. Folks seem to think that they are entitled to a free phone whenever they happen to need a phone. Makes my job reeeal fun.


                • #23
                  Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                  This is what I am hoping will happen to my phone service. I am putting my life back together after years of being an irresponsible leech on society and my credit is not good - the big phone companies won't touch me with a ten foot pole - so therefore, I am with the little local company that has been ever increasing in its service area - but it's so expensive for roaming to be added to my service. I am hoping some big company will eat them up soon and I'll slide in under the radar and have a phone with them!
                  Thanks to a budget-challenged ex and a brother I couldn't shake off, I have lousy credit. T-Mobile had no problems giving me a plan with only a moderate deposit. Except for having the misfortune of moving to a place that has marginal coverage at best, I have been quite pleased with my service.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

