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Did anyone ever tell you that you're beautiful?

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  • Did anyone ever tell you that you're beautiful?

    I think this was probably one of my first SC's since it was near the time that I started my job at the supermarket. I was ringing this older man and his wife up. There were no problems with the order and everything seemed fine. The wife was very nice but the man didn't say much at all. I handed them their change and before they left, the man stopped and looked at me and this is the conversation that happened:

    M = Me
    GOM = Grumpy Old Man
    GOMW = Grumpy Old Man's Wife

    GOM: Did anyone ever tell you that you're beautiful?
    M: I don't think so. (being cautious because I'm not sure if the old man is hitting on me in front of his wife)
    GOM: Good! Cuz you're not! And if you would have said yes, I would have told you they were lying!
    M: (Mouth drops open)
    GOMW: (to husband) What the hell is wrong with you? (smacks husband in the back. I think she was aiming for his head but since she was in a wheelchair she couldn't really reach.) Let's go, you asshole! (They proceed to leave the store with the wife yelling at the man the whole time for being rude.)

    I really couldn't believe that someone would treat a complete stranger this way...especially someone who had been nothing but nice to them. And this man wasn't exactly hot stuff himself either.

    So I'm wondering if anyone else here has ever been intentionally insulted like that by a customer after doing nothing to upset the customer? Because seriously, nothing happened that could have upset this guy.
    "The more I drink, the cuter you get!"

  • #2
    That is just too weird to deal with.
    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


    • #3
      plus, just because your not "hot" doesnt mean your not good looking or even beautiful!


      • #4
        I think he was just trying to be a smart ass.
        He didn't care if he hurt you or not.
        I don't even think he really meant it, either, it was just one of those old man smartass comment that only sounds funny in their own head.

        I had this one guy who thought it was hilarious to call me "butterball".

        Another guy came in one day, and asked one of the clerks if they had started hiring their cashiers by the pound. (There were a couple of other girls working who were also on the stocky side.)

        Yeah, I was chunky, but looking back at pictures, I wasn't nearly as fat as I was seeing in my own mind. I had huge self esteem issues, and it was because of jerks like that who thought it was funny to make comments like that.
        Last edited by Ree; 08-01-2006, 04:25 AM.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Several years ago I was walking toward the entrance door of our local Sears store. I noticed a group of teenagers heading toward the same door to exit the store (coming out the entrance door). I grabbed the handle of the door and held it open for them as they came out one by one. Not one of them said thanks but the last one, a young man, stopped dead in his tracks, turned and looked me straight in the eye and said, "You know, ugly is a crime. You should be locked up."

          I hadn't said one word to them and thought I was being gracious holding the door open for them. They were the ones using the wrong door in the first place. But for whatever reason, the little shit just couldn't resist insulting me.

          That bothered me for years.
          Retail Haiku:
          Depression sets in.
          The hellhole is calling me ~
          I don't want to go.


          • #6
            One busy night I had a real winner.
            We were cleaning our largest theatre, and there was a lineup outside the theatre with a couple hundred people who had patiently waited in line to first buy tickets, then concessions before waiting in front of the theatre.

            This guy comes barging into the theatre with his young son. My coworkers all chickened out at telling him to get out, so I ask him to please leave and wait in the line in front of the theatre.
            The guy says he's been waiting in line all evening and he's laid out tons of money, and he's not gonna wait in line any more.
            I point out that everyone in line has paid and waited just as much as him.
            His response? F*** them, I'm not waiting any more.
            I tell him he has to leave, we're not done cleaning yet, he can't be in here while we're cleaning anyway.
            He wants to see a manager.
            I tell him fine, I'll go get a manager. As I leave the theatre to find a manager, he says

            And I quote.

            Are you ready for this?

            "Yeah, you better run fatass."

            I know I'm overweight, but this guy has so few firing synapses that he insults me in front of a half dozen coworkers as he wants special treatment?

            I got a manager, and he got turfed. No refund on his food which he "spent oh so much money on."
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              One of the only times I have felt protective over my mother is when she came home one night, in tears. She had gone to the bank on her lunch break and on her way back a punk came up to her and said

              "Jesus, if you were my mother Id kill myself"

              now he didnt know her from adam, and while she wasnt exactly mrs brady she at least TRIED her best and she was there for me. We have major issues but I still love her and I tell you I wanted to kill that little punk, if I had been there he would have been missing a few teeth. God forbid my brother hear someone talking to her like that.

              It still upsets me to this day that someone could be so cruel to a total stranger.
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                When I was about 12, I had to go around my paper route and try to sell papers to those people who didn't have a subscription.

                Anyway, this one house always bought one and cancelled a month later to any paper carrier that came around except me. They did this to help what ever person was selling papers win what ever the paper was having as rewards at the time for selling papers.

                They would never buy it from me. This bothered me, as they always bought it from anyone else that came by. So, I asked next time I had to go to the house why they bought the paper from everyone else but me.

                The man looked right at me and said "because you are too damn ugly and fat" and slammed the door shut. I stood on his porch for a minute trying not to cry and finally just ran off crying.

                I was very over weight and had acne at the time and was very self conscious of the fact. Thanks mister for lower my self esteem even more than it already was!

                Another time, when I was a waitress I had a very over weight man come in and nearly take my head off when I tried to wait on him. He left a comment card saying "The waitress is way too fat to be working here".

                It was the only bad comment I ever had as a waitress. The other things was I only ate every other day and only once on those days, because I just didn't have the money left over after rent and gas for food. I looked like I was starving myself to the point that my friends pooled their money together and left groceries for me at the door of my apt.
                Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                • #9
                  When I worked at the ice cream shop i once had a girl tell my why I was so fat was because I worked at an ice cream store.
                  I was at the time 5'10 140lbs. So that didnt help my self esteem any, and its not good to begin with.
                  "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Retail Associate
                    Not one of them said thanks but the last one, a young man, stopped dead in his tracks, turned and looked me straight in the eye and said, "You know, ugly is a crime. You should be locked up."
                    "So is stupid. You'd better run."

                    Ugly? A crime? Did he really think that was funny? He'd have been eating a fist, or a foot, since you were off the clock (right?) had it been me.
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      What is wrong w/ people???? Has no one ever heard "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all??"

                      I got told a few times at work I was pretty - which is nice but after you say "thank you", I don't really know how to react (and it was a lot of times by women and I'm a woman so I felt a little weird - plus it was right out of the blue so it caught me off guard - but in a nice way). Then when I was a hostess once I used to get old nasty men hitting on me all the time......blech..... and I'm really not that hot... not too many guys my own age hit on me so for women and old guys to be hitting on me - now that messed w/ my self esteem a little...... I wasn't sure what to think... that I'm attractive to older women and old men but not people my own age??? Grrrrreat.....

                      You can always use that old classic line, "well I can get plastic surgery but there's nothing you can do about your lack of brain cells" (eh - it goes something like that - I'm sure someone knows how it really goes...) Or the really good one "Yo momma!" Or "You should talk, have you looked in a mirror recently?" Or "well your momma did my hair & make-up" "Or I'm fat b/c of that crap yo momma feeds me...." I dunno - just havin' a little fun here Of course when you're in the situation you can never come up w/ these snappy little things, right??? It's not until like 5 hours later you come up w/ a great comeback and just wish you could rewind time so you could say it to them........


                      • #12
                        I always look back fondly on my pizza delivery days. My co-workers felt like family (with one or two exceptions). We were always concerned for each other's well-being.

                        One night, there was one quick rush of deliveries, and all the drivers were out. Somehow we all came back within just a few minutes of each other. I was second. When I walked into the door, another driver (D) was just standing by the delivery table staring at the pick-up counter. J, one of the nicest girls I'd ever worked with, was being berated by some jerk. He was yelling at her for making a small mistake in giving him his change (she was off by ONE DOLLAR). When he called her a "stupid slut," D and I had seen enough.

                        I walked up next to J and tried to be friendly by asking what the problem was. When he yelled some more, I realized he wasn't going to listen. I told him, "Well, you have the correct change now. You can take your food and leave." Meanwhile, D approached him from the side. K came in around that time, assessed the situatoin and approached the jerk from the other side. The jerk was still yelling about how stupid J was.

                        At that point, I stopped being able to remember what was said. All three of us drivers were telling him that it was time to leave, that he didn't have to be so rude, that he had his correct change now so everything was fine. He started backing out. S came back from his delivery and joined us. We basically just invaded this guy's space enough for him to back up and eventually out the door.

                        When A, our one girl driver, got back, we told her the story. She called the jerk's house and got his wife. She informed the wife of what happened and told her that her family was still welcome in the store and could place orders, but her husband was banned and they would not be receiving any deliveries.

                        You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
                        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                        - Bill Watterson

                        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                        - IPF


                        • #13
                          Quoth Broomjockey
                          He wants to see a manager.
                          I tell him fine, I'll go get a manager. As I leave the theatre to find a manager, he says

                          And I quote.

                          Are you ready for this?

                          "Yeah, you better run fatass."
                          My take on it?
                          *stop dead in my tracks, turn around and get really close to the guy*
                          "Now, I forgive you for not noticing, but I am a good foot taller than you, sir. Plus, you see these really nasty boots with the inch long spikes on them? What's say I just press my foot to your chest and lean all my weight into it. If nothing else, it will hurt, I might even break your sternum. And we're not gonna call an ambulance for you, either... nope, you're gonna have to sit out on the curb, in the sweltering heat, waiting for an ambulance, cause we certainly don't need you disturbing our patrons with your incessant whining."
                          No, I'm not advocating violence. Well, at least, not too much violence. And yes, I realise that kind of threat could get me arrested.

                          In fact, let's change that, if he's seated, just go over and stand right next to him, looking down at him, see if you can get your head in front of one of the lights so all he can see is your eyes. Just stare at him, make no moves. Let me tell you, it scares the crap out of people, particularly if you're in their space.
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            There was a time when the Boss noticed a thief in our rear parking area breaking into a four-by-four.

                            "You won't catch me, you fat bastard," quoth the impudent thief.

                            The Boss was giving away thirty year, about nine stones in weight, and thirty yards.

                            Thiefy boy got onto his motorbike and managed to get about three feet before finding himself under the wrathful attention of Boss.

                            Some words truly do have the power to inspire.

                            Thiefy boy found himself under arrest once the police got there, but more amusingly found himself under the Boss within a few seconds of coming off his bike. The Boss was kneeling on the chin part of his helmet's visor and this tragicaly forced the helmet's sides apart. The Boss is not a light man. Thiefy boy was using his strap, which had amusingly tightened as the helmet bent.

                            Lesson learned, I guess...



                            • #15
                              I'm a big guy. 6'6" and well lets just say that around the catagory of the 96 cowboys defensive line type size (just not well built like that). All my life i've had people ask "wow how big are you", "how tall are you", "what sports did you play". For the record my parents never encouraged me to play sports which I wish they had. Yeah its a very awkward question. When they ask "hows the weather up there" I'll answer "pretty good, want me to lift you up to have a look". I finally wised up a few years back and the wife got me a couple of shirts. One says, "I'm Big, You're Small, Have a Nice Day" and the other simply says "I See Small People".
                              My Karma ran over your dogma.

