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  • senior?

    ok, for the record, i hate seniors day! not for the seniors, most of them are pretty cool. but for the borderline people.
    see, in our store, we use 55 and older as our senior age. so we have to ask anyone who looks to be in their 50s if they would like the discount, 55 and over.
    on to the asshat of this month.
    looked about late 40, early 50 but it's hard to tell sometimes, so i ask him "would you like to take advantage of our seniors discount, age 55 and over" he asked me more, and i explained the discount (20% off non-sale items) and asked again if he was over 55. his response was "whatever you think" and he seemed offput that i thought he was in his 50's. so i scan in as normal. all sale items, so the discount wouldn't have worked anyway.
    when i give him his total, he replies "that's with the discount" and i responded "um, no sir?"
    he goes off on me for not giving him the discount, and yet still refuses to awnser if he is over 55. (again, only responding whatever you think). then he insists i give him the discount because i mentioned it, whether he is a senior or not!. if i didnt work for such an ass-kissing company, i would have carded him, but that would have probably raised hell.

    so i have to ring his order out, punch in the discount, ring back in and give him the SAME TOTAL!
    in which case he smirks like he won some great battle and pays, while the rest of the line glares holes into his head.

    sometimes i wish i didnt have to deal with this stupid.

    Hobby Twitter.

  • #2
    Wouldn't it have been simpler to have carded him to prove IF he was indeed a senior? And if he raised a fuss over being carded then you could have told him "I can't tell just by looking how old you are so that's why I carded you".
    We're not mind readers ya

