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Let's just extend that expired credit by a couple of months....

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  • Let's just extend that expired credit by a couple of months....

    As I've mentioned in a few previous posts, I manage a local independent video game store. We give cash and store credit on trade-ins usually. If a customer wants a trade and can't make up their minds, we usually give a credit slip for the amount that is a good for a year after the day of trade-in. We always hand write our credit slips since we really don't have the computer system like the bigger chains do like GameStop and Co. to print credit slips for customers.

    Now normally, most customers come back into the store well before the year is expired to use their credit. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for the gentlemen who came into my store today. He approached my co-worker and asked if he could use this credit on the slip. After examining the slip for a few seconds, my co-worker called me over and told me to take a look at the slip. It seemed like a legit credit slip until you took a gander at the date on it when it was generated. Now customers always get a copy of the credit slip and we keep the original for our records. These are the kind of copies that use carbon paper, and the customer gets the slip that the carbon paper is pressed onto so no actual ink touches the copy the customer gets. This didn't stop this gentlemen though. Someone clearly had taken a pen of almost the same color and tried to write and 8 over the first 6 in 6/8/05 (the date the slip was initially issued) so it read 8/8/05 instead of 6/8/05 which meant the slip is technically still valid. You could clearly see it was forged since the pen color didn't quite match the color of the rest of the writing on the slip. Digging back into our paperwork last year found the original slip that had been generated on 6/8/05, so he was clearly caught trying to extend his credit by two months. We told him we couldn't take the slip because it was expired and he got into a bit of a tirade over it.

    "Well, I never wrote an 8 on that!" "I'm going to report this to the Better Business Bureau!" after taking the slip back. The guy still dropped like $60 on 4 GBA games for his kids suprisingly despite not being able to use his $38 credit slip. You know what's the real kicker though? Had the idiot just fessed up to me and said he forgot about his credit slip in his wallet in the first place instead of trying to forge an extension, I probably would've honored his credit slip despite it being a couple months past expiration. You try to cheat my store though, there's no chance you'll get any sympathy from me.

  • #2
    Yeah, why is it that customers never try the calm, logical, friendly approach when dealing with something like that? What makes them think that being complete asses will get them more?
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      I'd be inclined to do the same as a worker--glad you're in a place you can do that. It's not so pleasant for those who process medical claims that must be in a given year, where it's common to submit photocopies and you find one where, for the date or amount, the typing doesn't quite line up, there happens to be a smudge, or it was too close to the edge of the page to show on the fax...
      I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


      • #4
        You know, all he had to do was ask if the credit could still be used - some stores do honor things like that if it hasn't been a really long time since the credit was up......... and since he was going to buy the games anyway......... he could have just politely asked and then if the store couldn't honor it he could just pay for the games and go his merry little way....... instead of creating a big scene and acting like an idiot - but if people didn't do that, then we'd have no need for this board, huh??


        • #5
          Quoth Mixed Bag
          I'd be inclined to do the same as a worker--glad you're in a place you can do that.
          I still don't know why people think that being rude will get them things. It's been my experience that if you're polite, employees are more willing to help you out.

          Some of you know that I belong to the Penn Central Railroad Historical Society (see for more info). Even though PC is still seen as the "bastard stepchild" by railfans, we still have a good time. Our 2004 convention was in Altoona. For those who aren't familiar with Altoona, that town is famous because of the Pennsylvania Railroad (a PC predecessor) and Horseshoe Curve. Just outside of town, sits the Curve, and it's related train-watching areas. The Curve turned 150 that year, so it was only natural that many of the railroad-related events were busy.

          OK, enough with the intro One of the benefits of going to the convention was the weekend passes to the rail museum and the Curve. The pass was supposed to expire on Sunday. However, when I asked if it was still good, I got to visit the Curve an extra day! How? I simply (and politely) asked the museum clerk if it was still good. She said it wasn't, then looked around a bit. After making sure her boss wasn't around , she said "aw, screw it...go on up." Now *that* just made my day...and made up for my camera destroying itself that morning.

          Then there's what happened in Cleveland at last year's convention. Since it's not a long drive from Pittsburgh--only about 3 hours or so--I got there well before the hotel's check-in time. I was expecting the usual room, but was delighted to get upgraded to a suite. I didn't ask for it, but since the hotel wasn't busy, they put some of us up there....much to the annoyance of the PC guys who showed up later

          What I'm trying to say is, if you're polite to staff, they'll usually take care of you. If you don't, they'll simply want to get rid of you.
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            SCs don't try to be polite FIRST, because their personal experiences have taught them that being an asshat will (eventually) let them get their way, especially if there's a spineless person in a position of authority involved.

            Me, I'd go the polite route. Much better, and employees are usually willing to help out.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              My former roommate/bf's brother tried to pull a similar scam on a movie theatre. Just a bit of backstory, this kid is 22 has never been able to hold a job for more than 3 months, has been kicked out of 2 branches of the military, and thinks its his god given right to do what he wants, when he wants, and everyone else should have to pay for his crap! So one night, I come home from work and loser and his friend are popping open bic pens and cutting up sponges on the living room floor, making a god awful mess. I asked what they were doing, and they told me that they wanted to go to a movie, but had no money, so they were forging "frequent visitor" cards to a local theatre. I let them waste the next 3 hours forging the stupid cards and waited for them to leave. I then promptly called the theatre and advised them to be on the lookout for forged cards, and gave descriptions of loser 1 & loser 2. Sure enough theatre catches the scam, calls the cops, and they spent a lovely weekend in jail. They had no money for the $50.00 bond, and I sure as hell wasn't bailing em out!
              The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.

