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So, what part of 50 cents is hard to get?

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  • So, what part of 50 cents is hard to get?

    I sometimes go on the weekends with my parents to a Flea Market in lower Ohio. We rent almost a whole aisle. My stepfather is in the wholesale business so he has a lot of little knick-knacks and useful thngs and not-so-useful things. Well, since a lot of it isn't great quality or expensive, we sell most of it for either 25 cents, 50 cents or a dollar or two.
    Now, the prices are clearly marked on every table (i.e. "All items on this table $1.00 plus tax") at least once, usually twice, and even whole booths are marked at 25 cents or whatever for each item. This is not a hard concept. If it is on a 25 cent table, it is 25 cents. Period. (Well, plus tax.)
    But we STILL get people constantly who ask how much it is. Seriously, people, would we put it on a table, mark it 25 cents, and then charge you $2? Really?

    The worst was a few weekends ago when I was working and a woman came up and wanted to buy this little box of (I dunno) pills or something. It was on the $1 table in the $1 booth. Every thing was a dollar. (Just re-establishing.) And when I told her so, she had a fit. The item had a 50 cent sticker on it but I explained it was still a dollar. She went and put it back instead of paying another 50 cents.
    What I don't understand is how people who are coming to a rather large flea market can be so CHEAP. It's a dollar! I understand not everyone has money but don't reprimand something that's only a dollar or 50 cents when you come to a flea market!

    Hey, at least we're not like other booths in the flea market where NOTHING is marked so it's like a surprise every time. Don't even get me started on those.

    EDIT: Ah, I should note. Not every item is marked induvidually. That would take up too many resources. Tables are marked with a cards that say the price.

    Last edited by phoenix_rising; 08-01-2006, 07:55 PM.

  • #2
    I commiserate with your feelings, I really do, but maybe, just maybe you can consider the following? Say someone picks up something from say the 25 cent table, and they change their mind about it and stick on the one dollar table... Another customer comes up, sees said misplaced item, notices it matches NOTHING on that table, but sees similar items a few tables down. If it were ME, I'd be a bit confused about the price, myself...
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    • #3
      Quoth BeckySunshine
      I commiserate with your feelings, I really do, but maybe, just maybe you can consider the following? Say someone picks up something from say the 25 cent table, and they change their mind about it and stick on the one dollar table... Another customer comes up, sees said misplaced item, notices it matches NOTHING on that table, but sees similar items a few tables down. If it were ME, I'd be a bit confused about the price, myself...

      But that's very unlikely. You see, our 1 dollar booth is across the aisle from the 25 cent and 50 cent booth. The 25 cent and 50 booths are seperated by a table of lighters. It's actually very well coordinated. Not to mention we group like items the same. And as workers we are paid to make sure all the items are in the correct place. We often catch ourselves in that.


      • #4
        Quoth phoenix_rising
        The item had a 50 cent sticker on it but I explained it was still a dollar. She went and put it back instead of paying another 50 cents.
        Nothing personal, but I would be mad too. Maybe you should take the stickers off if you are going to sell them for more?
        "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
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        • #5
          Quoth phoenix_rising
          But that's very unlikely. You see, our 1 dollar booth is across the aisle from the 25 cent and 50 cent booth. The 25 cent and 50 booths are seperated by a table of lighters. It's actually very well coordinated. Not to mention we group like items the same. And as workers we are paid to make sure all the items are in the correct place. We often catch ourselves in that.
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