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Behold the darkness in my heart

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  • #16
    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
    // alas, it lost a dispute with a vehicle and exists no more //
    I now LIVE for an opportunity to use that or something similar in the notes at my job.
    Unfortunately they want the notes short (we're charged by the character!). But I can still dream!


    • #17
      Quoth angelicafire View Post
      *Edited to add* Is it bad that before I even read Kara's post, I saw she had a new one and thought "SWEET!" in my head?

      Well i thought WOOHOO!!! so who is eviler?


      • #18
        Quoth Boozy View Post
        Oh my too! I had no idea this could be a problem!

        I'd better go check my phone right now to make sure its still working...
        I laughed my head off at this. I have the exact same problem, oh noes!


        Yay, my phone still works! Phew.


        • #19
          As far as the birthday jackass, I knew where my parents hid gifts, so I usually knew several weeks ahead of time what I was getting. And I was still elated upon receiving them, because then I actually possessed the items I had been sneaking peaks at.

          Quoth angelicafire View Post
          At my company, if we catch the dealer, they get fired. It affects churn and looks bad.
          They keep saying they're going to "crack down" on dealers, but we have yet to see anything happen. So far, we report the dealer and then it goes to some phantom group who "tracks" them and then does... absolutely nothing to them.

          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          I'm lucky, I can actually get away with writing "Customer is a dumbass". But management finds my bitterness endearing.
          I so wish I could do things like that. So far, I've been able to get by with wording things with a bit more subtlety. I have come across some good ones, though. I think the best ever was from our Financial services team, and it went something like "Customer says unable to make payment because he is a college student. Recommended he donate plasma."

          Quoth CancelMyService View Post
          Maybe Kara can shed some light on this, why don't cell phone companies send some sort of reminder text message when someone reaches the limit on their minutes?
          That's actually something we've tested here and there in various markets over the last couple of years. To me, it would solve a lot of problems to roll it out nationwide, but I can see the other side of it too. From the company standpoint, we are a phone service and not a babysitter. We provide a wide variety of free tools to customers so they can check their minutes at any time, even right on their phones, but we can't make people use them. There's also some kind of thing somewhere that goes something like it's not up to us to decide for the customer what is considered "normal" usage, nor do we assume they don't know how to check their minutes (or know how but don't bother, as is usually the case). We get it all the time, "You could see I was over my minutes, why didn't anyone do anything?" Because 'we' have millions of accounts and can't watch them all. There isn't a guy sitting a desk who's sole job is to see all accounts where people are over their minutes and start counting money. And yes, we do make a ton of revenue when customers go over their minutes, and the goal of a business is to make money. But, unlike what people may whine about, we don't set people up on plans knowing they'll go over just to cash in. The company is all about giving the customer the "right-fit" based on their usage pattern. Plus, the plan itself says "$X amount of minutes and $X amount per minute overage." We do disclose that if you go over, you will pay per minute. And since we've provided every possible readily available resource to the customer that if they would only take a little initiative and check their minutes, I can understand why we don't go so far as to send that reminder. Because we want our customers to put on their big kid pants and do some things on their own.

          Quoth angelicafire View Post
          *Edited to add* Is it bad that before I even read Kara's post, I saw she had a new one and thought "SWEET!" in my head?
          Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
          Well i thought WOOHOO!!! so who is eviler?
          You guys.... stop, you're making me blush in front of everyone...

          Thanks *^_^*
          Last edited by Kara; 07-06-2007, 06:59 PM.
          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


          • #20
            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            I hit my "Mute" button and said, "Oh boo-hoo." Then I realized I had already been muted, so I had unmuted myself before saying it. Luckily, the customer was too busy running her mouth to notice. I did remute in time to proclaim "Oh Sh*t!"
            Um... Oopsie.

            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            You seek to create? Fie, leave this place. Only death and despair exist here.

            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            SM: Well, it's a shame they have someone like you supposedly trying to help people. You need to be retrained in what customer service is all about.
            Man, that guy needs a big huge smack upside the head for being a douchebag. The kid's birthday was in no way even remotely "ruined." All that was ruined was his own sense of importance over being able to buy expensive toys to try to ensure his kid's affection.

            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            I'm lucky, I can actually get away with writing "Customer is a dumbass". But management finds my bitterness endearing.
            They're not the only ones.

            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            I think the best ever was from our Financial services team, and it went something like "Customer says unable to make payment because he is a college student. Recommended he donate plasma."
            That's just classic.

            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            You guys.... stop, you're making me blush in front of everyone...

            Thanks *^_^*
            Hey, if we're gonna make GK blush, then we're gonna make you, as his southern twin, do the same!

            Last edited by Andara Bledin; 07-06-2007, 06:44 PM.
            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

