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My job description does not include making sure your bill is accurate and correct!

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  • My job description does not include making sure your bill is accurate and correct!

    Why do people that don't have their shit together with their bills always feel it's the fault of the company they are dealing with? Let me cite some examples:

    SC: I want my internet canceled, and you're charging me when I wasn't supposed to have it!
    ME: (After I discovered I've personally been charging her) I can cancel it, but it shows you've had it for the past fifteen months. I also see you've been paying the bill in full each month, and not one time does it show you called to question this charge.
    SC: I shouldn't have to. You all should have seen that I was not using the service and should have canceled it yourselves.
    ME: We don't monitor usage. It's your responsibility to read your bill and question any charges you have on there that are not correct.
    SC: I demand a credit being you should have known I wasn't using it!
    ME: Sorry, maam, but that's not going to happen. (No apology given to her that I personally did not know she wasn't using it)
    SC: Fine! You've just lost a good customer! (No, I haven't!)
    __________________________________________________ ____

    SC: I see I have a charge for a repair plan and I never ordered it.
    ME: It's been on your account since 1988. This is not a new charge.
    SC: Yes, it is. You all added this without me knowing!
    ME: Maam, it was added in 1988, and this is 2002. It was added fourteen years ago.
    SC: I want the name of who added it. (Yep, I'm going to hunt ancient phone records for who was working that snowy day in 1988. I was a sophomore in high school then, for Pete's sake. I was working part time at a grocery store!)
    ME: I'm sorry, but I cannot do that being our records are not accessible that far back. I can remove the repair plan, if you would like.
    SC: I not only want it removed. I want it credited being I did not add it.
    ME: That's not going to happen maam. It's been on your bill since 1988, it is now fourteen years later, and that is plenty of time for you to notice a charge you did not approve. We're not going to give you a credit for that.
    SC: That's not fair. I've never had a repairman to my house, and you all should have known that to know I don't need that plan! (Ugh! It's my fault again for not noticing that your phone never breaks!)
    Give me your supervisor! (Because she's going to give in to crediting $3.95 times approximately 168 months you had that service. In other words, she's looking for a credit of $663.60).
    __________________________________________________ ______________________________

    SC: I just received my bill and need to know my balance. (What? It's not printed on your bill, eh?)
    ME: I show it to be $49.49
    SC: Excuse me??!!! What do you mean it says that? It should be $42.17
    ME: Well, I have the same exact copy of the bill you have, maam, and the balance reads the same as what you see.
    SC: Don't patronize me. It should be $42.17, like it was last month. (I hate those people with a passion)
    ME: Maam, did you even look at the bill for any unusual charges on it?
    SC: No, and I don't need to. I need you to credit my bill and make it at $42.17 like it is every month.
    ME: I cannot do that unless we go over the bill and the charges.
    SC: I don't want to go over the charges! I want that credit.
    ME: No, maam, I will not credit the account until we review the charges.
    SC: Fine! But I know there isn't anything on there that I should be responsible for. (Yes there was. She had made several long distance calls to her sister 500 miles away, racking up extra charges).
    ME: So, that is why your bill is $7.32 higher than last month.
    SC: I don't care! It's supposed to be $42.17 and that's what I demand you make my bill at! WTF?

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    Calgon! Take me away!
    Last edited by greensinestro; 07-05-2007, 09:12 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth greensinestro View Post
    SC: I not only want it removed. I want it credited being I did not add it.
    ME: That's not going to happen maam. It's been on your bill since 1988, it is now fourteen years later,
    actually according to the fair credit reporting act, which is a federal law, you have 6 months to dispute any charge, after that time is becomes valid. Reason for this is partially Sarbaines-Oxley-mainly so that a company isn't overcharging customers and then crediting back to boost the appearance of profits(for stockholders), and/or increase losses(for tax purposes).

    So if anyone wants credit more than 6 months Prior-they're asking you to break a federal law-no matter how bad an SC has gotten they will not tell me to break a federal law-especially when you tell them the call is recorded, and if you get caught the feds have their information as well
    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


    • #3
      Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
      So if anyone wants credit more than 6 months Prior-they're asking you to break a federal law-no matter how bad an SC has gotten they will not tell me to break a federal law-especially when you tell them the call is recorded, and if you get caught the feds have their information as well
      Cool! I wonder if we have a law like that here in Oz...The telecommunications company I worked for authorised the reps to tell customer that paying a phone bill meant they authorised any charges contained therein. We would refund any charges that were clearly in error but not past 6 months time.

      At the bank I was at when I first started in CS, I once took a call from a man who was angry that he had been paying debits tax unnecessarily on his account for 8 years. This was the first time he had noticed it.

      (Note - debits tax is charged on ALL withdrawals on all Australian accounts that have a chequebook attached to them. If you don't want to pay it, it's up to the customer to cancel the chequebook or use a different account for frequent non-cheque withdrawals, like ATM usage.)

      Unobservant SC: "But I never even received a chequebook! I want you to reverse all those charges!"

      Me: "Err, sir, it's too late now. The Government has implemented that tax and they now have that money."

      SC" "So just reverse it!"

      Me: "Sir, that money has gone to taxes and we don't have it anymore. I can't just ask the Tax Office to give it back!"

      SC: "WHY NOT?!?"

      After repeating this little cycle ad nauseam, he left, declaring his intention to call the Tax Office and get his money refunded. Fine with me - the ATO has an average hold time of 40 mins per call and the most unsympathetic-to-bullshit operators I have ever encountered


      • #4
        Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
        So if anyone wants credit more than 6 months Prior-they're asking you to break a federal law-no matter how bad an SC has gotten they will not tell me to break a federal law-especially when you tell them the call is recorded, and if you get caught the feds have their information as well

        I really should post this one up on the company bulletin board as payback to all the managers I have dealt with that give in to bozos like that. The worst one I ever had was a lady who had a repair plan for 18 months, and when I removed it at her request, it did not stop there. Her reply was, "So, what else are you going to do for me?" My reply was, "There is nothing else I can do being it has now been removed, and you have been informed that you are no longer covered for any repairs we do." It became a supervisor call because I refused to credit 18 months of a repair plan, and later on, I discovered my manager credited the entire thing. Not one word was said by my manager about the fact that this has been on there all along, this customer paid the bill each and every month in full, never called in once until now about this charge, and she got rewarded for it. Pissed me off, but oh, well. Not my money or career being put on the line.

