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Post Indepence Day Losers

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  • Post Indepence Day Losers

    A few small but sucky/stupid incidents from today.

    What part of No don't you understand?

    (More stupid than sucky)

    Had a woman in with her (I'm assuming) granddaughter. The grandmother wants to see a scanner that can scan positive slides. Pretty much all of our scanners can do that, but she wanted one just for that. I showed her a couple models that included special holders for slides.

    Grandma: Well, what I'm really looking for is a small unit that does JUSt slides. Where are those?

    Me: We don't carry anything like that. Just what you see here.

    Grandma: Well, the one I got before - a couple years ago at least - was about $99 and was small, about that size *points to receipt scanner.* Do you still have that one?

    Me: No, we don't carry anything like that.

    Grandma: Well that's too bad. Let me see that one *points*

    Then later, she wants to buy a portable external hard drive for her granddaughter.

    Grandma: What do you have?

    Me: Right down here......*points*

    Grandma: What's your best deal right now?

    Me: That one *points* and that one *points.*

    Grandma: Oh, I don't like the One Touch. What else do you have?

    Granddaughter: Well, it's not for you. That one seems fine to me. Anythign else would be more money.

    Grandma: Well, I have one of those One Touches and I don't like it. Do you have one out that I can see?

    (Let me get this straight. YOu already have one of these, and yet you need to see what it looks like? Something doesn't add up. )

    Me: No, unfortunately I don't. I only have displays for the large desktop drives.

    Grandma: Well I need to see it! Do you have one out anywhere?

    (Yes, asking me again will cause the answer to change.)

    Me: No, I don't.

    Grandma: Well, I guess we'll take that one. Now the other thing I need is white storage boxes. They come in a pack of six.

    Me: Yes, those are over in-

    Grandam: You'll fetch me a set, won't you Dave?

    (Excuse me? I'll fetch you a set? OK fine, you using a walker, but would it kill you to say please?)

    Me: (forced smile) Sure.

    Get with the program!

    One of my co-workers took a call for my department that I couldn't get because I was busy with another customer. She relayed the gist of the call to me. CUstomer had a question about typewriters. Great.

    So as soon as I got a free moment I grabbed the call

    Me: Electronics, this is Dave1982, how I can help you?

    SC: What? The other girl was going to look something up for me, and now you picked up! What's going on?

    Me: She was transferring the call to me. What's your question ma'am?

    SC: I have two Brother typewriters here. Model [blah] and model [/blah].

    Me: *jots down model numbers* Ok, and you need ribbons for them?

    SC: No! I need to know which one is newer!

    Me: Well, I'm sorry but I don't know that.

    SC: What?! The other girl said she was looking it up! Can you look it up?!!?!?

    Me: I cna look up the model numbers to see if we carry replacement ribbons for them, but that won't tell me which model is newer.

    SC: Why can't you look that up!?!?!?

    Me: Because we realy don't deal much in typewriters. We've carried the same two models for over a year. That's it. I'm sorry.

    (Here's a possibility: which one did you buy first?)

    SC: Well one's light gray and one's dark gray.

    Me: Unfortunately, that really doesn't tell me anything.

    SC: Well THANKS! *slams phone down*

    Me *to my other customer*: Well, that was the rudest call I've gotten in at least a month.........sorry about that.

    What? You KNEW?!

    Another phone call. Whoever this guy was, he called direct to my department, which involves a message that says "for questions regarding all electronics, press 1."

    Me: Thank you for calling Staples. This is Dave1982. How can I help you?

    Stupid Caller: Yes, I'd like ot place an order for *static*

    Me: I'm sorry, what?

    SC: Yes, I need to order some bathroom tissue and paper towels for my office, to be delivered.

    (You twit. First of all, we do not take orders over the phone. That's what our PHONE ORDER DIVISION is for. Second, how the hell did you make the connection between "toilet tissue" and "all electronics?")

    Me: I'm sorry sir, but we don't handle that through the store. You need to call our business delievery line at 800-

    SC: Hold on.....*sounds of paper rustling* it 333?

    Me: Yes, 333-3330.

    SC: OK thanks. I see it on my catalog. Bye.

    (What the hell? You KNEW the number and you didn't call it?!?! You knew the number was on the catalog, yet you went to the trouble to find the number for this store and called it instead? Honestly, what is wrong here?)

    At least he wasn't calling trying to order XXXXXL pink camo pants and tank tops.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Dave1982 View Post

    Grandam: You'll fetch me a set, won't you Dave?

    (Excuse me? I'll fetch you a set? OK fine, you using a walker, but would it kill you to say please?)
    What about her grand daughter? Was something wrong with her legs? My grandparents are getting older and have more trouble walking around. Do you know what we younguns do? We *gasp* get what they need for them.
    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


    • #3
      Quoth Dave1982 View Post
      At least he wasn't calling trying to order XXXXXL pink camo pants and tank tops.
      .... i fear camo...


      • #4
        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
        .... i fear camo...

        Pink camo, at any rate. I think it's Satan's new color.


        • #5
          For that grandmother, I keep getting the words "open box discount" or "floor model discout" running through my mind. Not sure why...
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Quoth Dave1982 View Post
            Grandma: Well, the one I got before - a couple years ago at least - was about $99 and was small, about that size *points to receipt scanner.* Do you still have that one?
            AH, the HP S20 photo scanner, I love mine and I still use it but it was in NO WAY $100 unless she got it, *gasp* clearance, open box, or floor model.

            Thank you for reminding me of my days at Staples, I had the same customers ~10 years ago. I see things haven't changed.

            Do you get asked if you can take INTERNAL computer components out so people can see what they look like? (OK, why does it matter? it will be INSIDE your computer!)
            Quote Dalesys:
            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


            • #7
              Quoth draggar View Post
              Do you get asked if you can take INTERNAL computer components out so people can see what they look like? (OK, why does it matter? it will be INSIDE your computer!)
              No, but now that you've mentioned it I probably will.
              "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

              RIP Plaidman.


              • #8
                Should have carried her boxes in your mouth, maybe knock into her in your excitement, give a little bark...drop them at her feet and sit back on your heels panting while you wait for her to throw them again...
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Yea, really... "You'll fetch them for me..."

                  What an ass.
                  I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

