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The Exit

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  • The Exit

    During my time as a night-shift crew chief at a grocery store, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with people of all types. Some were "regulars" repeating a portion of their 24-hour routine, some were casual shoppers gathering what they needed for a particular event. Some, though, liked to think of the cloak of darkness as a blanket over their identities. Even though the setting Sun opens the sky to the vastness of the Universe, many tend to ignore it and focus, instead, on themselves.

    Don't get me wrong. Inner contemplation is a good thing. It's just that some people think that darkness blots out all the other people in the world, leaving only the person behind their eyes.

    I'm sure that anyone who has worked as part of a team understands that the crew forms a unique relationship. "Family" is a good description since it's a love/hate kind of thing at times.

    My crew was "Family". We bitched, laughed, shared experiences, played pranks on each other, ad infinitum...

    One thing I didn't notice (being on the "inside") was pointed out to me by one of the regulars. He happened to be in law enforcement and shopped after his shift.

    He mentioned how well my crew got along and worried that some self-absorbed individual might ruin many lives in an instant. After some discussion, he convinced me to have my crew trained in basic self-defense techniques.

    In particular, he mentioned having the upper hand in potentially violent confrontations by carrying an ASP (

    He gave me a reference, I got the crew together, we discussed it and agreed to go for the training. We paid out of our own pockets.

    After studying the manual required for certification and eight hours of written and physical exams, we had seven people certified to carry and use ASPs from 21" (me) to 26".

    If you've never seen one in action, there's a psychological factor that helps to keep the batons from ever coming into contact with flesh, blood and bone;

    It sounds like a shotgun being cocked when it's being extended.

    Now, to the point of this post's title.

    Seven of us were going about our business when a young man decided that it was in his best interest to steal ~$700US worth of cigarettes. My cashier decided otherwise and used a code over the public address system to alert us.

    After several minutes of warnings, keeping distance and herding, the thief had his bags of smokes in hand and his back to a fire exit. We stayed well clear but in a semi-circle around him, none approaching lest he have a gun. One of the things we were taught during our training was that an ASP is no match for a firearm.

    A knife, however...

    And out it came. He flashed his switchblade in the air and proclaimed, "If any of you motherf****** comes near me, I'll bleed you like a pig".

    That's all we needed to hear and see.

    The sound of seven ASPs opening simultaneously is quite impressive.

    In less than five seconds, we had some bags of cigarettes on the floor that needed to be restocked, a small puddle of urine to be mopped up, a fire exit to be closed and a decision to be made; what to do with the switchblade he'd dropped.

    We decided to give it as a present to the cop who referred us for training.

    We kept the memory for ourselves.

  • #2


    • #3
      That is why I encourage everyone to get some kind of self-defense training.


      • #4
        OMG! That was soooooo cool!
        Check out my cosplay social group!


        • #5
          And for those who think that everyone in a store being armed is bad and might scare customers, an ASP in its holster looks similar to a small maglight in a holster. A person unfamiliar with the item could easily think all the employees carried flashlights.

          As for the effectiveness of the weapon (I own one), aside from the psychological affect of it deploying (all it takes is a flick of the wrist), when applied they are devasting to joints and other soft tissue. It is an effective way to disable someone without having to kill.


          • #6
            Just FYI, in most places in the USA, it's illegal to carry ASP's.

            My 26" nickel ASP was my weapon of choice for self-defense having grown up in rough parts of the world. I had mine so long that I had even re-wrapped the hilt with nytanium (sp?) straps cross-hatched style when the foam grip started to come apart.

            And now some cop in Atlantic city has a very expensive custom wrapped baton to add to his collection

            Mine was nicely concealed before my friend thought it would be funny to lift it off me, open it, and brandish it madly on the boardwalk.

            Just make sure it's legal to carry one before buying one. An ex-security guard friend of mine actually was sued because he defended himself with one (yup, sued by the guy that attacked him). What kind of world is it where the criminals can carry automatic weapons but us poor, defenseless citizens can't even carry a blunt force weapon to defend ourselves with?

            I can't wait till I hit 40 and can start carrying a cane without getting weird looks for it.


            • #7
              Quoth MadRocketScientist View Post
              It is an effective way to disable someone without having to kill.
              I am thinking we would all be better off if someone had killed that bastard. We don't people like that in the world. ASPs are cool, but a CCW is where its at.


              • #8
                "Just FYI, in most places in the USA, it's illegal to carry ASP's."

                Yeah, it's illegal for a guy to "bleed you like a pig", too, but that doesn't stop them from doing it.

                I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by 6. Just sayin'.


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  "Just FYI, in most places in the USA, it's illegal to carry ASP's."

                  Yeah, it's illegal for a guy to "bleed you like a pig", too, but that doesn't stop them from doing it.

                  I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by 6. Just sayin'.
                  Agrees totally. That's why I carried mine anyway.

                  My warning was simply meant for those whose jobs might be in jeopardy if they were caught with on one them when they were on the clock.


                  • #10
                    Quoth tendomentis View Post
                    My warning was simply meant for those whose jobs might be in jeopardy if they were caught with on one them when they were on the clock.
                    Very good point.

                    Notice that I mentioned that our training was of our own volition. Our employer neither promoted nor forbade our decision to receive tactical defense lessons nor did the company have a part in our decision to purchase tactical batons. The simple fact is that the Company was not part of my crew's decision-making process in this instance.

                    I can tell you that, without a doubt, the choice we made was a good one.

                    See, word tends to spread much like that Dramatic Chipmunk/Groundhog thing. One thug with a warning of "don't go there" decreased our inventory loss for quite some time. It also gave customers some extraordinary piece of mind knowing that per-hour clerks were on the job to keep their shopping experience as pleasant as possible.

                    As much as I hate to admit it, we were holding off the savages with a stick.

                    The Company knew what we were doing. They also realized that by defending ourselves, we were increasing profits.

                    We had an unspoken agreement:

                    "I won't die for you
                    You make more money
                    Hide your eyes."

                    It's my understanding from my 8 hour course in '94 that legal representation will be provided to those certified to carry the baton.

                    Those rules have had a lot of time to change. I'm not your source for those changes.

                    100$US (circa 1994) for training and purchase of an ASP
                    100$US (circa 1995) for my wife's course and purchase of an ASP
                    0$US (circa 1996) for assisting the takedown of an armed felon as he was about to break into my wife's car while she and my newborn daughter were paying me a visit at work....

                    Last edited by Koliedrus; 07-06-2007, 07:39 PM.


                    • #11
                      I used to carry a cheap Korean made baton when I worked at a Circle K. The manager did not like it, but let it go because I worked a lot of late night shifts. At the time we had a lot of people stealing beer, never on one of my shifts though. Till one night two guys walk out with 2 cases each. I ran out the store after them, they were getting into a car that was backed into a space. I ran up and smashed in their back windshield, then their brake light as they were pulling out. We had no beer thefts after that until I quit.


                      • #12
                        It might not affect your job (they can fire you for stuff that's not illegal) but around here a Concealed Weapons permit (not Concealed Firearms) will allow you to carry everything from ASP Batons to swords, provided the latter have their edge covered with a secured cover (aka sheathed and with a knotted tie) when not in use.
                        Last edited by JustADude; 07-06-2007, 09:23 PM.
                        ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                        • #13
                          Quoth tendomentis View Post
                          I can't wait till I hit 40 and can start carrying a cane without getting weird looks for it.
                          If you find a place that sells sword canes, please let me know.


                          • #14
                            If you find a place that sells sword canes, please let me know.
                            You can order sword canes from,,, etc. However, they are usually crap weapons and easy to spot. Better off buying a blade from a weaponsmith, or a naked blade and making your own.

                            If you are buying a sword and spending less than $150-$200, you are buying crap.


                            • #15
                              Quoth MadRocketScientist View Post
                              If you are buying a sword and spending less than $150-$200, you are buying crap.
                              Even at that range, you're getting average quality. If you want a REALLY good one, be prepared to spend upwards of $1000 unless you get lucky and find a real bargain. Of course, that's for a quality hilt, sheath, etc, all in there. A bare full-tang blade narrow enough for a cane would probably be a significant portion less.
                              ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

