Customer comes in and starts asking about cases for his lovely Treo. I show him a selection of cases that we have and he immediately eyes the Vaja Case. Now, this case is not cheap at all. In fact, our store is like only a little bit cheaper than their online store. So this case is going to cost him somewhere near $100 and its really beautiful in the black that we have. So, when he decides that's the case that he wants I hear this:
SC: Yeah, I want a case that has a clean back so i can stick a piece of Velcro on it to attach it to my strap.
My jaw just dropped. How could you take such a beautiful and expensive case and then attach velcro to it is beyond me. I slowly took the case back from him and told him that this wasn't the case for him and locked it in my drawer. The look on his face was priceless.
SC: Yeah, I want a case that has a clean back so i can stick a piece of Velcro on it to attach it to my strap.
My jaw just dropped. How could you take such a beautiful and expensive case and then attach velcro to it is beyond me. I slowly took the case back from him and told him that this wasn't the case for him and locked it in my drawer. The look on his face was priceless.