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Just do everything the way I want you to...even if it gets you fired.

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  • Just do everything the way I want you to...even if it gets you fired.

    So, you know how you can either sign the back of a credit/debit card or write "See ID"? Well, a guy came into the hotel where I work tonight with "See ID" written on the back of his. It went down like this:

    Me: And how would you like to pay for your room, sir?
    Douchebag: Visa.
    Me: Alright *sees "See ID" on back of card* I'll just need to see your ID, please.
    Douchebag, looking scandalized: What? Why? I never had to have my ID before!
    (I know this is a lie, as even if he hadn't written this on the back of his card, all GSRs here are required to attach a copy of every guest's license on their reg. cards)
    Me: Sir, it's company policy. Also, you've instructed me to ask for your ID by writing this back here *shows him card*
    Douchebag: But that's only for like when I have to buy stuff! Like at a store! (verbatim, i swear)
    Me: No,'s for whenever you use your card...anywhere. Also, like I said, it's company policy. I have to get a copy of your ID.

    After a few more minutes of bitching, he finally handed over his license. I don't understand what the big goddamn deal was--it did indeed prove that his identity matched that of the CC's owner. Plus, he WROTE "See ID" ON THE BACK OF HIS OWN DAMN CARD, HIMSELF!



    I'm not even sure what the hell this was all about.

    Me: I just need to imprint your card and then I'll have it right back to you.
    Crazy Bitch: What? Imprint? What does that mean?
    Me: This is an old credit card machine. it makes an ink imprint of your card-
    Crazy Bitch: So, just anyone can come back here, get that paper, and they'd have my credit card information?!
    Me: *disbelieving stare* Well, no ma'am not just anyone can come back here...the door is kept locked and only authorized personnel is allowed back here...not even the housekeepers come back behind the desk.
    Crazy Bitch: I don't want to just leave my info lying around!
    Me: It isn't just left lying around. It's locked in a drawer after you check out. Only the manager has the key-
    Crazy Bitch: So the manager could come in any time and use my credit card?!
    Me: ........Listen this is a rule I have to follow...if you do not want me to complete the check in process, I'd be happy to call another hotel and make a reservation for you. (thinking: Please, dear god, just fucking go.)


  • #2
    Stupidity and paranoia. Gotta love them.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      I can understand their fear about ID theft BUT they have to understand that if a thief is determined enough then no amount of security no matter how "fool proof" won't stop them. At some point, you HAVE TO trust whatever merchant that you're doing business with.


      • #4
        Quoth crawlspace View Post

        Douchebag: But that's only for like when I have to buy stuff! Like at a store! (verbatim, i swear)
        Free hotel?
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          I need some warm tea....I feel so cold inside...
          Check out my cosplay social group!


          • #6
            that they were born and have technology more advanced than crayons...*shrug*
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              I had a woman yesterday with two ID's. The card she gave me had one name and the ID had another. When I told her they didn't match, she showed me the other ID she had. The first one, I noticed after, had a punch hole through the birthdate year which meant it wasn't valid for driving. The second one appeared to be valid.
              I questioned her on it and she said she had had a name change. Told her I'd take it this time and she seemed incredulous that I was even considering *not* taking it. When I explained to her that such a thing was grounds for denying the use of the card, she didn't seem to get the fact that merchants have every right to protect themselves from potential cc fraud. I laid it out that I was doing her a favor and made sure she knew we had cameras for catching fraud such as this.

              I figure if I get screwed, it's a $24 lesson.

              "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."

