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The illogical, the jerk, and the PETA activist

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  • #16
    Another really common mistake that pet owners make is to feed their dog before they eat. In dog packs, the alpha dogs eat first, so by feeding your dog before yourself, you are telling it that it is alpha. After you give it that signal, why would it bother listening to you?

    I have 2 dogs that are really good, and one that is really not. She'll run away any chance she gets, so I fear that the only thing we can really do to prevent this is to get her a remote shock training collar. She'll listen real good after that. And no, this isn't cruelty. Cruelty would be leaving her tied up while the other two roam free around the yard because she will take off if we don't (which is our current method). This dog is also a huge baby, so one shock will be enough to get her attention and make her listen. It's not much of a shock; it's roughly equivalent to a static shock, and it is designed to get their attention, not hurt them. I've really tried everything with her, and she just likes to run too much, so shock collar is the last resort for her.
    Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
    Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
    The Office


    • #17
      Quoth Shabo View Post
      She'll run away any chance she gets, so I fear that the only thing we can really do to prevent this is to get her a remote shock training collar. She'll listen real good after that. And no, this isn't cruelty. Cruelty would be leaving her tied up while the other two roam free around the yard because she will take off if we don't (which is our current method).
      A well-designed shock collar used only as necessity demands has never hurt a dog. People tend to think it's like a taser. It's not. It's slightly more of a jolt than you get from a bad static shock.

      Meanwhile, tethering or chaining can actually, contrary to popular belief, be cruel. Dogs will often strain against it, hurting themselves (especially if their companions are free), and may become anti-social if they have to suffer it too long. [I'm leaving out the other factors, because I'm assuming that you're responsible enough not to leave her on it for vast amounts of time and have her food & water within her reach...]

      You should definitely research and buy a good shock collar. (No invisible fence though; determined dogs will run right through it.) Or, if you have the time and money (which I understand you may not), whatever a professional dog trainer recommends.

      I hope it works out for you, and she learns that her own yard is the best place to be.
      The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


      • #18
        Yeah, she goes out on her run for at most half an hour, and she's never left alone. We have the other 2 dogs running around, and we're usually out and about at the time. And I felt the need to clarify that the shock collar isn't dangerous (if used properly) because I used to work at a pet store, and we would get people in all the time that had barking dogs and needed collars to correct that behavior. I would recommend the shock one (the other ones don't work too well. Most dogs get used to the citronella spray in their face after a short period of time or are unphased by the sonic noise.) and they would get all defensive. "Oh, that's so cruel! I don't want to hurt my poor baby! Blah blah blah sob story!" Look people, do you want your dog to shut up or what? Nearly every single one that didn't go with my suggestion ended up returning the barking collar they bought for the shocking one. What did they really expect? I knew my products well enough.

        Part of the problem with the runner dog is that she's the omega of the 3 we have, which means that she is more prone to being obstinate in little ways and running off from the pack, so there's not a whole lot we can really do there. And the problem with a dog that runs off is that you can't punish them when they get back or they will be less likely to come back to you when you call. It's a really tough situation.
        Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
        Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
        The Office


        • #19
          I have a friend (A) that has two small dogs of a popular breed . . .I have a little larger of a do at about 10 lbs. We have a mutual friend (B) that we will go to visit and the "children" come with us.

          My dog is retired show and understands commands . . .and if she ignores it - she gets the command a second time with a little more authority in my voice - not a raised voice or angry - but more like a drill sgt.

          Friend A - got upset at how I spoke to my dog . . .umm I told her to "Come" your dogs were annoying her (she was growling at them - and about to start snapping)

          Friend B told her to back off - at least my dog didn't leave "presents" all over the house.

          My dog is my baby - we have public outdoor events we go to and yes, I have a pet stroller for her. She isn't a fan of crowds when on the ground - but put her in the stroller and she sits up and watches as if she is the Queen. I also have a dog seat for in the car. She is treated well - the breeder evens says I go above and beyond. So please don't get upset with me when I control my dog. I happen to believe that she is an important part of my life and as such their is a standard of behavior I expect from her.

          ok I will step off my soapbox - sorry I am still a touch peeved


          • #20
            Quoth Shabo View Post
            we would get people in all the time that had barking dogs and needed collars to correct that behavior. I would recommend the shock one (the other ones don't work too well. ... and they would get all defensive. "Oh, that's so cruel! I don't want to hurt my poor baby! Blah blah blah sob story!"
            Man, that annoys me. Look, if it actually MAIMED dogs or made them feel attacked, the freaking pet store would not sell it.

            Quoth Shabo View Post
            you can't punish them when they get back or they will be less likely to come back to you when you call. It's a really tough situation.
            I feel for you. I hope it all works out.
            The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


            • #21
              Quoth Emrld View Post
              Friend A - got upset at how I spoke to my dog . . .umm I told her to "Come" your dogs were annoying her (she was growling at them - and about to start snapping)

              Friend B told her to back off - at least my dog didn't leave "presents" all over the house.

              I have had friends that will say that I am "torturing" my dogs. I have freaking Rottweiler! If I tell her to stop chewing the coffee table (yes the coffee table, she doesn't waste time with smaller items) 3 times and she's still chewing the coffee table, I'm going to slap her snout. Not hard, but enough to make her pay attention. If I tell her to stop barking at nothing (and it is a LOUD bark, try waking up to it in the morning) and she doesn't listen, I toss a pillow at her to get her attention. It doesn't hurt her, but it's big and seems menacing. It tells her, "Hey, I mean it!"

              This dog is my baby. I feed her twice a day and stayed up with her when she was sick with a uterus infection that resulted in surgery. And when she was recovering at the vet's office, I brought her scambled eggs, bacon, peanut butter, and mashed potatoes to make sure she was eating. I visited her almost everyday. I DO NOT torture my pets. Those who say so, obviously don't have pets or aren't responsible owners. I can proudly say that she does not crap in the house.
              Check out my cosplay social group!


              • #22
                There was a day last summer when, just before I started counting down my register, I heard someone page over the intercom, "Attention Wal-Mart customers, will the owner of the red Honda Civic with the dog inside please come up to the front, some people want to talk to you." It was a good 90 degrees that day, and I can't even imagine how hot it was in that car. Fifteen minutes later when I was walking back out to my car I saw the car, the owner(s), and the police. I never found out what happened, but the Honda was parked in that same spot for the better part of a week before it finally went away.


                • #23
                  I went to see the local rollerderby yesterday, and just before they got everything started, the announcer went to the booth and said, "Okay, I've just learned that there is a car parked in front of the entrance with a dog in it and the windows rolled up. [pause - probably waiting to see if somebody leaves] It's over 90 degrees out. [pause] Come on... THINK about it..."

                  I guess the owner went out and took care of it since it wasn't brought up again and the announcer was obviously annoyed about the idiocy of it.
                  The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


                  • #24
                    When I had a dog, we used to sit down and eat our tea before we'd feed the dog. A visitor to the house once told us this was cruel. My mum replied, "Actually, we're teaching the dog that she is the lowest rank in the house." The visitor replied, "But it's cruel to force her to sit there and drool while you eat!"
                    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                    My DeviantArt.


                    • #25
                      I grew up with a Battersea rescue dog and later on two Newfies.

                      Cassie, the rescue dog, was mine and she was so well behaved that I could leave a Full English on the floor, walk out of the room for five minutes and it wouldn't be touched. Because I never trained her for shows (we got her when I was twelve) most of the commands were finger snaps followed by a visual command - the only thing I could never stop her doing was jumping into the back seats of cars, she loved travelling.

                      As for the Newfies - I imagine the shock collar would have worked well on them, they were just so goddamned big... Choke collars didn't work, they wheezed a little and still dragged you all over the place. The bridle things worked for a little bit, then the buggers discovered that turning their noses 'just so' made it a lot easier to ignore commands.

                      Bah - i miss having a dog
                      Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                      • #26
                        Quoth napoleana View Post
                        Man, that annoys me. Look, if it actually MAIMED dogs or made them feel attacked, the freaking pet store would not sell it.
                        Not necessarily true. Choke collars can, in fact, hurt dogs--if the dogs are obstinate enough to choke themselves and/or the owners of said dogs don't know the correct way to control their dogs. Dogs such as that should be in a harness rather than a choke collar anyway.

                        Besides, there are many pet stores that will sell whatever they can if people are willing to buy them, without real regard to the pet's safety. I am not saying all or even most pet stores, but just like with any other form of business, there are people out there just looking to make a buck, and they don't care how they do it.

                        For the animal lovers out there, you may be interested to know that my Lil Sis works for DogTrust in England, formerly called the National Canine Defense League. The Brits know what I am talking about. For my fellow Americans, it is vaguely like a more educational version of our ASPCA, if that makes sense.

                        I am more of a cat guy myself, though I don't mind most dogs. (I HATE "yippers.")
                        RW loves both dogs and cats.

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #27
                          We have a tv show first thing in the morning on one of the Phoenix channels, and they have guests like the Garden Man, and the Queen of Clean. One day, they had an expert on animal behavior. He would answer questions that people would call in. Some guy called and asked if the invisible fence system would work on skunks. The animal guy repeated the question, not sure what the guy meant. the caller said, "Yeah, I have trouble where I live with skunks and I want to keep them out of my yard." The animal expert said, "Oh, I got you now. Well, it might, if you can get the skunks to wear the collars the system uses." The last thing heard from the caller was, "Smart---" which, thankfully, the required delay cut off.


                          • #28
                            I am more of a cat guy myself, though I don't mind most dogs. (I HATE "yippers.")
                            I'm a cat person too, though I don't mind dogs either. REAL dogs though. I don't like Purse Rats(tm). There's a fair number of people with the little froo froo purse rats around here. I always see The Boyfriends on my way home from work around 7am, walking their girlfriend's little pampered fur gremlin. They all have the same look of complete shame on their faces and they won't look you in the eye when you walk past them.

                            I remember one guy in particular that I saw downtown. He had two purse rats with him that were dressed in little sweaters and booties. He wasn't walking them, he was carrying one under each arm and had this look of total embarrassment on his face. He was walking rather fast too, I'm assuming to get home and minimize the shame. ;p


                            • #29
                              PETCP (People for the Ethical Treatment of Cart Pushers)

                              I know everybody else is talking about the dogs and such, but I have to put in my comment about another point.

                              Quoth Zell View Post
                              The jerk

                              My friend/co-worker was pushing carts outside. Normally when you're doing this, people just drive around you in order to get to a parking space and don't complain about it.

                              B = my friend

                              B: *pushing carts*

                              Guy: *drives up right behind B* Hey! HEY! YOU! GET OUT OF MY MOTHERFUCKING WAY YOU FUCKING LITTLE BOY!

                              B: *turns around clenching fist* What did you just say to me?

                              Guy: *drives away*

                              Seriously, how much of a dick do you have to be to do that to someone pushing carts? I asked my friend why he didn't cuss back at the guy cause even the manager would be on his side in that case, but he said he was afraid he'd get fired. If I was in trouble for cussing back at someone who did that to me, I'd quit myself because clearly the management sucks if they were on the customer's side.
                              What sort of idiot insults the employee holding the reins of a dozen shopping carts? He could easily target your car and do a fair amount of damage to it. If he's smart enough, he could even make it look accidental. This is almost the equivalent of complaining to the overworked and underpaid restaurant staff who is preparing and handling your food or the tech who is supposed to be repairing your computer and recovering your irreplaceable family photos.

                              And even if that were not a consideration, this guy is getting paid minimum wage to work outside in all kinds of weather, bringing in carts that most customers are too lazy to even stack in the cart corrals. Cut him some slack.

                              I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                              - Bill Watterson

                              My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                              - IPF


                              • #30
                                Quoth Zell View Post

                                The illogical

                                The jerk

                                The PETA activist
                                The Illogical: Some customers get pissed off at new employees because of the mistakes that you would expect from them I mean well if you would just calm down and accept the fact that new employees are hired in new jobs like every day don't make them feel like quitting because you want to be an asshole/bitch and not look for things yourself friggin SC's.

                                The Jerk: The worst thing about pushing carts is the assholes that shouldn't have their drivers licence becuase it doesn't say in the Drivers ed handbook that you can insult passangers.

                                The PETA activist: The bitches in this world who yell at strangers who mind their own business should be in an insane asylum, nuff said!
                                Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.

