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I am on the phone!

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  • I am on the phone!

    Helped a customer the other day. There weren't ready to buy anything. Boss answers phone and tells me I have a phone call. I take the call, as there are all but two customers in the entire store, and both didn't need help at the moment.

    It was my mother-in-law and with all her cancer stuff going on, I immediately get heartburn wondering what's wrong now. Thankfully, she just called to tell me she found this digestive vitamin stuff I've been looking for and she picked it up for me if I wanted to stop by after work.

    During this brief conversation, the two in the store decided they needed help. Boss offered to help them since I was on the phone. But the father kept telling his daughter to "go tell the girl you're ready now...tell the girl you need help."

    So I'm talking to my mother in law, and the little girl comes over and just keeps asking for help over and over. At first I was a bit confused, and I stopped talking to MIL for a sec, looked at girl, then at father, and then at Boss who had such a look of annoyed frustration on his face that I had to giggle. (Sorry boss but it was kinda funny). Then I had to tell MIL I had to go b/c apparently I was the only one capable of helping the customers in the store.

    I mean, the girl was damn cute and she was just following what her dad told her. It was the dad being rude.

    You SEE I'm on the phone rude man. How even more rude that my boss man is standing there looking at me like , WTF, as the father continues telling his kid to go tell me to help her. Boss man was saying, "I can help you".

    I would have been the rude one if I were the only employee in the store and they couldn't get assistance from anyone else. But I wasn't.

    Stupid peoples. Boss man and I laughed about it after though. That was a cool morning for customer bashing it was...
    If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.