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Was I wrong?? (Long)

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  • Was I wrong?? (Long)

    I just got back from Walmart. I went grocery shopping and everything was going fine until I went up to check out. There was two customers in front of me. The first one had a large order and she had trouble with either her checking account or her debit card, I wasn't paying much attention, but what I did notice was the cashiers attitude. She seemed very frustrated and in a very foul mood. I never caught a hint of a smile or any happiness there whatsoever.

    Then she left and the customer that was in front of me was up.. It seemed that her mood had darkened somewhat. I waited till a bit of room opened up on the belt, as I was putting things on. I noticed that the cashier was going very slow and it seemed that she was purposely leaving one thing at the front of the belt, keeping it from moving. She had this very stubborn and smug look on her face as though she knew she was doing it on purpose, just to annoy me. She sighed over and over even more as I continued piling stuff on, I still had a lot of stuff when she started on my order.

    I was still loading when she started on me. She never said hello or anything, she kept the same tired annoyed look on her face. She sighed over and over as I was loading. There was no buggy for her to put the stuff in off of the rotator. There was a buggy a little ways behind her, but she never tried to look around for one before she started, I didn't notice it either. So, she just kept looking more and more tired and upset, finally when she got full, she said that she is going to get another buggy (didn't sound very nice when she said it either). Not once did she smile or look pleasant. She looked agitated, frustrated, annoyed, irritated, upset, tired, in a foul mood, and more like she was upset with being there. I thought that she was going to bite off a piece of her register and spit it at me. I figured either she was being kept there 2 hours past her quitting time or she was denied her break, she also may have been there since 5am. She just didn't look as though she really wanted to be there.

    I didn't let it get to me though, my kids try this routine on me sometimes. I kept smiling at her, hoping it would cheer her up and she would smile back but it didn't seem to work. So I let her stay in her pissy mood and gave her a cheerful happy thank you and a goodbye. She never said goodbye or smiled back. Someone must have peed in her fruit loops this morning.

    I don't know if she continued her foul mood with the next customer as I left. Once I put the stuff in my truck, I actually picked up my keys and headed back into the store. I went to customer service and asked for a manager. One showed up in less than a minute and I told her that Rebecca on register 7 needs a break or a hug, because she seems to be in a very foul mood. I told her she huffed and puffed throughout me and two other customer, nor did she smile not even once. She said sorry about that and went and talked to her, I left, so I don't know what happened.

    But that poor girl needed either a hug or a smoke break cause I never seen anyone so mad and upset and pissed to be at work.

    Should I have said something to Rebecca or did I do the right thing? I am not going to fire off a letter to corporate, unless I see her again acting the same way. This is the first time I have ever had to complain about a particular employee that way, but I figured that if she gets a equally upset customer that things will end up worse. Especially if it is either a black, old, Hispanic, or overweight man/woman who wants to take it to completely different level.

    I didn't want to get anyone in trouble, I just figured that a break would have made a difference.
    Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

    Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

    I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.

  • #2
    What does being black, old, Hispanic, or overweight have to do with being sucky?
    Careful on those stereotypes there.
    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


    • #3
      What does being black, old, Hispanic, or overweight have to do with being sucky?
      Careful on those stereotypes there.
      I would guess that Stereotypically, these are the folks who are more likely to think their physical appearance is causing the suckiness and will raise a stink about racism/discrimination.

      Stereotypes may be bad, but they come from somewhere.


      • #4
        I think you did the right thing. You didn't take it personally and you didn't just say "hey that girl needs an attitude adjustment." If you said something to her she may have taken it the wrong way... Hopefully the manager asked her if something was wrong and sent her on a break.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth Crazyredhead View Post
          Especially if it is either a black, old, Hispanic, or overweight man/woman who wants to take it to completely different level.
          Considering that I fit 2 of those 4 suggested stereotypes, I'm glad that I don't fit.

          To answer your question though, no I don't think what you did was wrong.
          This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


          • #6
            I think he was saying that if she was upset and piss and someone with a chip on their shoulder came through she was going to get her guts ripped out, chewed up and digested then sew it back with moldy string, the commets of minority group was just to illterate that.


            • #7
              I think you did exactly the right thing. You were calm and didn't act like this girl had personally wronged you, just stated that she seemed stressed/upset, and hopefully she'll get a break out of it.

              It could have been a lot worse if she really ticked someone off later on.

              What does being black, old, Hispanic, or overweight have to do with being sucky?
              Careful on those stereotypes there
              I would guess that she's indicating people who often pull the racist/ageist cards into the mix.
              "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

              “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


              • #8
                I understand your moral dilema, personally I never complain about an employee because I'd hate to be the one getting a person in trouble; some inconsiderate asshole will raise hell if the problem persists. But thinking about it, your approach is probably the best route to go. You didn't put in a complaint, just a concern. Maybe she did just need a break; maybe it was just a bad moment; and of course maybe she isn't suitable for the job and shouldn't have it.

                You calmly and rationally brought it to the attention of the manager, who hopefully calmly and rationally dealt with it. Something the manager would not be able to do if a screaming lunatic complained about her.
                Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."


                • #9
                  Of course you did the right thing.
                  Why would you even question it?

                  Customers are not the only ones guilty of sucky behaviour. Sucky employees do exist.

                  Yeah, we're human and we have our problems, but it's not the fault of the customer standing in front of us, any more than it's the service worker's fault that the customer has issues.
                  Respect is a 2-way street, and if we want our customers to treat us nicely, then we have to put our best face forward.
                  If the customer is treating us nicely and smiling, then the only decent thing to do is to treat them in the same manner.

                  You handled that nicely. You were nicer than I would have been.
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #10
                    I think, at most, you could've made more of a point about how you're just concerned about her and want to make sure she's okay, because I think a sucky manager might still take it the wrong way.

                    I think you were right in not saying anything to Rebecca, because, in her sucky mood, she may have taken offense. People in sucky moods don't want to be cheered up or hear from customers about how their mood is affecting them. They wanna go on break to punch a wall or have a good cry or call a friend.

                    All in all, I think you did the right thing.
                    The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MadRocketScientist View Post
                      I would guess that Stereotypically, these are the folks who are more likely to think their physical appearance is causing the suckiness and will raise a stink about racism/discrimination.

                      Stereotypes may be bad, but they come from somewhere.
                      I see what you did there.
                      "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                      • #12
                        I agree that you did the right thing. I think the only thing you could've done more is emphasize to the manager that you were merely concerned. Mostly because I've had managers at WM before who've been approached by customers saying that "So-and-So on Register Whatever needs their break," and immediately assume that we cashiers have been complaining to the customers to get them to relay to the managers for us, and then the cashier gets scolded for it whether they were actually complaining or not.

                        I'm of the opinion that Rebecca could've tried harder, but then I was the casher who was gritting my teeth and trying to smile and be polite even if the customers were tearing me up one side and down the other. That aside, you did good.
                        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                        • #13
                          Being a cashier 85% of the time at my store, I understand how it is.. being tired or in a really foul mood and having to put on an air of fake perkiness and happiness in front of customers. She definately shouldn't have acted the way she did, though.

                          It is very good that you did not take it personally, because most customers would have.
                          My Myspace, add me!


                          • #14
                            I think you handled it very well because honestly, it might be something simple like her break was missed, giving management the opportunity to correct it, or maybe her best friend decided to be evil that day, meaning if she's friends with that manager, she might finally have a chance to vent.

                            We can't really know what was causing her to act that way, but you did the thing that will give the best chance for a good resolution, because yeah, someone might decide to take it personally thinking she's racist/ageist/whateverist for behaving that way.
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              I am sorry if I offended anyone here. I honestly didn't intend for it to come over that way. I was just concerned that she would encounter someone with a different mentality, that's all. I know that it is a stereotype to list certain people that make complaints, but it just seems that is who happens to show up when someone is in that kinda mood. Although the manager apoligized, I said it was okay and that I know that everyone has a bad day sometimes. I know how it feels to have had something happen to you that really upsets you, then you have to speak to a customer and feign happiness and cheerfulness. The cashier never looked me or any of the other customers in the eye, which is a clue (in my book) that something was wrong.

                              Please forgive me everyone.
                              Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

                              Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

                              I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.

