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I HATE racist people!

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  • I HATE racist people!

    I just have to tell this! I am at work along with 2 of the other managers and 2 associates. Now just to set things up we have an associate who is a differant race (I will leave it at that). This couple is in the store shopping and they bring there stuff up to the cash stand and this associate goes over to them to ring them up, she is right in front of them and asked them if they were all set. They don't even look at her and just keep talking to each other. The guy looked at her out of the corner of his eye and makes a discusting face. The one manager says to me did you see that? I said yep and I am not waiting on them so I walked away and she followed me. Now the associate new what was happening so she just walked away. I was so pissed I was like WTF, so we just left them standing at the cash stand. Well the 3rd manager saw them standing there so she went to ring them up (she had no idea what happened). I asked the other manager that was with me what if she was the only one there would they have walked out and not bought anything? I talked to the associate and she said it has happened before and she doesn't let it get to her. But it sure got to me! The funny thing is the stuff we sell is all imported so think about who made it and where it came from. So these racist people are decorating there home with stuff that other races made! Total f#*king idiots!

  • #2
    I'll just say ditto to not liking racists and that they're idiots.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London


    • #3
      Just do what I do. Hope like hell people like that get killed in a car wreck on the way home.


