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Lets just throw all common courtesy out the window shall we...

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  • Lets just throw all common courtesy out the window shall we...

    This seems to happen to me a lot. I will be in the middle of helping a guest, and someone will want info from me, but instead of waiting a couple minutes for me to finish helping my current guest, this genius decides to just yell out what they want "When is breakfast?" or "When does the pool close?"

    I normally say "I'm sorry, I will be with you in just a minute". The way I look at it, if I ignore the person, the SC will think I am rude. If I answer the question, the current customer will think I am rude.

    Never fails though, happens all the time. Even when I am on the phone. People will ask me shit WHILE I AM TALKING!

    I always here people say "these kids now are so rude" but every rude person encounter I had was with older people, easily in there 40's and 50's. In fact, unless its some jack ass teen that starts a sentence with "yo" or uses "son" excessively, young people are generally courteous in my findings.

    Just had this happen twice to me already, so I thought I would vent.

  • #2
    Don't even answer them. Just glance their way (or if they're really rude, don't even bother to look at them), hold up your finger (not *that* one) in the "just a moment" gesture and continue with your current customer.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Been working front desk for awhile, so I'm kind of used to the interruptions. I think most of the guests are just oblivious and don't realize what they're doing is rude.

      Of course, every once in awhile there's someone who is very aware of what they're doing and doesn't care. A couple weeks ago I was in the middle of checking a guest out, and this uppity businessman/corporate type who'd been in line behind her for maybe two minutes (at the most) started huffing and puffing. I looked up and he snapped at me, "Can I check out?!" while rolling his eyes.

      I gave him the same snotty look he'd given me and said, in a tone not unlike the one you'd use to scold a two year old, "It'll be just a minute, sir!" I went back to helping the woman and he opened his mouth, took in a deep breath as if he wanted to say something, but then closed it quickly. He was in utter disbelief that I would not drop everything to tend to him.

      Wonder what his reaction would've been if I'd have stopped helping him once he got the the front in order to wait on someone else?


      • #4
        Even when I am on the phone. People will ask me shit WHILE I AM TALKING!

        You would think that when they see that thing hanging off your ear and you are talking and then listening that there just might be someone else there! You run into so many "its all about me" people, it drives me crazy!


        • #5
          the insane bitch at the gallery said it was a "highschool" demand when the 6 employees who complained about her, said one of the hardest things to take was her total lack of common courtesy. She simply refused to say good morning, hello, goodbye, thank you, please, etc.

          You incurred hells rath if you didnt say any of those to her, but she said to the HR consultant that it was "beneath her" to say please and thank you to junior staff. She would constantly remind everyone of her non-exsistant authority "its on a need to know basis and you dont need to know" when I would ask where stock is to refill the freaking souviners of the gallery... one of the main jobs in my job description.

          The more I remember, the more I think she was a sad pathetic piece of nothing.
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            This happens to me on a daily basis. I just ignore the idiots. They will wait their turn.

            Just a few days ago I was straightening the bathing suits and had been at it for some time. There was a woman nearby who had been looking at suits for a good 15 minutes or so. She could clearly see me and I her because I was seldom more than 10 feet from her person.

            I received a phone call from a cashier who needed a price check. As soon as I answered the phone (and began to walk away to find the item the cashier was asking about) this woman comes trotting up behind me, shadowing me. After bumping into me two or three times she then grabbed my shoulder. I spun around, gave her the death stare and said, "I'm on the phone. I'll be with you in a minute."

            After giving the cashier the price of the item, I returned to this idiot to ask her what she needed.

            Her question..."Where are the restrooms?"

            After telling her where the restrooms were, she continued to browse in the bathing suits for another 15 minutes or more.

            Gawd, I hate my job!


            Retail Haiku:
            Depression sets in.
            The hellhole is calling me ~
            I don't want to go.


            • #7
              Quoth slick View Post
              This seems to happen to me a lot. I will be in the middle of helping a guest, and someone will want info from me, but instead of waiting a couple minutes for me to finish helping my current guest, this genius decides to just yell out what they want "When is breakfast?" or "When does the pool close?"

              I normally say "I'm sorry, I will be with you in just a minute". The way I look at it, if I ignore the person, the SC will think I am rude. If I answer the question, the current customer will think I am rude.
              Ugh, a few days ago I had a decent line at my counter (7 or 8 people) and by myself. I was in the middle of helping one customer when another cut in front of everyone to ask me a question. I answered, and she kept asking more questions. I finally told her "I'm sorry, let me finish helping everybody that's waited in my line then I'll be happy to help you". She gave me a "hmph", but finally went to the back of the line...... to ask something not even related to my department (she was asking about some bakery items.. from the other side of the store).

              Also, I have to answer the phone for the department and take orders over the phone. I often get calls when I'm the only one in that portion of the department. I had a lady walk up to my window and yell "EXCUSE ME!" while I was (very clearly, and visible to her) writing a catering order down, and I did the "Just a minute" finger wave. She kept coughing, then started hitting the counter, even though I told her "Be with you in just a moment, I'm taking a phone order and I'll be done in a minute". As soon as I hung up she ran off to the other end of the department... to ask someone else "How much is a slice of pizza?". Except she looked right at the menu with the prices several times while I was taking the phone order, and there's 2 other signs above my head that have the prices.

              Last edited by bean; 07-17-2007, 07:23 AM.


              • #8
                This just happened to me yesterday.

                I was helping a lady select a bottle of wine when I see another woman come in and stand at the cash register. I finished helping Nice Lady and brought her bottle over to the cash to ring her through. Bitchy Woman was still standing there and as soon as I put Nice Lady's bottle down on the counter, she interrupted and said, "I'll take a bottle of Blah Blah Blah".

                I told her that I'll be happy to get that for her in just a moment and she sighed loudly and refused to move. I had to accept Nice Lady's cash and hand over her purchase all with Bitchy Woman standing directly between us.

                Nice Lady (who was looking very uncomfortable with the whole thing) left, and I grab Bitchy's bottle of wine. She says absolutely nothing as she watched me ring it through, bag it, and give her the total. Only then does she say "I WASN'T FINISHED YET!" So I apologize, grab her the other bottle she asks for, bag her items, give her the new total. Rinse, repeat. "I wasn't FINISHED yet!" After the second bottle, I asked her if there was anything else. She ignored this question entirely, watched me go through the process again, and then...."I'm still not done!"

                Three bottles later, Little Miss Power Trip was out the door.

                If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                • #9
                  Quoth Boozy View Post
                  Three bottles later, Little Miss Power Trip was out the door.
                  I would have wanted to chuck the bottles at her head. I probably would have stopped serving her at that point. Liquor stores usually make enough money that they can afford to lose stupid customers.
                  Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                  Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                  The Office


                  • #10
                    One day I was very busy checking guests in, answering the phone, giving directions, etc. etc. I was on the phone confirming a reservation with a customer. A few seconds later, a customer waiting in line called and said "I figure I can get faster service if I called you instead. I need a room." I was just amazed. I told them I can be with them in person in a few minutes and I was talking to them on the phone and look at them at the same time. It was crazy that night. Oh yeah, the whole time she was in line, called me, and her finally getting a room took a whopping 5 minutes.


                    • #11
                      ------QUOTE: I always here people say "these kids now are so rude" but every rude person encounter I had was with older people, easily in there 40's and 50's. In fact, unless its some jack ass teen that starts a sentence with "yo" or uses "son" excessively, young people are generally courteous in my findings.

                      Just had this happen twice to me already, so I thought I would vent.---------

                      I noticed the same thing. It's usually middle aged business people who are mostly a pain to deal with...and church groups. (I'm religious myself, don't get me wrong, but the church groups I encounter are usually quite rude.)


                      • #12
                        When I worked at this one c-store, I was working the morning shift. I had a busy line of people getting coffee, breakfast snacks, waiting to pay for gas, etc. The store was packed with a long line. This guy comes in, and steps right beside the customer who was being rung up at the counter. He blurts out that he's lost, and needs directions. I ask him where he wants to go. He tells me, and it turns out to be a straight shot east about an hour. So, I quickly tell him to go to the intersection, pointing at the intersection clearly visible out the windows, turn right, and go east for about an hour to get back to the road he wants to be on. He then asks me to repeat it more slowly. I'm already getting irritated because I'm extremely busy with the morning crowd of regulars. So, I tell him once again. Then he asks for directions from that road to a town that I didn't know. I tell him that I can get him as far as the road he first asked about. He starts on this tirade about having a van full of people, being lost, and running late. He even digs out a map and asks me to take a look at it. I look him in the eye and tell him that I've given him the directions I know, and I don't have time because I have a line of PAYING CUSTOMERS WHO SHOP HERE EVERY MORNING. He starts grumbling again, and I finally tell him to buy something or get directions elsewhere. I'm busy, and don't have time for a bunch of crap. He storms off.
                        The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                        Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                        • #13
                          Wait, hold on a second...

                          A GUY asked for DIRECTIONS?!?!?!

                          That's unheard of!
                          Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                          Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                          The Office


                          • #14
                            Don't even answer them. Just glance their way (or if they're really rude, don't even bother to look at them), hold up your finger (not *that* one) in the "just a moment" gesture and continue with your current customer.
                            When I worked a hotel front desk (how do you think I got the Mad part of my name, chemical imbalance?), I used that signal all the time. I found it to be especially cathartic since the raised finger is the hand signal I use to get my dogs to sit and be quiet.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Shabo View Post
                              Wait, hold on a second...

                              A GUY asked for DIRECTIONS?!?!?!

                              That's unheard of!
                              He must have handed in his testicles on the way out.

                              Me? I don't even look at the map until I am finally able to admit I could be on the wrong continent.


