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  • Bit*h!

    This lady bought a newspaper today and it was 40p. She paid in all pennies. Fine by me, but she dumped it all on the counter and said "you're gonna have a time picking them up with your long nails..hahaha"!

    Grrrr...I hate when people do not hand me change. It is about respect. They can toss their money on the desk and we have to scrape it up. But, if WE don't hand it to them they get all pissy.

    My policy:
    If change is not handed to me, if the customer has change due, it is NOT handed back to them.

    I actually had a lady kinda throw the change at the desk, so I put her change on the desk too. She said " EXCUUUSE MEEEE"! "I expect to be HANDED my change"! She was really I quoted the rule to her and she huffed out. Hey, you get what you give!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    My policy:
    If change is not handed to me, if the customer has change due, it is NOT handed back to them.
    awesome; i wish i could use that, but it would be against policy, even though it shows a lack of respect for us as people.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth WHShit
      I actually had a lady kinda throw the change at the desk, so I put her change on the desk too. She said " EXCUUUSE MEEEE"! "I expect to be HANDED my change"! She was really I quoted the rule to her and she huffed out. Hey, you get what you give!
      HAHA, that's awesome. The Golden Rule can work in great ways.
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #4
        Please tell me you threw the newspaper on the floor and said "you're gonna have a time picking that up aren't ya?"
        WWJND - "What Would JAM Not Do?" - Fashion Lad


        • #5
          Shoulda smacked her in the face with the paper and say, "You're going to have one hell of a time getting rid of that black eye aren't you?"
          "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


          • #6
            Wow, I'm surprised that woman didn't ask to see a manager (unless she did and you told her you were the manager). Be very careful with your "rule!"
            ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


            • #7
              that was my policy at the craft store

              they would put it on the counter RIGHT BESIDE my hand.... how rude is that

              so I would do the same to them, I was never rude about it, played it completely innocent and pretend not to see the looks of death on their faces
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                Thing is, if she wasn't nasty and asked why she wasn't handed the change, I would have probably said sorry, but since she was a bitch, I told her my rule. It was busy as hell and I did not care. The manager would not have said anything anyway.

                What could she have said "boo hoo..she didn't hand me my change"?

                I would not tell her I am the manager as I am not, but at least I am supervisor.
                "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                • #9
                  Quoth WHShit
                  I actually had a lady kinda throw the change at the desk, so I put her change on the desk too. She said " EXCUUUSE MEEEE"! "I expect to be HANDED my change"! She was really I quoted the rule to her and she huffed out. Hey, you get what you give!
                  "I expect to be handed the money too. Next time you come in we can both be happy or both be disappointed."


                  • #10
                    Quoth WHShit
                    Thing is, if she wasn't nasty and asked why she wasn't handed the change, I would have probably said sorry, but since she was a bitch, I told her my rule. It was busy as hell and I did not care. The manager would not have said anything anyway.

                    What could she have said "boo hoo..she didn't hand me my change"?
                    The thing is, you can't be expected to be psychic.

                    If you ever get called on it by Management you should say 'I assumed that since she didn't hand me the money that she doesn't like to be touched. Rather than risk invading her personal space I placed her change on the counter so she wouldn't feel threatened'.

                    Let the system work for you.

                    What are they going to say? "NO, you should always invade another person's space regardless of their implied preferences?" You're supposed to be considerate of people with mental illness - if she turns out just to be a rude b*tch instead of mentally ill....well, you were hardly to know that, were you?


                    • #11
                      I had a similar policy about distracted customers. If I was trying to hand you something, and you're too busy talking to someone, using your cell, or counting ceiling tiles, I would set this on the counter. I had one lady get upset. I gave her the typical 'have to look happy for the customers' smile, and explained to her that since she was busy when I tried to hand it to her, I had set it on the counter so she could pick it up at her convenince.


                      • #12
                        I do the same thing. You put money on the counter instead of in my hand, that's where your change goes. And don't EVEN slam it down or throw it at me! I throw it right back. They can't demand to see the manager. I work alone, so I am the manager. Most of my customers are regulars and never do that. It's the rubbish that walks in off the street that get pissy when they don't get their way.
                        USN Retired


                        • #13
                          Quoth WHShit
                          This lady bought a newspaper today and it was 40p. She paid in all pennies. Fine by me, but she dumped it all on the counter and said "you're gonna have a time picking them up with your long nails..hahaha"!
                          I remember when i had acrylic nails & people would dump their change on the counter, watch me struggle to pick it all up, then whinge about how long it took!
                          Maybe thats why I had my hand out when you were rummaging through your wallet?
                          "Those who do not complain are never pitied." - Jane Austen.


                          • #14
                            I actually WANT people to put their money on the counter when I'm working, because it's easier for me to count their massive amounts of change, and I have a real counter, that I can just slide it off the edge into my hand.
                            When I'm in concession, I'll put their money in their hand as long as they are paying attention. When I'm in box office, I've got 1/4 inch glass between me and them. I put their change on the counter and slide it to them. The people who try and stick their hand into my slot and invade my box office get their change bumping into their hand. Grasping annoy me and if they clasp their hand to hold their change properly, they can't pull it out most of the time anyway.
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              Quoth Broomjockey
                              When I'm in box office, I've got 1/4 inch glass between me and them. I put their change on the counter and slide it to them. The people who try and stick their hand into my slot and invade my box office get their change bumping into their hand. Grasping annoy me and if they clasp their hand to hold their change properly, they can't pull it out most of the time anyway.
                              hehe, i remember those days, watching them tear their hand out of the small semicircle only to drop change all over

                              once at BK i was in a rush (i think the fry timer was going off or somthing, dont remember the distraction) and i handed a guy his change,<sarcasm> i guess i forgot to wait and make sure i placed it dead center in his palm and watch him close his hand and put his change in his pocket afollnd assure it was all there before i could get back to my job and serve him his food </sarcasm> and 1 penny fell to the counter....(dramatic pause) then he SLAMS the rest of his change accross the counter, looks at me and says "I WANT YOU TO PUT THE CHANGE IN MY HAND YOU HEAR ME!!" i just look up with startled 16-year-old-at-my-first-job eyes, then realize, there is no manager here, just me and a cook who dosnt speak english... so i look at him and say ok, then continue with my business, leaving him to pick up his mess of coins

