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Gross: change IN his mouth!

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  • #16
    This makes me think of a few choice moments in customer service/retail.

    1. People who hand me wet dollar bills. I know it's hot, but somehow the money in my pocket isn't soakin wet. I shudder to think why some of my customers' money is.

    2. People who hand me a phone that isn't working, and then say, "I dropped it in the toilet," while I am holding it in my hands. I drop them like they're hot and inform the customer (while sanitizing my hands) that water damage voids thier warranty, and I will not be able to troubleshoot the phone. Most of them look kind of sheepish, but a few have the audacity to get upset that "I won't help them." Come on, why would you ever hand someone something that came out of a toilet?

    3. People who let their toddlers play with our demo phones, then just replace them without wiping them off. Nothing is worse than picking up a demo phone to show to a customer and finding that it is covered in goo. Yuck!

    4. People who put their babies or toddlers on the counter and let them drool all over everything, then don't wipe it off. Yes, your baby is adorable. Yes, I will wave at it, wink at it, talk to it, you name it. But no, I won't clean up after it. That is because it is not my baby.

    5. People who drag babies or toddlers around with poopie diapers. Come on. Not only is that disgusting, it's bad for the poor little thing! Take care of your child, for heaven's sake!
    Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


    • #17
      Quoth Jet
      When I was a grocery cashier I had a few times when I was paid from a womans bra
      Same here. It was either from bras or shoes.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #18
        Ugh those things aren't just gross they're dangerous! What if the person is sick or something.... now you're infected. And if you're handling food at all - y ou're infecting everyone else.... and carrying money in your mouth??? What you don't have any pockets? I don't think I've come across men's pants w/out pockets........

        I used to work at a basketball event downtown and people would be all nasty and sweaty all day and then would take out their nasty money from their sweaty socks and hand it to you - blech!!!

        I had a teacher in middle school that came around a shook everyone's hand first thing in class (she was soooo co coo but that's another story) - the things some people did to their hands b/4 she touched them..... ugh made me sick. When she came around to me, I basically extended 2 fingers to her (not any sign or symbol, just didn't want to shake her whole hand.

        Also - not one who thinks baby drool is cute - if it's your baby, sure, but it's not my baby and it's drool/poop/ throw up is NOT cute.


        • #19
          Quoth air914
          Ugh those things aren't just gross they're dangerous! What if the person is sick or something.... now you're infected. And if you're handling food at all - y ou're infecting everyone else....
          When I worked at McD's, I was constantly coming down with colds and getting the flu. The two worst things I experienced was when one of the managers came down with Hepatitis (the milder one) and everyone in the store had to get gammaglobulin shots. (as far as I know the sick manager was the only one who was ever symptomatic)

          The other was when I got mononucleosis. Which I either got from being around someone working in the store, or some nasty customer who handed me soggy change. The mono knocked me flat on my back for two and a half months, and it took more a little more than a year to actually recover. I dont think I could wish being that sick on my worst enemy....altho there were times during my several months of being sick where I wanted to go to work to cough on the jerk who kept calling me every couple of days to see if I could come in for a few hours to help out. (what part of "the doctor said not to work till he said I could" did this manager not understand??)


          • #20
            Quoth Jet
            When I was a grocery cashier I had a few times when I was paid from a womans bra
            Had that... after the woman dug into her boobs for the money... she handed it to me and it was slimy... I mean literally, she had sweated all over it. Ewww.


            • #21
              Quoth WHShit
              Yesterday, this man bought a newspaper for and some gum packets. I scanned it, and then he TOOK THE COINS OUT OF HIS MOUTH to pay!!!!! He asctully had them IN his mouth, I guess chewing on them. So, I think "eeew, no way I am touching that"!

              He places the 2 pound coins on the desk and instead of picking them up, I open the till and give him his change first. He says "don't you want my money"? I got a plastic bag, put it on my hand and wiped off the spittle then popped in in the till. He looked shocked. I was trying to wait to after he left to use the bag, but he was staring at me wanting me to put his money in the till...guess he thought I wanted to steal it.

              I'm sorry but I do NOT want your slobber all over my hands.
              oh gross!

              oh so gross.

              i dunno if I'd have taken that money. or i'd have made him dry them off himself.



              • #22
                Quoth Ryu
                people hold their tickets in their mouth all the time
                this one woman even had her teeth clenching it and her tongue ON IT
                i was so disgusted!!!

                I do that at the movies sometimes. I have a bad habit of holding things in my mouth (like pens, notes, small things I'm using at the time...), and if I'm digging in my purse for something or other, the ticket's gonna go there. Fortunately, I'm not too nasty about it - I only use my teeth to get a hold on a small corner, so it's not soaked in drool or anything. And I only bite down on the stub side, so the ticket taker doesn't have to keep my saliva. I don't usually even realise I'm doing it, because I've done it since I was a little kid, but I guess now I'll be a bit more conscious about that.

                I never, ever, EVER put money in my mouth, though. Eeeurgh.
                Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


                • #23
                  Quoth WHShit
                  Yesterday, this man bought a newspaper for and some gum packets. I scanned it, and then he TOOK THE COINS OUT OF HIS MOUTH to pay!!!!! ...He places the 2 pound coins on the desk and instead of picking them up, I open the till and give him his change first. He says "don't you want my money"? I got a plastic bag, put it on my hand and wiped off the spittle then popped in in the till.
                  He's lucky you didn't spray glass cleaner on them and clean them right in view of other customers! And CanadaGirl's right, money is filthy. Think about it: people carry it in their shoes, their shorts, their bras, etc. How many people had handled those coins before Mr. Stupid put them in his mouth?!
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #24
                    Ew, don't even get me started on dirty money. At my job I've seen bills and lottery tickets with smudges of every imaginable body fluid on them. One time I even got a lottery ticket that was wet and yellow. *Shudder*
                    Plus, I've had coins handed to me with pocket lint, pubic hair, mold, wads of gum...
                    I always make sure to wash my hands VERY often at work.


                    • #25
                      I have a customer that puts quarters in his ears!!!! Weird. I get gross bra-and-shoe money all the time, along with cupholder change that has to be pried apart and washed. I wash my hands a lot too. Oh, forgot about money with blood on it.....and all the construction workers that don't have a wallet and hand me bills dripping in sweat.
                      Last edited by stickycoins; 08-05-2006, 07:59 AM.
                      USN Retired


                      • #26
                        Quoth CanadaGirl
                        It doesn't really matter if you try to clean the coins or not. Coins are the most filthy thing out there. They're just going to get dirty again. And even if she were to try to clean them, putting them in her till would just contaminate them again.
                        Not that it helps for the gross out factor, but the guy was probably worse off for having the coins in his mouth than someone would have been from picking up his saliva coated coins. I'm not sayng that I would want to pick up his coins after they were in his mouth, though.

                        As a few other posters have stated, washing your hands (as most doctors will remind you) is the best way to keep yourself from getting sick. Many times, the person who is showing signs of being sick is no longer passing it on. The guy who seems perfectly healthy and clean can pass germs just as well or better than the person who picking his nose near you.

                        The other was when I got mononucleosis. Which I either got from being around someone working in the store, or some nasty customer who handed me soggy change.
                        Just as an added bonus (I looked it up on Google and I heard it through a doctor last week when I spent many, many hours at the hospital with my girlfriend) mono is spread through saliva. That's why it's called the "kissing disease." As I heard the doctor explain it (cause the girl was all worried), you can get it alot of ways like at a food establishment that didn't properly wash their dishes (utensils, glasses, etc). I believe that he said it had to be passed saliva-saliva though.
                        Last edited by ladodger34; 08-05-2006, 08:23 AM.


                        • #27
                          For some reason many alcoholics here in Copenhagen used to keep their money in their socks, imagine someone, a few bottles to the wind, sitting down on the floor and pull one shoe off to peel a smelly and wet note out of the sock . It must have been a passing fad, though, I haven't seen it in at least five years (and I don't miss it).


                          • #28
                            A guy reached down the front of his pants and pulled a sopping wet 20 dollar bill out of his crotch.
                            Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

                            Proud Air Force Mom


                            • #29
                              Yeah, well he'd know nobody would ever go there, so it was safe...



                              • #30
                                One time I was selling a remnant to some big fat greasy guy and he pulled the money, a couple hundred dollars, out of his right sock. Now I'm not the neatest person you'll ever meet but c'mon! I don't want money that smells like feet!

