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What part of hell did you drag yourself out of?

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  • What part of hell did you drag yourself out of?

    Some stories I've been saving.

    Story One: So tell me...

    SC=you know it.

    As we remember, I work a hardware store. We have a fantastic amount of lightbulbs. All of isle 8, actually. People have a tendancy to come to us for lightbulbs they can't find elsewhere.
    At one point, the phone rang.

    A: Hello, thank you for calling <hardware store>! How may I help you today?
    SC: Hi, I was just wondering if you have X lightbulb in stock?
    A: If you'll give me just one second, I can find out for you.

    He consents, I put him on hold and call upstairs. Turns out, that's one of the few lightbulbs we don't have. I relay this information to him with an apology. Then I get this beauty:

    SC: Well, can you tell me what lightbulbs you DO have?
    A: (shocked) I'm really sorry sir. We have an entire isle of lightbulbs and there's really no way I ca-
    SC: *click*

    Story Two: Why don't you know these things???

    Another phone story. B (manager) wonders why I always cringe before I answer it.

    SD: sucky driver.

    A: Hello, thank you for calling <hardware store>! How may I help you?
    SD: Hi, can you tell me how to get to your store?
    A: I can certainly do my best! (It was early, I was still cheerful, and B had brought cake) Can you tell me where you are?
    SD: Oconomowoc.
    A: You mean, Wisconsin?
    SD: Yes! Isn't that what I said? I need directions!

    Our store is in Illinois, about 4 hours away. I've never been to Oconomowoc (yes, it's a real town. i swear i don't make that shit up). But I had friends that went to camp there. Thus, I had a vague idea of where it was.

    A: I'm sorry. I'm really not familiar enough with that area to be able-
    SD: Then hand the phone to someone from around here!

    I transfered the call. But seriously, we're not such a fantastic store. I have no idea what her deal was. Aside from being snappy, she wasn't so bad. But WHY do they ask these questions? Why??

    Story Three: Check the town newspaper!

    I decided to work on the fourth of July. We were only open until three. Plenty of time to head to WI for some fantastic fireworks afterwords.

    But ALL DAY I had people calling in with this remarkable question:

    A: bored of me yet?
    SC: the dreaded.

    A: Hello, thank you for calling <hardware store>! How can I help you today?
    SC: Yes, can you tell where the <town I live in> parade starts from and at what time?
    A: sorry, what was that? ( I was sure I was imagining things! Why would you call a hardware store onthe edge of the town for this sort of thing? Fortunately, My kid brother was in it. I knew the drill)
    SC: *angry huff* The PARADE! Where does it start and at what time?
    A: Ah, sorry! It starts at 3:30 from <intersection> and continues for a mile, ending at <intersection>. Is there anything else you need?
    SC: Bitch. *click*
    A: *twitch*

    Story Four: Get. The. Fuck. AWAY!

    So all the Pride Parades happened a while ago. Sadly, this year I couldn't attend because my plane coming back from Colorado was delayed for 5 hours because the toilets were broken.
    I happen to be gay. I realize that many people just don't like this. I don't like it when you tell me you don't like it. We're even. Sorta. Ish. PS: I don't broadcast, but I'm not in the closet. Don't ask-don't tell (though I hate that...really do) sorta deal.

    I had to work that Monday after. My state may be Blue, but my town is Red.

    A: At the register!
    HC: Homophobic customer.

    A: Hi, how are you today? (as i punch in his paints)
    HC: (disregarding or answering my question) Those gays are SICK! What gives them the right to just show off like that?

    I went bug-eyed, I'm sure. I thought I was going to barf.

    HC: They're abominations! They should all be locked away, the denegenerates!

    The man is obviously grinding his teeth and waiting for me to agree. I can't. My hands are shaking, and I'm having terrible flashbacks.

    A: Well, they are people, just the same as anyone. I guess-
    HC: You guess wrong. Hitler had the right idea about fuckers like them. Gas the fags! *smirks*
    A: ThatwillbeXXX.XX

    He coughs up the money while continuing his rant. I get him out as fast as I can with a "Have-a-nice-day."

    Then I called a co-worked up so I could lock myself in the break room and cry and scream a bit.

    5 more weeks!

  • #2
    Quoth Anoki View Post
    SC: Yes, can you tell where the <town I live in> parade starts from and at what time?
    A: sorry, what was that? ( I was sure I was imagining things! Why would you call a hardware store onthe edge of the town for this sort of thing? Fortunately, My kid brother was in it. I knew the drill)
    SC: *angry huff* The PARADE! Where does it start and at what time?
    A: Ah, sorry! It starts at 3:30 from <intersection> and continues for a mile, ending at <intersection>. Is there anything else you need?
    SC: Bitch. *click*
    A: *twitch*

    HC: You guess wrong. Hitler had the right idea about fuckers like them. Gas the fags! *smirks*
    A: ThatwillbeXXX.XX
    On the first one - For some reason, people seem to think they can call anywhere in town and get that kind of info. I even get that here in Albuquerque. Either that, or she thought she was calling the newspaper, but since we all know that SCs don't listen to anything....

    On the second one - does that miserable excuse for a person realize that he probably would have been on the receiving end of some of that gas, too?

    And this is for you because of that ass
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3
      Whoo...sounds like you had some doozies for customers! I live in a military town (Ft. Benning GA...plenty of GIs runnin' around) and several times a year we have people come from all over the place for graduations from Ranger School and whatnot. They'll ask "Where's the nearest Publix?" "How do I get to Applebees?" and the ever constant "What's there to do for fun around here on a Friday night?". Customers can be very....special.

      BTW, I'm gay too, and I have a similar "Don't Ask-Don't Tell" policy. However, it also helps that a goodly number of my coworkers are also gay (1 of them actually helped me land this job!). So don't let the customers get you down. They're just poor deluded people.


      • #4
        Quoth Anoki View Post
        HC: You guess wrong. Hitler had the right idea about fuckers like them. Gas the fags! *smirks*
        I hate people who bash anyone for their choices/religion/shoe size/whatever. I think all people should be treated fairly, sadly I'm a minority in this sense. I would have lunged and strangled this guy for saying that. You kept your cool, and for that I applaud you, because I would have torn him a new asshole. People who are that prejudiced make me sick, to think in this day and age, there are still people like that.
        It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
        ~~~H.L. Mencken


        • #5
          Quoth Anoki View Post
          So all the Pride Parades happened a while ago.
          Gah! I hate gay pride! I live and work in a largely gay neighborhood and the parade is on the next block over. For the whole weekend there is no parking for our regular customers and the block I'm on is deserted. Then on Sunday night I get slammed by the out-of-towners who just want to zone out after the weekend.
          Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


          • #6
            I would have thrown that mans paint all over him (Preferrably in rainbow colours if I could have possibly managed it!)
            What a jerk. You have so much restraint MUCH MUCH respect to you for not flattening the dumb arse


            • #7
              Quoth Anoki View Post
              A: Hi, how are you today? (as i punch in his paints)
              HC: (disregarding or answering my question) Those gays are SICK! What gives them the right to just show off like that?

              I went bug-eyed, I'm sure. I thought I was going to barf.

              HC: They're abominations! They should all be locked away, the denegenerates!

              The man is obviously grinding his teeth and waiting for me to agree. I can't. My hands are shaking, and I'm having terrible flashbacks.

              A: Well, they are people, just the same as anyone. I guess-
              HC: You guess wrong. Hitler had the right idea about fuckers like them. Gas the fags! *smirks*
              A: ThatwillbeXXX.XX

              He coughs up the money while continuing his rant. I get him out as fast as I can with a "Have-a-nice-day."
              This is a situation in which I'd give one warning, then refuse to serve. I don't care how much I'm being paid, listening to hate-speech is something I won't put up with. Even if I were anti-gay (which I very much am not, I did theatre, thank you ) I still wouldn't put up with crap like this.

              I recently had to explain to a cussing tech (even though when I'm not at work I cuss like a sailor, I don't put up with it in a professional setting) that if he couldn't stop with the language, I'd hang up. He didn't stop, I hung up.
              "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

              “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


              • #8
                You're nicer than I am. Forget the warning, I would have let that MF have it. (verbally of course, stickin to the non-violence here) There are very few things that I would risk losing my job over, but a rant like that would be one of them. I figure, any manager/company who would fault me for taking a stand against that kind of language isn't worth my time.
                Our brains are smarter than we think they am!


                • #9
                  Quoth Anoki View Post
                  A: I can certainly do my best! (It was early, I was still cheerful, and B had brought cake) Can you tell me where you are?
                  SD: Oconomowoc.
                  A: You mean, Wisconsin?
                  SD: Yes! Isn't that what I said? I need directions!

                  Our store is in Illinois, about 4 hours away. I've never been to Oconomowoc (yes, it's a real town. i swear i don't make that shit up).
                  Indian name. Perfectly normal.

                  Quoth Anoki View Post
                  But I had friends that went to camp there. Thus, I had a vague idea of where it was.

                  A: I'm sorry. I'm really not familiar enough with that area to be able-
                  Start with the largest highway in your area. "Head down to I-80, then go west..."

                  Usually, at that point, they'll hang up. But hey, your store may be so important to them that they actually want directions, and will write them down.


                  • #10
                    Obviously the Homophobe will probably take up most of the thread here, and I will be no different. And with the fact you know I'm bringing that up, there's no need to quote it.

                    But heres what I woulda done... No violence, no harsh words just "I'm gay, and I don't feel comfortable with what you're talking about." He will either;
                    A. Shut up right there when he realizes he's talking to 'one of them' and shoved his foot into his mouth.
                    B. Storm out without a word and never return. (Best option in my opinion)
                    C. Start making a scene of some sort, in which you would then ask him to leave and or call the police.

                    Though... Whatever my sexual orientation is (I'm not gonna say, but I can tell you I'm not gay, so there's two choices left*, you can figure it out.) I would have flat out told the man that what he was saying was making me uncomfortable/will not be tolerated in the store.

                    Hell, I would suggest to simply outright refuse to serve someone like that no matter who's groin you like better.

                    Everyone has a right to their opinions. It's the very core of the Constitution that even the most HATEFUL opinions can be expressed freely**. But within the confines of a PRIVATE business, where an employee can not simply walk away from whatever neo-Nazi spiel you feel like spewing, for the love of your God... Keep it professional and civil?

                    You have a right to your opinion. But please about face, walk to the door, and keep it OUT THERE.

                    *Three choices if you count Asexuality, having attraction to neither gender.
                    **In the USA, where this DID take place but hey, not everyone here is from there.
                    "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
                    ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~


                    • #11
                      You're awfully nice to some of these people. The SCs of stories two and three would have gotten a big "Sorry, can't help you, not my problem" from me. Directions from four hours away? Get a map. And I fail to see how some random hardware store should have the entire parade route and schedule for anyone who calls.

                      Your last story made me feel sick. I don't understand how people can be so hateful.

                      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                      • #12
                        Quoth Anoki View Post
                        I've never been to Oconomowoc (yes, it's a real town. i swear i don't make that shit up).
                        Born there. Lived there. Know how to get there. Been able to spell it since I was four or so.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          Anyone that asks me for directions I usually say "go ask mapquest, I'm not good w/ directions".

                          As for the gay pride thing, I don't get it at all - unless I can hold a white straight girl parade, then I don't understand why there's got to be a gay parade (just try holding a white pride parade - not a "white's are superior thing" - just a celebration of white cultures - I highly doubt that would go over well)..... anyway though, they had NO right to say those things to you. If you think them, well we're in a free country, you're entitled to your opinions - HOWEVER, I'd be cautious of sharing those opinions with complete strangers - no matter what the opinion is. If you were a fan of the gay parade and you go traipsing through a store yelling "all the straight people should die - gay pride!", that's hate speech and completely out of line too - and you have NO idea who else is in the store - like that piece of garbage you had to deal with..... If I was too chicken to say anything to this awful excuse for a human being (if I was in your place) I would at least have given him some pretty vicious glares at the first comment and if I could muster up the courage, I would have refused to serve him - perhaps just walk off the register and tell my boss the customer was hostile and threatening (gas them all????).

                          Kudos & cookies to you for keeping your cool. I imagine in reality I probably would have just started crying (and I'm not even gay!)- I just can't stand people like that.
                          Last edited by air914; 07-23-2007, 03:42 PM.


                          • #14
                            Quoth WorkAtBBuy View Post
                            and the ever constant "What's there to do for fun around here on a Friday night?". Customers can be very....special.
                            "Do you play Magic: the Gathering?"
                            "I don't know what that is."
                            "Then I can't help you."
                            A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


                            • #15
                              Quoth myswtghst View Post
                              This is a situation in which I'd give one warning, then refuse to serve. I don't care how much I'm being paid, listening to hate-speech is something I won't put up with.
                              I'm in the one warning crowd.

                              I used to be more reserved, but as I get older, I get more aggressive in my outspokenness, and less and less tolerant of others' narrowmindedness.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

