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These are not difficult concepts, people.....

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  • These are not difficult concepts, people.....

    The last several says have sucked. When a 4 hour shift feels like 8, you know it's bad.

    Learning to Count to 4

    I was called over to Furniture to get a small bookcase for a customer.

    Me: Ok, which one would you like?

    SC *touching the display model*: This one.

    Me: OK, I'll get one for you and bring it up to the registers.

    She had pointed to the middle of three displays. There was a 3 shelf, a 4 shelf, and a 5 shelf. I got the 4 shelf, the one she TOUCHED when I she said "this one."

    SC: No, I wanted the middle one.

    Me: I'm sorry? This IS the middle one.

    SC: No, the three shelf; that's a 4 shelf.

    Me: The middle one IS a 4 shelf. It's 3, 4, 5. The middle one is 4.

    SC: No! THREE!

    So we go back to the furniture pad, where she again points to the middle FOUR shelf bookcase.

    SC: I want THAT one!

    Me: That's the one I brought up, ma'am.

    SC: But this one is THREE shelves, you brought up a FOUR shelf, which is too big for my car!

    (WTF? the box I brought up was the same height as the shelf she pointed to. Did she think the box would be shorter?)

    Me *counting shelves*: 1...2...3...4.

    SC: blubber blubber......


    SC: Well then I 'll take this one! *points to much shorter, three shelf bookcase.

    Me: Fine

    Yes I am serious (Qty limits)

    Why is it that when you cover the regsiter to get the lines down, the SCs flock to you?

    Guy comes up with a basket JAMMED full of sale items ($0.05 pencils, rulers, and protractors, and $0.01 folders). Limit 3, 2, 2, 2, and 10 respecitively.

    Me: Sir, there's a limit of 3 on these, 2 on these these and these, and 10 on those.

    SC *Throwing arms in the air theatrically* ARE YOU SERIOUS?!??!!??!!

    Me: Yes I am.

    SC *blathering and gesticulating wildly*

    Me: Sir, the limits posted and highlighted on the signs, and are also listed in the flyer.

    SC: You know, I don't need these. Why would I buy this many for myself?

    Me:............(thinking: so you can resell them, buttface?)

    SC: These are for CHARITY! Kids!

    Me: (Thinking: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...........) Sir, I can not alter the limits. Would you like to get the limit on each of these?

    SC: Whatever....

    *I start to ring them up*

    SC: I said I DON'T want them! *stands there*

    Me: Ok. *starts ringing up unrelated items in his basket*

    SC: ARe you listening?!?! I don't WANT those!

    (Well then why are you standing there staring at me, you moron? If you are going to just walk, then do so!)

    Me: Fine, have a nice day!

    Please don't do that!!!!!!

    There was the idiot who decided - wrongly - that it a good way to determine the durablilty of a laptop is to TWIST THE SCREEN back and forth repeatedly. I watched this guy in slack jawed horror while he did this to one of my most popular machines - the LCD shimmering and distorting away - then start on a second before i found my voice

    Me: PLEASE don't do that!

    The guy gave me a poisonous look, but stopped. I refused to help him further and informed the MOD and my lead about him. Why he wasn't tossed out I will never know.

    Luckily, I found no damage to the screens upon inspection (which I did with the guy watching).

    IN fact you AREN'T supposed to see that

    Had a moron looking at our display of external hard drives. We have a set of display models which are just dumym shells so you can see how large the enclosures are. THey are hard mounted to the shelf and can NOT be spun around.

    SC: These aren't turning around *tugs hard on display*

    Me: They're just there for size. If you ne---

    SC: WEll then how do I find out what connection they take.

    Me: Well that one is ethernet only. That information is ont he fact ags in front of them.

    SC: But how am I supposed to see the back of them?

    Me: You aren't.

    *SC walks right out the door in a huff*

    Please do not come back

    I got paged to the service desk to help a customer. He wanted to check in his eMachines desktop for service........warranty service

    SC: It's less than a year old

    Me: OK, did you buy a service plan from us?

    SC: No, but it's still under warranty. They sent me here.

    Me: Uhh.......well.....Bill? *turns to MOD* We don't do warranty work for eMachines, do we?

    MOD: Nope, we dont' do any warranty work.

    Me: Yeah....*turns to SC* We don't do warranty repair work for eMachines. We used to have a contract with Gateway, but we haven't done work for them in at least 6 months.


    Me: eMachines did?

    SC: THey said to go to Staples or Best Buy or Circuit City for work. the truth comes out......I strongly suspect that he had a PC full of viruses - probably from porno sites, which of course the warranty doesn't cover - and that they told him to come to us because we offer a virus removal service - for $90.

    Me: Well we don't warranty work for anyone. We don't even sell eMachines PCs.

    SC: I am getting SO sick of Staples! YOU NEED TO TELL EMACHINES NOT DO SEND PEOPLE TO YOU!!!!!

    Me: Sir, we have no control over what thye tell you.

    SC: GIve me the machine

    *I push the machine three inches towards him; he grabs it and leaves in a cold fury*

    MOD: What just happened?


    Seriously, a thrid party sends you to us for service, which you think is free when it is not - which they undoubtedly told you - and that's OUR fault? Get out, stay out, don't EVER come back.

    Strike Three called!

    I can not tell you how many people came looking for a 110% Price Match to Circuit City's price on a laptop. For a price match, it must be an in-store price and the item must be in stock at the nearest location of that store. Not only was the item OUT OF STOCK at CC, but the price was web-only. Swing and a miss. No price match.

    SC: But they're in stock in *store 40 miles away*!

    Sorry, that's not here.


    SC: But the price is RIGHT HERE!

    Me: That's a web-only price sir. We do NOT match online prices!


    SC: Are you serious?

    Once again, I am indeed serious.


    SC: Why do you need to call? I have the info right here!

    And you expect us to trust you??!?!?!?!?

    Then we came to find out that the price CC had put online was a mistake. They weren't even honoring it themselves, so of course we aren't going to match it. Strike three. You're out.

    And still people wanted the price match.

    Sighting: Two Wrongs Make a Right....sort of

    Stopped off at the supermarket after work for a few things. I get into the 10 items or less line behind a woman with an even 20 items. I turned to the couple bhind me and said loudly "20 items......."

    Wife; Oh, thank you! *barges ahead of me!*

    Son of a! No, I was NOT inviting you to go ahead of me! What the fu--

    Then she also cut right in front of the woman with the 20 items! HA! Ok fine, go ahead of me! Yeah! Woman #1 sure as hell deserved to be cut off and delayed since she was delaying everyone behind her. The look on her face was priceless.
    Last edited by Dave1982; 07-24-2007, 04:48 AM.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    How could I have forgotten THIS one!

    The sign says ONLY IN EMERCENCIES!!

    Some stupid woman's kid - who of course wasn't being supervised - opened an emergency exit door, not only setting off the door alarm but somehow setting off the MAIN BURGLAR ALARM which is about as loud as a Saturn V launch.

    Scared the hell out of a lot of people. And the alarm kept going off being the MOD had to run all the way across the store to shut the door, then all the way back to punchy in the code on the alarm panel to silence the alarm (and of course the door and the alarm panel are on opposite corners of the building).

    The woman was utterly unapologetic. The MOD was absolutely livid.

    (Though I got a pat on the back for thinking to make an announcemnt to the custoemrs to that the alarm was false and there was no cause for concern).
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.


    • #3
      I did that once when I was about five years old. I just wanted to see where the door went. The alarm scared the crap out of me, and I got paddled too. Last time I did anything like that.
      "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
      "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."

