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For what?

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  • For what?

    This story happened last night, in fact, both of them did.

    Signing for Money
    This one I got just as the store closed. A woman with two children comes in, looks around, picks up two games. No biggie, pays in cash. I ring her out and hand her her purchase. She starts to walk away from the counter, then turns to ask, "Did I need to sign something?"
    Huzzah-wha? "Uh, no, you paid with cash."

    Can you call thirty stores in five minutes?
    This group was a mother, a grandmother, and a son. Interestingly enough, the only one of them who didn't speak English was the son. Mom had to translate everything I said for him.
    Mom asked me tons of questions, like, "How much is the DS? What's the difference between a DS original, and a DS Lite? How much is this game used (particularly when I didn't have any of that game used)? Is there a store at *these crossroads*? Is the PSP or DS better?"
    In order, my answers were: $129.99 new, or $119.99 used; the DS Lite is thinner, on newer hardware; I don't know that information without having one to show you; I only know of a handful of stores, and those roads are in places I've never been; I prefer the DS, because you have to buy all-new games for the PSP (only runs UMDs, whereas the DS can play Gameboy Advance games), and, though you CAN play movies on the PSP, you have to re-buy them."
    Grandmother started walking up to the counter while Mom & Son were perusing the DS games (roughly, as far from the registers as you can get in the store), and would ask me if *this store* or *that store* had Naruto for the DS, used. I called a few myself, and could only find stores with new copies, none used. But the new games were $34 something, and that was just too much.
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    I suppose there's something to be said for the folks who want to be informed on their purchases.
    But when they start asking you to call other stores...I HATED that.
    When I worked for Marshall's, it wasn't unusual for a customer to bring up a very generic kind of thing like a blue pillow or a white towel and ask you to call around to see if the other stores had more of the same.
    I wanted to tell them, "Okay, let's see YOU describe a specific white towel over the phone!"

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


    • #3
      I hate, hate, hate, HATE when customers insist that I call another store to see if they have something in stock. Usually, it's when I'm wrist-deep in computer guts and the item in question is a hot ad item in limited quantities. The closest stores are 30 - 40 minutes away and the item will probably be sold out by the time you get there. That's assuming that the store I call picks up the first, second, or third time I dial them up. (The two closest have a bad habit of just letting the phone ring.) So you're just wasting your time and mine.

      Never mind the fact that I'm not wearing a blue shirt and am working on a computer should clue you in that I'm not customer service or a sales rep, which handle that sort of stuff.
      A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


      • #4
        I don't mind making calls to other stores, so long as they don't put the phone down and ignore the question I asked them... However, when they ask me to call stores that aren't on my handy little list of numbers, and I tell them, "I can't call that store, as I've no idea where it is, and have no phone number with which to call them," and they just repeat themselves, "Well, it's on Cheerios Lane, and Froot Loops Boulevard."
        "Well, I'd suggest calling General Mills, then. Cause, so far as I know, you made up those street names. AND I Still have no phone number!"
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          I didn't mind calling 1 or 2 stores for customers...but not ALL the stores, and not if the customer was an SC. The following would happen to me about once a week during the regular season, EVERY DAY during sale time when stock was low.

          SC: "Can you call all the stores in the city to see if any of them have (incredibly popular, heavily discounted item)?"

          Me: "No problem! But just so you know, we are all independently owned, so if any of them do have it, you'd have to go there to pick it up. Do you still want me to call them?"

          SC: "Just do it!"

          Me: *Calls all the stores till one FINALLY has it* "Location X downtown has it, how soon can you pick it up?"

          SC: "Just have them send it to my house."

          Me: "I'm sorry, they don't ship merchandise. If you want the item, you need to go there to pick it up.

          SC: "Fine! Just have them send it here, then. I'll pick it up next week!"

          Me: *Commits ritual Sepuchu on the sales floor*
          But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.


          • #6
            PSPs can play movies saved to the memory card in .MP4 format (I think that's it, not reading the manual at the moment). It actually takes less battery power than running off UMD, and I can watch fan-subbed anime not out here yet.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              I hate that; we get that during our big sales as well; while i don't mind doing a search for one or even two or three items, I DO mind spending 15 minutes searching. We can only search one item at a time, by individual size and color, and only by region, district or state. So if a customer wants to know if someone has a particular item, but in 3 colors, and in various sizes, we have to do each one individually. And then there are the ones who really, really, really, really want that item, and want you to search each state. not hard, just time consuming. and if we're busy, we won't do it.

              Then shipping comes into play - if you have it shipped to your home from another store, you pay a flat shipping fee - regardless of how many items you order. same if you order from our phones in the store, you pay the same flat rate. And if you have it shipped to OUR store, you still pay, but most of them try and get around this by saying, oh can you ship it here? And then you see the disappointment on their faces when you tell them they will pay to have it shipped to the store as well!

              I hate our sales - SC's come crawling out of the woodwork, they can smell sale in the air! thankfully, its almost over, until next time.


              • #8
                Quoth Geek King View Post
                PSPs can play movies saved to the memory card in .MP4 format (I think that's it, not reading the manual at the moment). It actually takes less battery power than running off UMD, and I can watch fan-subbed anime not out here yet.
                Most people don't know this, but with a little effort, the DS can do just about all the same sorts of things the PSP can do.

       did a "shootout" of the LCD screen performance between the DS and PSP. The DS is actually quite decent for a machine that wasn't specced specifically to run video. The contrast is generally a bit under par, but the color saturation is actually quite decent. Also, the programming of the PSP actually limits output performance on flash-loaded files, probably to make you buy the UMDs.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth Geek King View Post
                  PSPs can play movies saved to the memory card in .MP4 format (I think that's it, not reading the manual at the moment).
                  As Andara pointed out, few know that. I didn't know that either, and with how much explaining I was doing for that particular lady, it would've gone straight over her head. Or just bounced right off...

                  I was told by my boss that we will do trade-in pricing over the phone, but only for two items, anything above that, they have to come into the store and talk face to face with us.
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                    Most people don't know this, but with a little effort, the DS can do just about all the same sorts of things the PSP can do.

                    The DS is actually quite decent for a machine that wasn't specced specifically to run video. The contrast is generally a bit under par, but the color saturation is actually quite decent. Also, the programming of the PSP actually limits output performance on flash-loaded files, probably to make you buy the UMDs.
                    This may be true, but I'd hate to read subtitles on a tiny DS screen (and I have both systems). And I want to see my Combat Butler Hayate in as full glory as possible.

                    Quoth Juwl View Post
                    As Andara pointed out, few know that. I didn't know that either...
                    Sorry, Juwl. Wasn't trying to sound superior, or anything. Just putting out some information that a lot of people don't know, that I really find neat. Humblest apologies.

                    Also, on second thought, I wouldn't want to have to explain how to do it to anyone not willing to dig through the manual and at least TRY to figure it out, so teaching an SC would be right out. Ah well.
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Geek King View Post
                      This may be true, but I'd hate to read subtitles on a tiny DS screen (and I have both systems). And I want to see my Combat Butler Hayate in as full glory as possible.
                      And that is why I will be getting a proper portable DVD/media player for when I want movies and videos on the road and not a glorified gaming machine. They're currently cheaper, about the same weight and have much larger screens.

                      I don't ever want an "all-in-one" that does a lot of things at ok quality. I want a few things that are dedicated and do the thing I want really well.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth Geek King View Post
                        Sorry, Juwl. Wasn't trying to sound superior, or anything.
                        Didn't take it that way, was just pointing out it was news to me as well. Heck, it seems we tend to know roughly the same stuff *points at the thread that involved Ah My Goddess somehow, wherever it has slipped off to*
                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth Tigress View Post
                          I hate, hate, hate, HATE when customers insist that I call another store to see if they have something in stock. Usually, it's when I'm wrist-deep in computer guts and the item in question is a hot ad item in limited quantities.

                          Never mind the fact that I'm not wearing a blue shirt and am working on a computer should clue you in that I'm not customer service or a sales rep, which handle that sort of stuff.
                          YUUUUUAAAAAAARGH!!! -psychotic freak out-

                          At circuit city the logo is red. The sales associates are red. RED RED RED. There is a reason that I wear a bright lime ugly green shirt that says FIREDOG instead of a big round CIRCUIT CITY logo. Never mind the fact that I'm behind a closed off bench strewn about with computer parts and screws.

                          THey always ask it when I have like a phillips head of one size and zip ties in my mouth, a bezel laying on its side, wire guts from a new power supply being straightened up sticking up everywhere, and my hands completely inside of a computer usually with me muttering obscenities from cutting myself on an HP computer becuase they're so tiny and cramped. And of course they ask "DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE LAPTOPS THAT ARE LIKE A DOLLAR IN STOCK AND CAN YOU GET YOUR MANAGER TO DO THIS AND CAN YOU SHOW ME WHERE THIS IS"

                          meanwhile I'm thinking "Damn, these customers are going to come back in 20 minutes wondering why their power supply hasn't been put in". SO when I tell the customer that I'm busy and will have to find a sales associate, they get huffy and try to get me fired?


                          Ok I feel tons better.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Juwl View Post
                            Signing for Money
                            This one I got just as the store closed. A woman with two children comes in, looks around, picks up two games. No biggie, pays in cash. I ring her out and hand her her purchase. She starts to walk away from the counter, then turns to ask, "Did I need to sign something?"
                            Huzzah-wha? "Uh, no, you paid with cash."
                            That was just a brain fart; it could happen to anybody. Still, it's kinda funny to witness.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              This may be true, but I'd hate to read subtitles on a tiny DS screen (and I have both systems). And I want to see my Combat Butler Hayate in as full glory as possible.
                              [Thread Hijack]

                              Actually, much to my surprise they can be read on the DS screen. The DS's screen seems ironically suited to anything animated. Still I'd rather just watch Hayate on my computer's LCD like I do all my other anime. I wouldn't bother watching it on my DS or a PSP unless forced. Since my DS runs standard SD flash cards I just bring a flash card reader with me anywhere I go. So if I'm near a computer I can watch anime ( Or Hell's Kitchen. <3 Ramsay ). If I'm not....I can watch anime, just on a smaller screen. ;p

                              As Andara said a portable DVD player ( +DVD Burner ) is a much better investment for watching stuff on the go then either the DS or the PSP. At least with the DVD player you don't need a propriety format ( UMD disks ) or any video rip/conversion ( to mp4 or the DS's format which the name of elude's me atm ). It's also cheaper then the PSP. ;p

                              All that being said the DS can do wifi browsing, email, IRC, MSN, mp3s, movies, pictures, doc/txt and any number of other applications that the homebrew community can come up with. Plus its still cheaper then a PSP after you buy the add on that lets you run all that. -.-

                              On the flipside, my coworker owns a PSP and not only does Sony hate him ( The mem cards are twice as much as the standard SD flash cards my DS uses ) and homebrew ( Sony hates homebrew ), but he spent 5 hours at work here one night trying to get homebrew running like my DS does. For his PSP it required swapping the bios to run homebrew but he had to spent 3 hours figuring out his PSP's bios/mobo version because if he had it wrong it would brick the PSP when he tried to swap it. Thus making it a highly expensive paperweight and voiding the warranty at the same time.

                              Meanwhile all I need to do to run homebrew on my DS is stick the by-pass cart into the gameslot. =p

                              [/Thread Hijack]

