Back in my PC repair management days, I had to institute a policy that the customer must sign the repair paperwork (which was an itemized statement of the work done) and pay for service before we put the computer up on the counter. And it was all because of the 85 Year old Olympic Athlete.
This guy purchased a computer from us, but did not purchase any anti virus software. It was explained that virus removal was not covered by warranty, and he had to sign warranty paper work acknowledging that and the fact he did not get AV software.
About two months later, he's back. His computer doesn't work, he wants us to do a warranty repair. So we check it in. Turns out it was a virus. A whole lotta viruses. To quote Strong Bad "That is not a small number!"
So we call him and give him the details. Our prices at the time were $40 for the diagnostic and $40 for the virus removal. Then the argument over the warranty commenced. You've all heard it before I'm sure, and he kept bringing up the fact that he is 85 years old and can't hear very well, so talk loudly.
Needless to say, he doesn't want to pay. I explained the warranty, told him he had signed documentation stating he understood this, and these were the charges. I would have cut him a deal were he nice, but not this guy. He tells me to forget the repair and he will just come down and grab the machine. I tell him that's fine, but there will still be a $40 diagnostic fee (to cover time spent). He's none to happy about it, but he says he'll be down shortly.
So, into the store he shuffles. He's 85 years old by his own admission. He's walking slowly, stooped and limping a bit. He comes up to the counter and demands his computer. I had all the warranty paperwork at the ready and prepared for a fight. He signs the repair paperwork stating he's picked it up. I put the PC on the counter, take the paper over to the register to ring him up. He picks up his computer. Now, at this stage, most customers bring their PC over to register to finish payment. Not this guy.
Before I can blink, he turns on his heel and is out the door in 3 seconds flat. This guy could MOVE. Not only was he an athlete but, apparently, he was also an accomplished actor. After picking my jaw up off the ground I ran outside yelling at him that he didn't pay. He tosses the PC in his van and takes off.
As it happened, one of the local cops, Bob, that frequented our plaza (we always gave him free labor off repairs, nice to have the cops around in a questionable neighborhood with high priced merchandise) and walked over to see what was going on. I was about to rat the old guy out and have him chased, but instead just told the officer "You know what Bob, even though I'm sure you'd believe me, you'd never be able to explain this to your boss. So I'll save you the paperwork"
He bought me a cup of coffee.
This guy purchased a computer from us, but did not purchase any anti virus software. It was explained that virus removal was not covered by warranty, and he had to sign warranty paper work acknowledging that and the fact he did not get AV software.
About two months later, he's back. His computer doesn't work, he wants us to do a warranty repair. So we check it in. Turns out it was a virus. A whole lotta viruses. To quote Strong Bad "That is not a small number!"
So we call him and give him the details. Our prices at the time were $40 for the diagnostic and $40 for the virus removal. Then the argument over the warranty commenced. You've all heard it before I'm sure, and he kept bringing up the fact that he is 85 years old and can't hear very well, so talk loudly.
Needless to say, he doesn't want to pay. I explained the warranty, told him he had signed documentation stating he understood this, and these were the charges. I would have cut him a deal were he nice, but not this guy. He tells me to forget the repair and he will just come down and grab the machine. I tell him that's fine, but there will still be a $40 diagnostic fee (to cover time spent). He's none to happy about it, but he says he'll be down shortly.
So, into the store he shuffles. He's 85 years old by his own admission. He's walking slowly, stooped and limping a bit. He comes up to the counter and demands his computer. I had all the warranty paperwork at the ready and prepared for a fight. He signs the repair paperwork stating he's picked it up. I put the PC on the counter, take the paper over to the register to ring him up. He picks up his computer. Now, at this stage, most customers bring their PC over to register to finish payment. Not this guy.
Before I can blink, he turns on his heel and is out the door in 3 seconds flat. This guy could MOVE. Not only was he an athlete but, apparently, he was also an accomplished actor. After picking my jaw up off the ground I ran outside yelling at him that he didn't pay. He tosses the PC in his van and takes off.
As it happened, one of the local cops, Bob, that frequented our plaza (we always gave him free labor off repairs, nice to have the cops around in a questionable neighborhood with high priced merchandise) and walked over to see what was going on. I was about to rat the old guy out and have him chased, but instead just told the officer "You know what Bob, even though I'm sure you'd believe me, you'd never be able to explain this to your boss. So I'll save you the paperwork"

He bought me a cup of coffee.