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Got yelled at today

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  • Got yelled at today

    The day progressed normally up until 10 minutes after my shift was over (my relief showed up 20 minutes late -_-) and this old guy showed up wanting a DVD R. No problem. The transaction goes normally, I offer him the plans and he says "No, I'm not interested. I don't wnat it. I don't even want to hear about it." Great...So he goes to pay and hands me a credit card. No problem. I scan it on my register, it goes through.

    Me: "Will you sign for me please, sir?"
    Him: "...WHAT?! You're not gonna ask for my ID?!"
    Me: "....No."

    I tried to make a joke of it and said "Well you have an honest face." Yeah...that went over like a lead balloon.

    Him: "I'm serious! How do you know someone didn't steal my card?!"
    Him: "Well what would you do if it were YOUR card?!"
    Me: "I'd have to monitor the purchases on it and cancel it." *shrug*
    Me: *to my coworker* "What the FUCK just happend?"

    My coworker told me that we used to ask for ID with debit/credit purchases....but so many customers complained to corporate office that they basically told us not to do it anymore. GAH! What a great way to end my day!

  • #2
    Quoth WorkAtBBuy View Post
    My coworker told me that we used to ask for ID with debit/credit purchases....but so many customers complained to corporate office that they basically told us not to do it anymore.
    So the next time some crusty grump complains, don't take the fall. Just tell him that Best Buy no longer requires it and that he may contact the corporate office if he feels the policy should change.
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


    • #3
      I'd be of have a mind to refuse to serve him, then. Just say, "Now that you mention it, you don't look like your name is X, so I'll just confiscate this obviously stolen card and you can be on your way."


      • #4
        Asking for ID is like a double-edged sword nowadays. If you do ask, there are bound to be people annoyed/offended/etc that you did ask, or who "forgot" their ID in the car. If you don't ask, you will inevitably get people who are angry you didn't ask for it.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          Exactly. You just can't please some people. I don't ask for ID unless it specifically says "ASK FOR ID" on the back. Thats what that guy should do...although...most of my customers say that they still aren't asked for ID when they use their card. So...he'll be even more peeved. So never mind...he's just going to be a crotchety old man regardless.
          Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


          • #6
            Was his card signed? If it was there's no real reason for you to ask, as long as his signature reasonably matches...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth myswtghst View Post
              Asking for ID is like a double-edged sword nowadays. If you do ask, there are bound to be people annoyed/offended/etc that you did ask, or who "forgot" their ID in the car. If you don't ask, you will inevitably get people who are angry you didn't ask for it.
              The thing is, we DO ask for ID for American Express and Discover cards (they have the 4-digit number we have to type in for the transaction to go through) and we ID for M-rated games and Parental Advisory CDs. Those transactions can be so fun I wanna go home and kill myself....but this is the first time a customer got a bug up his ass about that. Most just don't care--at all. A few of the Amex and Discover customers said "Oh, I'm so glad you asked for ID!"...but most don't care.


              • #8
                well, the bright side to all this is that he is not one of the fools who question you on why you need to see ID. Although he shouldn't have yelled at you.


                • #9
                  Now that I've made it to the Crusty-Old-Fart level (it really not so bad here), I was appreciative when one Young-Punk after another asked me for my photo I.D. before they would complete my purchase. This on a roughly 2000 mile round-trip driving excursion.

                  After the first couple of times, I got into the habit of just whipping my I.D. out at the point of sale so they didn't have to ask.

                  It's a good policy. It makes sense. Kinda like that crap about seatbelts keeping your head from getting smashed when you and the windshield suddenly decide to get closer.

                  Here's my promise:

                  No matter how far I make it in life, I won't bitch you out for doing the right thing.

                  Ya little whippersnappers


                  • #10
                    Quoth Koliedrus View Post
                    Now that I've made it to the Crusty-Old-Fart level (it really not so bad here), I was appreciative when one Young-Punk after another asked me for my photo I.D. before they would complete my purchase. This on a roughly 2000 mile round-trip driving excursion.

                    After the first couple of times, I got into the habit of just whipping my I.D. out at the point of sale so they didn't have to ask.

                    It's a good policy. It makes sense. Kinda like that crap about seatbelts keeping your head from getting smashed when you and the windshield suddenly decide to get closer.

                    Here's my promise:

                    No matter how far I make it in life, I won't bitch you out for doing the right thing.

                    Ya little whippersnappers
                    I'm relieved


                    • #11
                      I love it, when I get asked for my ID. IF they don't ask, so be it. I have my Id waiting anyway
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #12
                        Quoth WorkAtBBuy View Post

                        My coworker told me that we used to ask for ID with debit/credit purchases....but so many customers complained to corporate office that they basically told us not to do it anymore. GAH! What a great way to end my day!
                        Just say that from now on. People bitch and bitch, and are never satisfied. Everyon'es comfort zone is differant. Just pretend to empathize and people will largely shut up.


                        • #13
                          I always make it a point to smile and say "Thank you for asking" when I'm asked for my ID. The whole POINT of having ID is to be able to prove who you are!
                          What a wonderful thing humanity is-- passionate, intelligent, inquisitive, generous, fully of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all... delicious! -- LaCroix


                          • #14
                            Did he not sign the back of his card? Or did he write "See ID" or something??

                            If someone signed their card and started yelling at me for it, I'd tell them that I don't check unless the signatures look different. If the get nasty about it, I ask them to see two forms of ID. (I really have done it)

                            If they don't sign their card, I check. If they have "See ID" or something similiar, I check. If they get pissy about it after writing that, I tell them I'll hold their card until they show me ID for THEIR safety.
                            When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


                            • #15
                              Quoth WorkAtBBuy View Post
                              Me: "Will you sign for me please, sir?"
                              Him: "...WHAT?! You're not gonna ask for my ID?!"
                              Me: "....No."
                              Him: "WELL WHY NOT?! HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S ME?!"

                              I tried to make a joke of it and said "Well you have an honest face." Yeah...that went over like a lead balloon.

                              Him: "I'm serious! How do you know someone didn't steal my card?!"
                              My response in a vaguely similar situation: I can compare your signature to the one on the card. And, besides, if you were using a stolen card you wouldn't be telling me that I should ask for ID. That would be shooting yourself in the foot.
                              I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                              - Bill Watterson

                              My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                              - IPF

