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Customers who hit on you

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  • Quoth princess4life View Post
    16 years old working Mc Donald’s I had a guy in his 30s hand me a hotel key though drive thru, tell me his room number and that he would see me later.
    That reminds of the Danier Leather ad video (it's about half way down the page). You could have made it a memorable experience for him.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • Quoth Rapscallion View Post
      If I've ever been hit on at all, I've never noticed it - well, at the time. There have been a couple of occasions when I've wondered after, but that's been about it.

      Didn't somebody once leave a bra in your car?

      Just yesterday a pair of regulars turned up... two teenage girls (appear to be sisters). One got some fuel, came in, and paid, then rushed out and said something that my limited lip reading skills read as "it's that guy you like". So the other girl spent about 10 minutes putting on makeup etc. and waltzed in to buy a drink. She kept batting her eyelashes at me.

      I pretended not to notice. If she ever gets more blatant, I'll just tell the truth - I'm engaged to be married, and she's not my type (too much makeup, way to skinny, and no boobs)


      • Quoth edible_hat View Post
        Didn't somebody once leave a bra in your car?
        Yeah, me



        • On Mother's Day, I got a couple of creepy weirdos... one made me walk him through using his debit card, but kept rocking his weight from side to side, hunched over. Didn't hit on me, but still creepy. The second one seemed normal, until the end of the transaction. He looked at me, and said, "Are you a mother?" Uncertainly, I replied, "No..." His response? "Well, I'm not a father!" Then he left.

          I know I've posted about Creepy Shoe Guy and Stripper Lady before. I've been hit on at other times, but those were the most memorable.

          Actually, there was one other guy, who tried to follow me home while I lived in Vegas. I lived on the upper floor, a friend lived right below me. Said friend is 6'6" and built like a mountain. Not fat, muscle. When I noticed the guy blatantly following me, I thought quickly, and knocked on my friend's door. He opened it, saw my tailer, and GLARED at the jerk. The "come any closer to her, and I'll KILL you" expression.

          ... Idiot turned and ran like a scared little bunny.


          • Back when I was taking phone calls for the cable company, a guy called & wanted his "adult movies" unblocked on his account. Then he asked if I was married. I noted that I was happily married. He seemed disappointed & noted that he was early 50's, blond & about 6'3". He then asked if I had any single friends. Nope, I sure didn't. (LOL) Then he reminded me that I had his number & I advised him that I did. Then I ended the call.
            The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


            • Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
              HIGH FIVE!! Oh and the use of innuendo for just about anything.

              I get men hitting on me all the time at my work, but the one that comes to mind is the guy who was asking me to go out for drinks with him.
              He was so persistent I was two seconds from calling LP.

              Whenever I declined he would say something like, "Aww come on, you know we'd have a good time, baby."
              To which I would respond, "My name is not 'baby'."
              Eventually he pulled the race card on me, saying, "I bet you're only saying no because I'm black."
              My response? "No, I'm saying no because you're rude, annoying and abrasive. Now if you don't leave me alone I'm going to call someone to remove you from the store."

              He sucked his teeth at me and walked away.
              He was all class.


              • I get hit on by all the Hispanic guys at work. They are so cute when I show them I am married, they get all sad. LOL

                They call me Bonita, makes me smile. Good for my ego.
                "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
                "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


                • i had a new co-worker (from my security group) try to hit on me a couple of weeks ago. he hadn't met me before so he thought he'd use his "game" and start telling me that we'd be hanging out together after work etc. obvious player bs, prolly trying to get some.

                  usually that doesn't happen to me here. most guys here already know how much i adore my boyfriend.


                  • I had my first one in a long time yesterday

                    Me: Okay, so we're all done here, is there anything else I can help you with today, sir?
                    Him: Well, I don't know.. you have a really nice voice!
                    Me: oh, thank you!
                    Him: Are you married?

                    I finally recovered my wits and told him that yes, sadly, I was married (technically true, although we've been separated for four years and are both currently dating other people)... it's been a long time since anybody hit on me like that LOL
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • Quoth Phantasm View Post
                      I had a customer who was at least 40 years old hit on me. I don't know why she did it, but she did.

                      Also hit on a coworker less than a week earlier. And in a much more explicit way. Neither he nor I knew what had happened for a few minutes... then we were like:

                      Having finally decided to read this thread, I came across this post and wondered: how do you "explicitly" hit on someone and not know what has happened? Or are you just saying you were both stunned/surprised by what had just happened?
                      Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                      • Sometimes, they do it such a way, that it's soooo off-the-wall, you're like "WTF just happened?"
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • When I worked at the hopspital registering outpatients and in the ER, I almost stopped registering young guys because they'd always ask me out and it made it akward being alone with them in a cubicle. It's like I really want to date someone who is here because they have to have a monthly drug test or someone who is here for a pannel of blood work with all of the STDs checked in addition. But I will admit there were some pretty cute college guys that would comein from time to time.


                          • I never got hit on at any of my IT jobs, but when I taught in a tiny town in Japan for a few years I worked in what must have been one of the horniest city offices in the country. I spoke of Japanese, but was far from fluent and a bit prudish at the time which didn't help. Anyway, the happily married office lady (also technically my boss's boss) would flirt with me all the time and tell me how I looked like a popular Korean soap opera star (I'm a classic blonde-haired blue-eyed white boy, so I don't know what she was thinking) and her late-middle-aged friend who constantly invited me over to her house for lunch and "anything I want." A few times I went over (she really was nice and not creepy, if a bit forward for my tastes) her son (who was my age) was there which made things a bit weird. I suppose things weren't helped by my British predecessor who apparently bent her over a copy machine and dry humped her... during the middle of the day.

                            The worst was a lady from the next town who asked me to give her English lessons (not uncommon) and proceeded to introduce me around as first her boyfriend, then her husband. I avoided the whole town for a long time after that. Later I found out I made her Christmas card as the father of her widely-believed-to-be-nonexistent child.


                            • i had one yesterday as a matter of fact.

                              guy talking to another co worker about what he wants done to his car, i walk up to get something from the printer,

                              hey red, your looking realllllll good.

                              um thanks (walks away)

                              hes sitting in the waiting room from this point on with another customer, and as i walk through for various reasons he tries to get my attention, but im busy so i say ill be right back as soon as im finished with what im takeing care of.

                              i finally finish, and there was another customer waiting at the desk so i say i will be right with them some one in the waiting room needed to ask me something

                              how can i help you,

                              i just wanted to know if you were single or married,

                              well im sort of married sorry, (walk away)

                              the other customer had decided to leave the shop while his car was finished so he came back near closing, he seemed pretty nice, and sat with his elbows on the counter resting his head on his hands in a werid cute like manner as i finished up with another customer,

                              she leaves and he says, wow that guy was really in to you, you should have heard some of the things he said, he was not very cooth about it at all.

                              i said i kind of figured that,

                              really though i get hit on quite abit, i am a girl who works at a shop i guess thats a plus with lots of guys, and when i was working at the rehab center, both male and female clients would hit on me on a regular basis. its flattering and annoying at the same time.
                              "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)

