Just started working in the petrol station, after a few weeks of training... and today, I experienced many SCs.
1. Pushing in rude woman.
This woman couldn't wait; she threw a fiver at me and shouted "Pump 3!" I replied she had to wait her turn; she replied, "Fuck you." and walked out. The man I was serving then said, "What a bitch," thus raising my spirits. XD
2. Let's blow the station sky high shall we?
It was going flat out when 3 pumps needed authorisation simultainiously. I authorised 2, then was about to authorise the third one when I saw that the guy had a cigarette in his mouth. I pointed this out to my collegue and neither of us authorised the pump. Eventually, the SC first waved at us, then came storming up to the window, ciggie in hand, and started banging on the glass. My collegue indicated that he should put out his ciggie; he didn't seem to understand, probably cuz my collegue wasn't speaking idiotese. Finally, the SC went back to his car, and stormed off with a squeal of tires.
3. Another "can't wait" SC.
Like the first woman, this woman wanted to push in. She however didn't go, but hovered at the fringes of the queue bleating, "But they always let me go first!" and "I'm in a hurry!" Eventually, she joined the queue muttering under her breath.
4. Mr "I want a game card!"
This guy came back after a transaction earlier to demand a game card. Now, the game cards are only given out at the main supermarket, never at the petrol station. He still kept insisting that we were wrong and he should have one. My collegue told him that we hadn't been issued any, and we'd been told that we didn't have to give them out. In the end the SC muttered, "Fine," and went out in a huff.
I am now feeling so much sympathy for those of you who work full time in petrol stations. O_o
1. Pushing in rude woman.
This woman couldn't wait; she threw a fiver at me and shouted "Pump 3!" I replied she had to wait her turn; she replied, "Fuck you." and walked out. The man I was serving then said, "What a bitch," thus raising my spirits. XD
2. Let's blow the station sky high shall we?
It was going flat out when 3 pumps needed authorisation simultainiously. I authorised 2, then was about to authorise the third one when I saw that the guy had a cigarette in his mouth. I pointed this out to my collegue and neither of us authorised the pump. Eventually, the SC first waved at us, then came storming up to the window, ciggie in hand, and started banging on the glass. My collegue indicated that he should put out his ciggie; he didn't seem to understand, probably cuz my collegue wasn't speaking idiotese. Finally, the SC went back to his car, and stormed off with a squeal of tires.
3. Another "can't wait" SC.
Like the first woman, this woman wanted to push in. She however didn't go, but hovered at the fringes of the queue bleating, "But they always let me go first!" and "I'm in a hurry!" Eventually, she joined the queue muttering under her breath.
4. Mr "I want a game card!"
This guy came back after a transaction earlier to demand a game card. Now, the game cards are only given out at the main supermarket, never at the petrol station. He still kept insisting that we were wrong and he should have one. My collegue told him that we hadn't been issued any, and we'd been told that we didn't have to give them out. In the end the SC muttered, "Fine," and went out in a huff.
I am now feeling so much sympathy for those of you who work full time in petrol stations. O_o